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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 280x280, Graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23841014 No.23841014 [Reply] [Original]

You just know you're in for some spectacular shit in the upcoming months.

>> No.23841059

been seeing a lot of graph hype, where can you buy this ponzi?

>> No.23841186

>A lot

Where? I see maybe a thread once a day or 2 which is nothing considering Graph is the only relevant project to release in years.

And you've to wait for it to hit exchanges, And you should probably hope and wait for initial dump.

>> No.23841208

Can you stop making threads about this shit? I didn't get in the sale so don't have any, but you rubbing it in my face everyday now is a nigger move, also don't shill it please until it starts trading in december, I really need to get a bag before it gets to billions in mc.

>> No.23841290

How is this superior to Parsiq?

>> No.23841343

Please dont shill your shitcoin in a The Graph thread.

>> No.23841362

Where to buy it?

>> No.23841366

Bigboys are talking, back to your kindergarden.

>> No.23841407

Maybe you should tell that to your faggot monkey friends raiding our threads with your garbage

>> No.23841443
File: 186 KB, 698x946, 235235235523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Parsiq thread

>> No.23841464
File: 83 KB, 1280x852, photo_2020-11-02_15-40-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you gonna call?

>> No.23841465

Why buy this it doesn't even compare to Parsiq

>> No.23841470

lol, comparing graph to parsiq is like comparing your mrs to Margot robbie. Keep dreaming graph geeks, maybe one day your tech will be useful......... maybe.

>> No.23841484
File: 101 KB, 319x245, 634364634634364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That is exactly where we are headed. Blockchain is disrupting many industries, DeFi will change finance, the underlying potential is huge. But there is a need for a solution to connect blockchains to off-chain (as well as different protocols in-between) to understand this data and automate processes based on it. And this is where PARSIQ comes in. Eventually, PARSIQ will integrate with most major blockchain protocol and DeFi projects in the space.

We are working right now with Binance and they've asked us to integrate the Binance Smart Chain. Now we have integrated with Chainlink. And Chainlink is the official provider of oracle data for Binance Smart Chain. PARSIQ is now also an official infrastructure provider for BSC. So now developers and projects building on Binance Smart Chain can create layer 2 monitoring and automation solutions for BSC via PARSIQ platform without having to separately integrate with Chainlink for data feeds.

A perfect example of ecosystem synergy."

"That's the point. They need to have PRQ. They can market buy it (effectively increasing demand and decreasing active circulating supply) or those companies who want nothing to do with PRQ or don't want to go through the hassle, they can just borrow it via O2 Protocol - from their perspective it is exactly the same as paying a fee for usage of service - but in this way, lenders will earn passive income and the token is still locked for the usage of the services."

Pffff boys Parsiq looks like a huge deal, I wouldnt want to miss out on this one

>> No.23841489

Hey you little graph guppies, when the code gets exploited, let us parsiq champions now. We can tell you how we could help, and then carry on with our day

>> No.23841519
File: 47 KB, 539x650, IMG_20201109_150148_239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsiq just sign partnership with Chainlink, Binance Chain and 1bilion dollar company Bitfury :D

And the graph with who ? Santa ?
Cheers lads !
Real money is with Parsiq. It is not too late for you !

>> No.23841571
File: 10 KB, 222x227, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine, anon.
Pretty much the same thought going on in here with DMG
This is the feeling you will only later understand
Some call it enjoying the ride fren
Now shut up and saddle that rocket

>> No.23842082

whats the suicide stack

>> No.23842102

10k PRQ

>> No.23842140

Or buy The Graph coin instead, then you'll want to commit suicide for real

>> No.23842628

The fud from par-shits in this thread is delicious, fuck I'm bullish on the graph, little token's gonna make me rich.

>> No.23842639

>Graph already has pajeet copycats before even released to the market


>> No.23842690

>hold 10k prq
>still really want to buy in Graph
Let's keep to our own threads, eh? Both projects look great, I just wish I could actually buy graph atm. It will probably 10x before public sale is a thing.

>> No.23842727

When will I be able to buy this?

>> No.23842773

hey man, you graph monkeys started shitting up our threads first, just returning the favor

>> No.23842796

>D-daddy we're f-friends right? Surely we'll grow t-together?

Were you also part of Mobius shilling gang?

>> No.23842821

>like holding ETH in 2016
Not at all seeing as the Graph already has a massive marketcap and little room for growth.

>> No.23842845

Its not shitting if it's telling the truth. Nothing wrong with calling you out on shilling futureless pnd (which is also probably already at the peak of the pump so warning newfags on the way).

>> No.23842876

Sorry cant hear you over the 20x i already made on PRQ. Good luck with your shitcoin

>> No.23842877

Graph will hit 150-300B marketcap this bullrun. A spot in the top 5-10 will do which is basically locked at this point even on listing.

>> No.23842884

No. Both of these projects look promising and graph is already in heavy use.

>> No.23842933

Im sure will it big guy

>> No.23842934
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 632423643264632462346234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23842972


You've 30 seconds to fuck off from my thread filthy subhumans

>> No.23843073

Graph is more legitimate than basically all projects bar 2-3. You can't fud it without applying the same fud for the whole crypto space. I know you don't know a thing about it tho.

And i already capped it.

>> No.23843083
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 5232525325523523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or else what faggot, maybe from now on Ill shit up every single thread you make about this shitcoin how about that? Shouldnt have showed up in our threads fucking graphmonkeys.

>> No.23843238

>Brown Parsiq IDs

>> No.23843435
File: 35 KB, 220x211, 624326326262636234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take one look at the Graph telegram
>Nothing but chinks


>> No.23843491

I got my allocation and will not sell it for less than 200K.