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File: 11 KB, 200x200, Esper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2384601 No.2384601 [Reply] [Original]

>What is Esper?
Espers is one of few cryptocurrencies utilizing PoW & PoS to achieve distributed consensus.
>What are the advantages?
It is nearly impossible to get 51% network attack. A couple of coins have suffered 51% attack in the past. An attempted attack on Esper will require astronomical amount of money. With this system, Espers is way more secure to 51% network attack than other coins that using purely PoW/PoS consensus.
>Where is it now?
Currently, The coin are still in alpha version, so a lot of ongoing development are taking place as we speak.
>Whats the Road Map?
The following:
>On Chain messaging system - The plan is to make it a secure messaging platform on the blockchain. This will be extremely useful if you need to purchase something privately.
>Mobile Wallet - Android mobile wallet will be released some times on June 2017. iOS wallet coming soon.
>Website on blockchain - Decentralized website
>Masternodes - Currently in development
>Community - Active community, large rallying support on Twitter.

ESPER is a hidden gem and is a rising coin with structually sound foundatons. It’s currently under 50 sat on NovaExchange.



>> No.2384656

Bought one million of these. Hopefully price reaches someday 0,50$

>> No.2384664

pajeet scam coin, don't buy

>> No.2384706


You would've said the same thing about ETH back in 2014.

>> No.2384753

I was thinking about this coin, and its aspirations, when i suddenly realized their master plan. A fully decentralized programmable internet that has its own currency.

>> No.2384758

>A fully decentralized programmable internet that has its own currency.

Is that good or bad in your opinion?

>> No.2384778

If it ever saw widespread adoption, we would be in cyberpunk territory, with the amount of malleability a technology like this could have, it could be game changing.

>> No.2384797

Buy NGR, better coin, less risk

>> No.2384813


Therefore, an investment of 1 BTC today will net you over 7million ESP.

When that reaches $1 you can pretty much retire.

>> No.2384858

I only have 1 million cus poor but, if the decelopers are serious(which i believe they are) then this could pass 1 dollar. Of course by that point the coin should demonstrably work. And at that point, USD probably wont be the currency we use to value items.

>> No.2384878

One dollar isn't possible with this coin supply. Atleast is years.

But still great investment.

>> No.2384896

....It is mathematically possible to have a $1 coin with this supply. The Market cap would have to be 20billion dollars sure, but eth and BTC have gotten there, so its not like its impossible. But did you skip the part where he implied the crash of the dollar?

>> No.2384930

>tfw only have 2.7 mil ESP

I'm going to miss out on the lambo

>> No.2385185

vlad's scam coin do not buy

>> No.2385480


Why would the dollar need to crash for this to reach $1?

There were many other coins that reached $1 without any fiat crashing.

>> No.2385525

It doesnt? where did i imply it did.

>> No.2385563

Espers > ethereum
people act like eth is good or something

>> No.2385572 [DELETED] 


>> No.2385599

Why do you say this? The only problem I can see for ETH is the central authority issue, and possibly the POS centralization issue, do you think those are big enough problems to get people to look at ESP in the future as a legitimate alternative?

>> No.2385618

>Espers general information and tech behind it

>Espers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

>Espers VRX retarget system explained

>> No.2385656
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>the central authority issue
yes, except issue is an understatement, major flaw is more fitting
things like ESP are a legitimate alternative ALREADY, fuck putting any money into something that a single fuckhead can heavily influence from his computer chair

>> No.2385657


When you think is the time frame for this to reach $1?

Planning to acquire 8 million ESP on this.

>> No.2385674

A long time, there are a lot of fucking espers coins out there

>> No.2385689

yea $1 isn't realistic, that's a market cap higher than bitcoin and ethereum combined, lets get to $0.01 and we should be good

>> No.2385692

^ Unless there's incredible instability and money floods into crypto, its years off being a possibility or reality.

>> No.2385700


Maybe $1 is too far fetched.

XRP prices? Around 30-50 cent range?

You planning to invest in this?

>> No.2385710

What's hilarious is the people who have bought them on yobit

> I have 1 million!

Of worthless, esp (not esp2, the live coin)

>> No.2385716

Shitcoin of the year, and you can quote me on that.

>> No.2385726

But it was made last year, and wouldnt that title go to PoSW?

>> No.2385733

I got in a long long time ago and have just left them to stack

>> No.2385735


>shitcoin of the year

the coin has only been around for 1 year.

STFU and go back to your cubicle you little cunt.

>> No.2385764

Suck my flappy pancake tits you shilling pleb. Around for a year and look at their 1997 themed announcement thread. Think you'll get rich buying this shit? You'd make more money sucking the shit out of my ass feg.

>> No.2385776


Good to hear you got in early man, wish I would've got on ESP before it was 5 sat.

