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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2383906 No.2383906 [Reply] [Original]

> mfw this man made me over 10k Ausdollars (dollarydoos) in the last twelve hours alone
> mfw checking blockfolio every morning
> mfw normalshits literally unclog toilets full of turds for cents on the dollar while I'm getting rich as fuck lying in bed
> mfw life is fucking great and we haven't even seen the Raiden/Metropolis/Casper explosion, the BTC flippening or true mainstream exposure yet

ITT: we give our thanks to this great man - all memes relating to Vitalik's autism/body type/ability to gift Lambos are welcome

>> No.2383934
File: 10 KB, 192x192, 117362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail Vitalik!
Hail Ethereum!
Hail our Hodlers!

>> No.2383960

I'm just here waiting for the massive dip once all the normies start selling. I've had 4 separate people who told me they're just now getting into crypto and buying btc and etc. They don't even know what altcoins are, kek.

>> No.2383980


>> No.2383981

*buying btc and eth

>> No.2383995

>tfw have no money in ETH and all in other altcoins right now
one of the only times I'm not holding ETH

>> No.2383999
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I just turned 20 what the fuck
Am I gonna be rich with all these dollarydoos??

>> No.2384010

Easy there, faggots. Whether you're a rich man or a toilet cleaner entirely depends on when you cash out. You have to actually pay for the lambo- just having the equivalent value of a lambo in BTC isn't gonna do it.

>> No.2384018
File: 72 KB, 1024x554, 1461604124327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times ahead - once the norms realise they can get a guaranteed 7% return (in terms of ETH created at least) from PoS there will be the mother of all rallies. I expect we will be seeing signs of this from early August (besides the normal general upward trend) until we will be well over 1K USD by the end of the year (assuming the tech isn't delayed too dramatically).

This is assuming there isn't a major announcement from Russia or China in the meantime, which I think is very likely given that a national consolidation behind crypto might be the praxis of new economic hegemony

>> No.2384029

What was your initial investment? How much of your fiat did you put in total?

>> No.2384036
File: 701 KB, 978x746, 1497032230151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank u based Vitalik. Keep being CUTE.

>> No.2384041

Someone shoop this

>> No.2384044


Keep that ETH and you'll be just fine, probably will be able to buy a house in 2020

>> No.2384056

What kind of announcement? I'd think banning it or adopting would cause a moon at one point or another anyway, right?

>> No.2384134

> buy a house
maybe if the market crashes
fucking ausbros are paying stupid amounts for real estate

>> No.2384135
File: 186 KB, 1536x1204, vitalik-panda-tshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-06-06/ethereum-could-change-russian-banking-and-government

e.g. Russia pledging to integrate parts of its infrastructure onto the blockchain because it is the future, leading other countries to follow suit for economic reasons and to not appear stagnant (so for optical reasons too).

Assuming you don't try to grow your stack by ICO-flipping and fuck up by picking duds (and then not ever having the funds to build it back up) you'll be on your way to chad-dom with me friend. Which part of Aus you in, I'm dying in Cuckbourne at the moment..

>> No.2384159

their foot/leg positioning, and vit's shirt make me crack up
vit really doesn't give a fuck
he's the autist we need

>> No.2384179

this man is what zyzz was/is to /fit/. the king of the board, with zero close seconds. does he have an evil side? will he abandon ship once gets so rich the rothschild's work as his slaves, crashing with no survivors? I prefer to think of him as a Jesus Christ figure, like Alyosha in The Brothers Karamazov. Kind, earnest, nice, benevolent.

>> No.2384209

fucking lol

>> No.2384221

what i love is, he doesn't even wear a suit or any of that shit
he just does whatever the fuck he wants, like a true goddamn autist
he's our fucking hero

>> No.2384274

fuck yeah dude. wouldn't be surprised if he browsed /biz/ himself. smart af, looks like he's 12 yet he's a one man army against the central banks. an enigma.

>> No.2384278
File: 8 KB, 229x220, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up in cairns mate, It's cold as fuck

>> No.2384310

No thanks, I'd rather stay away from that ponzi scheme. I'll stick with my LTC/ETC/XRP portfolio thank you.

>> No.2384377

this is our new oligarchy

>> No.2384390
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1494058318589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol good one bro

>> No.2384413
File: 473 KB, 1114x850, 1495238140205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, and Kek bless you, based Vitalik Buterin, prince of gainz.

>> No.2384485

>> mfw this man made me over 10k Ausdollars (dollarydoos) in the last twelve hours alone
what did you start with?
how many hours a day do you spend on trading?
i will get serious with trading this next month when i quit my job for other reasons. thinking of starting with $20k
i already have about $20k in holding already, but don't want to sell those.

>> No.2384688

> what did you start with?
Like 15 ETH I got for a couple hundred dollars early in the year. Cleared 100k profits recently

> how many hours a day do you spend on trading?
None now. I live a busy life so I don't have time and the rewards I got from it weren't worth it. Remember that all the exchanges take percentage fees instead of the flat rates like the ASX for example. This cuts into your margins to the extent that you won't be making huge gains unless its a bull market, in which case you will likely make even more just by holding. Day trading is a fantasy for autists who wish they could analyse graphs and gauge opinions all day to increase profits, but the reality is that unless you have massive reserves (we're talking 1000+ ETH to build walls, and a much larger stash in reserve) you're better off playing it safe IMO.

I tried and made some gains but its a. fucking addictive b. bad for your mental and physical health so I would avoid it personally

> i will get serious with trading this next month when i quit my job for other reasons. thinking of starting with $20k
I'd put 15k into ETH and 5k into BTC to play around with, but bear in mind that the Aug 1 BTC fork will probably fuck it up so I'd have all of it into alts by then

> i already have about $20k in holding already, but don't want to sell those.

>> No.2385752

When to sell ETH?

>> No.2385933

Where the fuck is the dip? Rrreeee

>> No.2385997

Don't touch any until after Casper, besides ICO's you like of course. You'll be thanking me then

> muh dips
Should've bought yesterday. Or the day before that, or the day before that etc. chump!