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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23863213 No.23863213 [Reply] [Original]

The haircomb faggot is constantly spamming in every thread again. How do I profit from this?

>> No.23863272

Haircomb token is a scam, using a wallet with a keylogger.

"Dev" getting called out for keylogger in the wallet and creating a fake dev persona.


These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year

https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive

https://yuki.la/search.html?boards=biz&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2020-11-02&sort=ascending&postext=HAIRCOMB#page=1 - More proof of spamming, literally none stop.

They want you to send bitcoin to their address and "hope" you get haircomb back.

They claim it is open source but their github is already compiled, they are hoping low IQ bizlets don't bother checking anything out, send them some btc and download the wallet so they can keylog your metamask or whatever the fuck they normally do.

>> No.23863693

Claim a comb.
Save the wallet on a memory stick.
Forget about the memory stick.
Google Haircomb in 2024.
Sell part of your claim.
Buy a house. Buy a new car. Buy a house for your mother. Buy a new car for your brother. Take all your friends out for a nice dinner.
Put the remaining 0.5 comb of your claim back on the memory stick.
Then remember people who posted racist lol poo in the loo spam in haircomb threads in 2020.

>> No.23863718

This is the only time we'll ever see a repeat of pre-MtGox bitcoin.

Act accordingly.