Hows it doing for you, you made any, plan to sell or you want to keep this long term? I really want to get into this coin and from the limited material around this it seems like a 50/50 for me.

For $1 is too unreasonable within a 5 year period, I would imagine reaching 30-50 cents would't be too far fetched.

Other coins have reached that with far less promise.

>> No.2385783


>He had 50 million of it

>Sold right before it mooned to 17 sat.

>> No.2385806
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>Suck my flappy pancake tits you shilling pleb
you seem pretty upset my dude, why not head over to novaexchange to buy some esp2 to calm your nerves?

>> No.2385828


Do you tards realize that the total market cap has 10x'd in the last 6 months? This fucking cryptotrain has just left the fucking station, this is the beginning. You people dont seem to understand that.

>> No.2385834

Ok, if not on yobit, buy where?

>> No.2385840


wait...im confused now.

So ESP2 basically is ABLE to reach $1?

But those dudes mention it needed some shit more than BTC and ETH combined to reach that level.

I dunno man, i'm really new to this.

>> No.2385842

While this is true, the people who would be entering the cryptosphere to make it explode are people who suck at everything, so they wouldnt be able to even find this coin until its given a signifigantly larger amount of exposure.

>> No.2385850

Buy? Just go throw your money in the toilet and flush, you'll have the same experience.

>> No.2385858

Feeling pretty comfy sitting on espers

>> No.2385865
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ESP2 is getting interest from Bittrex to get listed there.

There is a huge chance ESP2 can go to at least 40 cents when this happens.

>> No.2385868

This is really simple ok. A market capitalization is the amount of a single coin multiplied by how many coins are in circulation.
Now currently the amount of ESP2 in circulation is ~20billion, so to have 1 esp = 1 dollar, you would need a 20billion market cap.
If you took a look at BTC and ETH you would notice that both have passed the 20Billion marketcap point already, so yes it is possible.
What this calculation does not include is the future amount of the coin, as the coin is being created by miners and stakers, so the supply of the coin will increase to 50billion over its lifespan, and this is probably what they were talking about with the "more than btc and eth marketcap combined" but that time is still a long ways off, so no need to get impatient or worried, or see it as a reason not to buy.

>> No.2385874


Best to buy it on NovaExchange for now.

The Espers Dev team is approaching Bittrex and Poloniex to get their coin listed there.

The coin is @14 sat right now but once it's listed on these major exchanges it'll easily reach 100 sat in a couple weeks.

>> No.2385890

It would be temporary growth though, as every time a new coin gets added there the price plummets temporarily, and buyers get discouraged. This would give the coin more exposure however so I do agree with you on that point.

>> No.2385894
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Ahhh totally got you..........?

welp, you go do your smart IT stuff.

I'm going outside to play frisbee with my Dog.

>> No.2385902

Sorry but Bittrex will not add this shitcoin. Especially when there is multiple forks. This has nothing going for it but the shills here hoping to dump their hot sticky loads on unsuspecting /biz/tards

>> No.2385907
File: 94 KB, 655x666, This+comment+section+is+going+to+be+filled+with+frogs+_992cf02a09f5a7f098066dde870cb6ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fully realize that, that's why im holding 46.5 mil tard

>> No.2385912

How about you define what a shitcoin is and then tell us how this is a shitcoin. I can only see potential and positives for this coin.

>> No.2385915

>It would be temporary growth though

Well, i'm sure you have great passion for the technology and all, but i'm a practical guy.

Having 8 million ESP and selling at $0.40 will net me $3.2 Million and i'll not need to work anymore.

>> No.2385930

>that's why im holding 46.5 mil

Hey, how you get this amount?

Did you get in really early or are you mining this?

Because you're basically a rich man already with 46.5 mil of this coin.

>> No.2385937

Bitch I aint waisting my fapping time on pointing out all that's shit about this shitcoin.

>> No.2385943

Good job losing all the credibility you already didnt have.

>> No.2385944
File: 74 KB, 396x785, 1496947267766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially when there is multiple forks.

What does multiple forks mean?

Look I know this is hard for us normies to understand and you'll might need to explain in more simplier terms.

But I'm a man that wants to invest in this to become rich on day and I need to know why this is a potential shitcoin.

These things need normies like me to buy.

>> No.2385945

i got in around 2-3sat after the reddcoin jump

>> No.2385975

I'll let go of my dick to type out a good response just for you, cause I'm nice like that and I'd hate for my 4chan cred to go down the toilet along with my cum tissues. Wait around with your pants down while I do it okay. If you feel something enter your asshole then just breath deeply and take it like a lil bitch, you'll have the same feeling right after you buy into this shitcoin.

>> No.2385985

yes, esper has potential. but it's only on shady shitexchanges.

if it leaves the cesspool of pajeet exchanges then it has a bright future. but not going to invest before it can liberate itself from pajeets.

