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File: 394 KB, 634x2662, The Ultimate Guide To Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23849390 No.23849390 [Reply] [Original]

The Ultimate Guide To Life

>> No.23849421

0/10 no blackjack and hookers.

>> No.23849431

what always gets me is "buy a brand new car".
it's like this poster was made to infuriate the biztonian

>> No.23849453

Well I’m fucked

>> No.23849461

> Age 30: Start earning average wage
> Age 37: Start earning 40k/yr
What kind of dystopian hellscape has Britain become?

>> No.23849473


>> No.23849485

Where's the part about smoking crack and fucking trannies?

>> No.23849492

>start earning average wage at age 30

>> No.23849505

Where is the blowing dope smoke and day trading all day?

>> No.23849525

I know it was made in a serious capacity. But there is genuinely no imagine that could be more perfectly crafted to troll every single poster on this board. There’s honestly at least one nugget in there for everyone’s specific neurosis

>> No.23849555


>> No.23849561
File: 186 KB, 1024x683, 1592042411230m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all that. Just be drunk your whole life, eat bangers and chips, and worship football while waging. Then die from a heart attack

>> No.23849568

>start earning $40,000 a year at the age of 37
>decide to make guide on life

No, fuck off whoever did this.

>> No.23849588

this sounds like way more fun than the ami shit

>> No.23849602


>> No.23849607

simple as

>> No.23849627
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>> No.23849632
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit is this real?

>> No.23849633

i hope whoever made this stupid shit gets ran over by a truck

>> No.23849649


>> No.23849715

>22 - Drag yourself across the finish line after half assing your way through a stem degree
>23-28 - neetdom
>29-30 - your crypto portfolio is worth 1m usd
>31+ - retire to a small plot of land in an affordable area, shitpost and garden all day

>> No.23849732
File: 199 KB, 524x854, toppng.com-speech-bubble-manga-png-banner-transparent-circle-385x628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stuff like this makes you really want to tune out and leave society alltogether. If there are no oppurtunities for you, its best to opt out or commit suicide.

>> No.23849744

They missed out:
>Age 16: Get shagged by a nigger
>Age 16 1/2: pretend you didn't so a white lad will go out with you
Fucking hate this country. No chance I'm renting a Deanobox either.

>> No.23849762


>> No.23849797

This is me but replace neetdom with half assing a PhD

>> No.23849799

Edit: boomer guide to life

Good luck thinking this is any semblance of reality post 2020. Western world is bankrupt and filling up with niggers to keep wages low and corporate profits high. Every country is itching for war.

You should happy if your kids make it to thirty and manage to avoid getting autism these days

>> No.23849808

>brought to you by greedy-usurer.uk

>> No.23849833

Its a loan company who did this

>> No.23849846

Wow id rather be dead than follow this shitty guide

>> No.23849864


LOL I thought the same thing when I saw 40K annually. WTF. This whole chart is depressing its basically Work 40 years, retire, and die. How about work my ass off, buy LINK, retire by 35 its looking like, raise a family while building a self sustaining lifestyle on rural property. Open a business as potentially.

>> No.23849871

Left with a master’s thinking i’d be swapping an insufferable dept for an insufferable but at least decent paying job and all i got was neetdom, should’ve stayed

>> No.23849991
File: 57 KB, 736x736, 1604836692052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how disgustingly normie

>> No.23850011

It's British I guarantee
Pass driving test is at age 20

>> No.23850024

>Doesn't start investing until mid 30's
> Wait until your late 30's to just start making 40k
This shit is trash lmao

>> No.23850051

>age 30: start earning an average wage
>age 34: become a manager at work
>age 37: start earning $40k/year

Hahahahahaha holy fuck, thanks op, I needed that

>> No.23850067

>Aged 22
>Move out
>Age 24
>Rent on your own
Wtf do you do for two years?

>> No.23850671

For two reasons:
Legal driving age here is 18
We have manual (stick shift) driving predominantly

>> No.23850915

i almost make 40k/y by abusing welfare and scholarships via reinvesting them. i dont buy shit tho.

>> No.23851155
File: 139 KB, 600x600, 1594353106633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age 17: Move out and start uni
>Age 19: Escaped the commonwealth countries grasp for eastern europe
>Age 21: Married virgin (you also need to be a virgin and christian for this playthrough sorry guys) and start making babies
>Age 22: Begin Master's
>Age 24: Chainlink steak is juicy, can afford 100 houses and 100 lambos, also begin PhD
>Age 28: Have nearly 10 kids at this point, also a PhD never used except for styling on the lower classes
>Age 30: Commonwealth Government still harrassing to pay student debt, but NATO's eyes do not reach here, chainlink can will also buy 1000 lambo's here
>Age 35: permanently retire to continue fucking wife and making babies (never really worked anyway)
>Age 40: One of the largest and most prosperous families on Earth, one of the few remaining who Did Not Sell™
>Age 45: Owner of international space mining fleet. Yes this is the power of not selling.
>Age 50: One of 5 remaining individuals who still have Not Sold™.
>Age 60: Sole remaining non-seller (all others died and had their links stolen or sold by the inheritors)
>Age 65: The uttermost chainlink in even the greasiest jew's possession amounts to fractions of a single link. The Sellers of link eternally envy you. In the end, you won.
>Age 70: Prepare to entrust your link to the most promising child, who will continue to Not Sell™ for generations, when he also chooses to make many offspring and pass on his link to the best of them.
>meanwhile britons are buying their first car at 30
>not owning land until 70

>> No.23851254

Just move to an a frame in Montana

>> No.23851277

That soul-crippling void between 39-60 kek.

>> No.23851288

live in a busted civic will sucking dicks for 5 quid a pop like the rest of us

>> No.23851299

skip from 25 to 35 in the chart directly

>> No.23851472

anybody have the chainlink version?

>> No.23851497

This is a life for a retarded person. Who tf has a kid before a house and driving test at 20? Tf

>> No.23851545

and the steering wheel is on the wrong side

>> No.23851589

Gay as fuck

>> No.23851625

Yeah it's quite hard leaning over but you get used to it.

>> No.23851685
File: 41 KB, 208x206, 1587497779498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent with partner
>only have 2 kids
pleb tier. did you pull this from reddit by chance?