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23838389 No.23838389 [Reply] [Original]

>Long Dong's waifu Hong brings TomoChain's October review
>AMA recap
>Tomodrop for LIT holders. Get 18 Tomo ($10) or 30 Tomo ($17) depending on how many tokens you transfer to TRC-21, you can always switch back.
>Altcoin Buzz take on Lition acquisition
>AMA of Tomochain's Lition acquisition
>New Central Banking usecase
https://lition.io/index (bottom of page)
>Tomochain acquires Lition Technology AG.

>Official Site:

>What is Lition?
>How To Buy:

>How To Stake:

>Lition Energy Mainnet Dashboard:




>Previous threads (newest to oldest):
#151 >>23698563
#150 >>23673828
#149 >>23656070
#148 >>23642004
#147 >>23632165
#146 >>23623689
#145 >>23617819
#144 >>23603728
#143 >>23595897
#142 >>23591396
#141 >>23579666

>> No.23838398 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23838424

Crawl back into your cave SHITION scammer.

>> No.23838438

Felt like it is time to pick this up again. We got tokenomics announcement on Sunday, maybe they also give us some good news regarding a usecase and onboarding of Lition Energy to the Blockchain. Been a rough couple of weeks, stakers got rekt pretty hard. Project is in better hands now, no doubt about that, it does however suck that Richtard showed himself to be as incompetent as he is.

>> No.23838473

And there we have it. The degens from ftp's chat managed to fud once again and bought in lower. Now they start the litgen again to pump their bags. You guys are scum.

>> No.23838512


>> No.23838597


Most of us are staked and are the ones who got hit the hardest. You must be delusional to think otherwise. The only rational people invested in this coin is in the FTP-group. The blame is solely on Richard for wrecking his investors.

The price is at a great point currently, if you have money and like risk, it is optimal to get in now or increase the stack.

>> No.23839207

Stfu, I'm able to read. There have been many people buying the dip in ftp's group, including Mike.

>> No.23839350


Lol what the fuck are you even trying to communiate you plebian.

>> No.23839425

hey, hey, heeeyyyyyy!

>> No.23839430

what from "buy low sell high" and "buy the rumor sell the news" you don't understand you little piece of shit
i will never help any of you from now on, i will never post addresses that are gonna sell, but i will make sure to fud after the facts so i can profit from richtard dumping on your ass and you buying his bags like a literal piece of crap, kill yourself pretty please smileshit you little donkey rat sheep

>> No.23839436

ftp is such a fucking retard, I swear it is Mike's alt account.

>> No.23839568

get a load of this trannie seething and dilating

>> No.23839631


All three of them are the same person. How are all of you so blind?

>> No.23839639


Ah, its Smilex. No wonder the delusion is so strong.


Smilex, dude. You really are on the wrong side of this one. We are all laughing at you, even while being 70% down. FTP's group is doing ALL the work in the community, asking ALL the questions, doing ALL the research (Well, Mike mostly desu). And you sit there, claiming that we are fudding. Are you for real? Are you really this stuck up on your side of the shit floating river? Tell me how this project is worth a damn if Richard has control of the next 6 vested months. Asking these questions isn't fudding, it is trying to gain information to decide if it is worth buying more or giving up on the project. RICHARD dumped this project and the price, not anyone else. If community is important to you, you should know that the only community worth a damn have all gathered in the FTP channel.

>> No.23839654


Plebs. 0 IQ.

>> No.23839807

i can't believe that piece of smileshit crap is not a payed shiller, how can someone has an intolerable and insufferable persona like him? i can't stand reading his comments, i just wanna punch him in the face, i just feel disgust everytime i see him type, his persona give an aura that smell like a rotten radioactive cow across the monitor

>> No.23840200
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Reminder that Lition is a legitimately good project with great fundamentals and the only reason it's in the shitter right now is it's community.

Just let it sink in: this entire LIT community FUDs their own bags of an actual good project for no reason. LIT has Telegram groups, discord servers literally dedicated to FUD the coin and 98% of those people are staked or are holding bags lol.

Meanwhile meme coins with zero functionalities or actual use cases get shilled by Telegram memesters and moon.