>> No.2386010


just tell me how i can make money from this coin


>> No.2386017

b smrt

>> No.2386032
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Dude fuck off, you obviously new to this and you will lose money, trust me.

Do your own fucking research and stop listening to random indian guy browsing /biz/.

>> No.2386075


It'll be listed on Bittrex soon.

>> No.2386090

dont forget livecoin

>> No.2386107
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>> No.2386119

dont you know the proper way to ree?


>> No.2386120


>> No.2386166

This is what will happen to you:
>LoL I bought myself some Espers at 15, Im gonna be rich!!
>Correction happens, which is normal thing in crypto, price drop to 10
>wtf my Espers just drop 30%, I'm doomed!!
>I sell it at loss, im ok
>3 days later Espers shoot up to 100
>kys for being such weak handed faggot

>> No.2386183

Gotta shake them weakhands, the only way for real investors to enter.

>> No.2386202

Yeah. In the end there are millionaire whales and couple iron hands who became just millionaires too.

I will be that future millionaire with iron hands.

>> No.2386291

if recent history has proven anything, if you want to be a millionaire from investing, invest in new technology before anyone else

>> No.2386334

Wait until this gets listed on major exchanges

>> No.2386355
File: 109 KB, 1200x750, Espers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didnt buy espers

>> No.2386391

Is buying 8 million ESP2 enough to become a millionaire one day?

>> No.2386415

It really could be if u just can hodl.

>> No.2386424


I've been reading the road map and been following the Dev's on Discord and they make it seem like a legit new technology.

I still have my doubts but I will invest maybe 0.2 BTC into this and see how it goes.

>> No.2386427
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if the demand is high enough yes

>> No.2386433
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The realistic goal right now is $0.10 so I hope you're content with a cool $800k

>> No.2386457

Can definently see this hit 300 satoshi within a couple of days. mayb 500 in a week or two.

>> No.2386464
File: 11 KB, 250x240, 1497140892812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just read about this coin and this thing is going to fucking EXPLODE once it reaches the major exchanges.

>> No.2386470

Good thing you learned about it when you did huh?

>> No.2386477


>Can definently see this hit 300 satoshi within a couple of days. mayb 500 in a week or two.

Thats very unrealistic but I admire your enthusiasm.

it'll might reach 300 sat by December though.

>> No.2386497


It's doubtful this will reach 100 sat anytime soon.

But with that said, I'm going to put 1 BTC into this as the Dev's seem pretty approachable and smart.

>> No.2386516


yeah its gonna fucking moon once its on Bittrex or Polo.

fuck man, gotta buy in now before then.

>> No.2386527

you can thank us for that when you have 100% your investment

>> No.2386533

1000% ftfy

>> No.2386540
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>> No.2386546
File: 12 KB, 224x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set your buy order around 10-12 satoshi, some impatient faggot will surely sold some, because well, they are impatient faggot.

>> No.2386608
File: 667 KB, 1721x618, they were informed....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2386676

They will never listen, they will get on board when this shit reach 100 sat and suddenly this coin is a gem and newfag will praised this coin.

I'm the one who shill XVG when it was 3-5 satoshi and you wouldn't believe the amount of hate on every thread.

I also did that when PIVX is still couple of cents. Too many retards in here.

>> No.2386689

It's literally impossible for 99.9% of people to predict the market and see if a coin is going to be successful. So when we see someone hyping a coin that ends up being successful, the hype is indistinguishable from the hype that was for a coin that ended up being a failure. That doesn't make us "retards," mate.

>> No.2386699

found the retard.

>> No.2386773

I can understand the sentiment, but wont this only be an issue if vitalik gets power hungry?

>> No.2386798
File: 70 KB, 676x507, esperhands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Espers hands are going to rewarded soon. Big things are coming our way ;)

>> No.2386802

How many of these are in circulation? Any potential of being added to bittrex? How much does a M cost?

>> No.2386814

right now 20billion in circulation. There are talks of getting added to bittrex. 1m is ~1/7th a btc

>> No.2386822

20 billion

So anyone with a few m can pump and dump once that happens. Why do you think this billion coin will work?

>> No.2386829

Due to the fundamentals of this blockchain?

>> No.2386830

you clearly have no clue about crypto trading if you consider few millions can be classified as "pump and dump"

>> No.2386868
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>> No.2386926
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>> No.2387020

In it with a 2,2 millions. I predict long term

>> No.2387687

Is there ESP2 on blockfolio? cuz i cant find it

>> No.2387715

Not yet. Blockfolio does not support Novaexchange API. But it will soon hit Bittrex.

>> No.2387799
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espers is legit my dudes, along with insn which is dev'd by similar peeps