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23847208 No.23847208 [Reply] [Original]

What's everyones thoughts on Arabs?

>> No.23847797

Live by other peoples work, bad at war. No big scientific archievements. They lived by whining when they are subjugated and tyranny when they on top.
FPBP myself

>> No.23847820

Basically dumb violent jews.
>muh its our take on judaism

>> No.23847846

some of them are alright, but usually bosses who are arabs, are the biggest pieces of shit in history, they think they are in their country were they can pass over everyone.

>> No.23848361

One of the most mindfucked peoples in the World, the other, of cousrse, kikes, believing in their minds they are somehow special, but actually being retarded as fuck, so they cope that disconnect by playing victim all the time. Euros used to be like that, but they changed, after Black Death.

>> No.23848381

lol its literal jew.
jews were violent too, look up hunnikah.
even their famous "islamic loan" is basically jew laws.
>you shall not give usuary to your own people.
but its ok to give it to other people

>> No.23848440

They are sandniggers, they live and behave like stupid animals. There is no point in keeping them, most of them are just stupid cattle that gets controlled by theire clan chief.

>> No.23848480

ok thats a fair point i see jews are violent with their forced lithium prescriptions and child mutilation. I guess i should say violent similar to the jew but in different ways like low iq beheadings over cartoons