If the LIT autists would start focussing their energy into promoting the project legitimately with the same energy they use to bring it down and dissect and discuss every person related to Lition ever said. LIT would unironically be at 50 cent right now and everyone would be half way on its way to making it.

>> No.23840208
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Uh oh bros.... I think ftp is a confirmed Pajeet. It all makes sense.

>> No.23840631

Cunts the lot of them, theyre fucking retards why create auch a toxic atmosphere for the new owners and richard if i was them id consider walking away from the deal... where would that leave us and ftp and his fudders? We would be stuck... i get them wanting to use this time to buy low but fuck sake cant they keep it out of the main group

>> No.23840785

I've been in a few tokens like this over the years and they always crater. JNT and AMB both had incredible pump potential at one time, but the screeching autists killed any momentum on then every single time.

>> No.23841145

Fudding ftp?

>> No.23841856

He is just autistic and doesn't realize that he's FUDDING

>> No.23841890

Can I get a passive income that is tied to their energy platform usage right now if I buy some LIT?

>> No.23842036

Yeah. They mirror all TXs and pay out rewards and move it all over cause mainnet is up and running. Soon txs will be paid out in FIAT as well and once community tokens have been used they are going to buy their own on the open market to pay out the rewards and pump the price.

>> No.23842315

Calculated in fiat, paid in lit

>> No.23843020


>> No.23843405
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>> No.23843432
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>> No.23843899

I don’t understand how people are not fucking hyped about this. Richard came out and clearly said they are going to start market buying LIT on the market for energy customers. Basic supply and demand shit, low supply because of staked coins+ nodes, guaranteed buys by lition energie= Moon

>> No.23844013
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Its back!
50k staked. People keep getting mad about price. I can tell most people must be new. Some of us held through the failed mainnet last year. Went under 2 cents usd.

>> No.23844034

still comfy with 270k

>> No.23844061
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Once ecosystem coins are gone rewards will be paid to stakes and nodes with lit that is bought on the market.

>> No.23844127
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>> No.23844399

Lition the chink scam ? No thank.

>> No.23844472

$10 is fud

>> No.23844971

never invest in chinks, sinple really..

>> No.23845203
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>> No.23845660
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>> No.23845697
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>> No.23845865

Imagine the smell.

>> No.23845905
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I'm so glad to not be a part of all these people that argue about lit so much. Like I said I've been around for over a year but I never get caught up in the drama. Just let the teams do their things.

>> No.23846807
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>> No.23847401


>> No.23848153


>> No.23848177

Let this scam thread and its token die.

>> No.23848330

not an argument you poor faggot.

>> No.23848457

Glad to see the generals back. Think ima try and accumulate a 100k stack by the end of the year

>> No.23848697

Added 50K to my stack earlier.

>> No.23849050

Im fine with not having these threads. IYKYK

>> No.23850025

LMAO at all the stupid faggots buying back in again. fuckiing told you dumb moon boys. why dont ypu try doing some actual research. by research i mean reading the tech not 4chan threads loooool. you're gonna make it and you dont even deserve to.

>> No.23851142

The only right attitude

>> No.23851642
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Its crazy all these mike and fat or whatever people are way to obsessed. Just buy stake and forget it. Don't let an investment be a real part of your life. It won't affect price or what the teams do. I'm confident in the project long term. Nothing else to it. I do like the lit gens tho.

>> No.23851669

Fat =ftp
I think that's what it is. Idk really

>> No.23851971

Yeah its fucking weird to make a crypto project you invested money in the focus of your life. These retards literally spend 24 hours a day talking about Lition on TG and Discord lol

>> No.23852556

yeah... they're obsessed because they know its a solid project more solid than any vapor wave shit out there and the realization of making it is very real. That being said because its so real and so unnoticed and small they freak the fuck out and obsess over it becoming neurotic over and burp and fart it does. Becuase theyre holding it and they are emotional themselves. This is what happens when you get too emotionally attached to your investment, Mike fudded for so long and so hard and then the day Mainnet gets released hes flips like a bipolar woman. These people need to Stake and just live their lives. Read up on it every once in a while but holy shit.