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23863785 No.23863785 [Reply] [Original]

if its live, why is there no uniswap or compound
is this a vc scam or not
what does vitalik think of this, i feel like the ceo is just crabbing to the success of eth
also i head the diddles kids

>> No.23864085
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Nigga did you do any research about it or you heard on CNBC about Polkadot ?

The main chain is live, parachain tech is not live yet. That means nothing can be built on it yet. Fucking learn to read..

>> No.23864357

>did you do any research about it
if i did i wouldn't be making this thread

>> No.23864715

crabbing the success of eth when gavin literally helped create eth.

>> No.23864771

also, over 70% locked in staking. we gonna be rich bros

>> No.23864837

How do you see this? I was staking dot on Kraken, but aped into some other nonsense. Deciding if I should go back.

>> No.23865189

i can likely answer any questions you have regarding polkadot and kusama. Fire away.
>is this a vc scam or not
>what does vitalik think of this
vitalik's got some bee in his bonnet regarding on-chain governance. which is probably, you know, because with on-chain governance, his 'power' in the ethereum world would disappear. the holders of power are often very hesitant to give up that power
>The main chain is live, parachain tech is not live yet. That means nothing can be built on it yet.
mostly true. parachains are not part of polkadot yet but they have ran parachain test networks on which other people are building stuff. in addition, a fuckton of people are building on substrate, so as a result, when parachains *are* on polkadot, their integration with it will be pretty seamless.

>> No.23865507

>Fire away.
We both know we're only here to make money so lets get this straight
what do you think about the price in 5 years and why should one even bother investing in a top 10 coin if it's not about wealth preservation

>> No.23865530

>vitalik's got some bee in his bonnet regarding on-chain governance
why should i turn against vitalik, i personally think he is too autistic to even think about wanting power or some conspiracy level bullshit
if you're implying he doesnt like it, then that means he knows something we dont

>> No.23865714

>what do you think about the price in 5 years
the price of the token used on polkadot is one of the least interesting things to me, but I understand it might be interesting to you
>why should one even bother investing in a top 10 coin if it's not about wealth preservation
One you are a holder of DOT, you can use that to make meaningful change in the ecosystem. If you have at least 1 DOT (iirc that's the current minimum for an account to not be reaped) then you can take part in democracy, nominate validators to receive DOTs back as a reward, and generally take part in the ecosystem.
>why should i turn against vitalik
I'm not saying you should. he's a very smart man.
>i personally think he is too autistic to even think about wanting power or some conspiracy level bullshit
ah right yeah, I'm certainly not suggesting any level of 'conspiracy' like vitalik wants to make sure he maintains power over his empire. nothing like that. I don't particularly like the way EIPs are handled, but at the very least at least they come down to some level of democracy. It just feels to me that if you're willing to concede that the community should make decisions about the future of its platform, if you've got a mechanism to handle that on-chain, with all the benefits that brings, you should do that.
>if you're implying he doesnt like it, then that means he knows something we dont
I think he has potentially meaningful criticisms of some aspects and potential pitfalls of on-chain governance, none of which are true for polkadot.

>> No.23865964

Appreciate the reply

>but at the very least at least they come down to some level of democracy.
there was some kind of vote in maker dao a while ago about reimbursing people who lost money due to a problem, a lot of people picked the wrong decision (imo) and those who were affected lose their funds
this could happen do coins who want to implement democracy, call me retarded but I think that's a bad idea, we need to pick the right decisions and not the ones the people want

>price of the token used on polkadot is one of the least interesting things to me
alright I guess I have everything I need to know

>> No.23866291

>this could happen do coins who want to implement democracy, call me retarded but I think that's a bad idea, we need to pick the right decisions and not the ones the people want
You're, of course, correct. Which is why polkadot has a structured democratic system and isn't just majority-rule (unlike EIPs). There's the Council, which is essentially representative democracy. Then there are referenda, which are simple majority-rule. Referenda are mostly currently used for runtime upgrades. That is, anyone using the network has a vote in deciding whether or not to upgrade the chain to the next version of the runtime. In ethereum parlance, that would be a fork containing certain EIPs. Finally, there's the technical committee which exists for weird edge-cases that require technical intervention, but again everything is in the open and publicly voted on and visible.
>there was some kind of vote in maker dao a while ago about reimbursing people who lost money due to a problem
So desu I'm waiting for a *really* contentious event to happen in polkadot or kusama to see how the community handle it. For me, that'll be a watershed moment in seeing how the chambers of democracy in polkadot work. There have been a couple of issues of slashing being reversed because the person demonstrated that it was a genuine technical but in the polkadot client implementation, and even then it was an intensely passionate conversation regarding what the council should and should not do.
But yeah I guess if you're just looking for a token to invest in to 10x or whatever, none of this really matters. DOT might or it might not, I don't care

>> No.23866294

>i can likely answer any questions you have regarding polkadot and kusama. Fire away.
when do parachain auctions start?

>> No.23866354

wait a minute, you're telling me DOT could have a system in place to help people who accidentally burned coin to get them back or am i getting things mixed up?

>> No.23866535

idk if slot auctions will start before parachains are enabled on polkadot, but I think that's unlikely. So the answer is likely 'when parachains are launched on polkadot'. to which I don't know the answer
The infrastructure to do this exists now, yes. You would create a preimage that would contain the transactions/calls you wished to occur (in the case of stolen funds, it would likely be forceTransfer). This then gives you a hash that you would then submit as a referendum, and people could vote on whether or not you wish for that to happen. If you use utility.batch() that preimage can even contain N transactions, whatever you want. Question is, can you provide a convincing enough argument for people to vote for it? bear in mind, only 1 referendum is allowed to be active at any one time (ok 2 if there's also a technical committee referendum *also* active, which is basically never)

>> No.23866616

thanks dude! finally a solid response

>> No.23866654

npnp. I hear that rococo is launching very soon (their v1.0 testchain). After some testing and I guess getting builders to push their shit to it, it'll get implemented with kusama. once that's all groovy, it'll get implemented with polkadot. wish I had a timeline too desu. I'm not on the inside, but those parachain auctions are gonna be hot