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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23837130 No.23837130 [Reply] [Original]

and is about to melt faces

>> No.23837172

It’s true. The chart doesn’t lie.

>> No.23837186

you quantniggers have said this for the past 2 years

>> No.23837199

Quant the standard

>> No.23837200


Its not going to moon unless some huge news comes out.

>> No.23837310

best investment of this decade

>> No.23837516

>Its not going to moon unless some huge news comes out.

You have no understand of this market whatsoever, do you, anon? In so many ways.

>> No.23837526


Yes I do I bought Link in 2017 and it crabbed for 2 years before Google/Oracle news came out which caused it to shoot up

>> No.23837536

>Its not going to moon unless some huge news comes out.

it doesn't even moon when huge news comes out desu

>> No.23837621

>Google/Oracle news

You mean the google blog post?

Let me just point out that every single bit of news ever presented by (or about Quant) btfo's any shit breadcrumb link ever managed.


not the other way around.

This is the final crypto red pill. I can say it without risk of enlightening anyone and harming my chances in the market, because most are too dense to understand it at all.

>> No.23837632

I bought ETH at 10 usd, and i also bought BTC at 120 usd. Guess what ? I'm doing the same for QNT , This project is a gem, and we will see 4 digits price much sooner than you think.

>> No.23837656

Fucking Pajeet fucks. Go and slap a sticker on a skateboard. You are the Prodeum of the human race

>> No.23837663

You, fudders and salty people, are all faggots.
We have warned you all to buy QNT at 4 usd , 6 usd, 8usd, and now you are salty AF. Sell all your useless shitcoins and scams, and buy a REAL project for once : Quant

>> No.23837670

PARSIQ > Everything else

>> No.23837701

Facts are all that matters stupid people. SIA , second biggest payment group after SWIFT , is already using Overledger from Quant Network. You are all so stupid to make analysis , you doesnt even deserve to be rich poor faggots

>> No.23837706


listen here you little shit. im a millionaire already so I dont have to sit around here all day pretending that QNT is going to skyrocket this week or the next. I can wait decades for it to happen so dont get all pissy when I suggest it might crab for a while and you have to wagecuck a little longer

>> No.23837932

MIT, Quant and Intel are around the table to build the Interoperability standard. Do your own research or cry later with your rotten useless shitcoins

>> No.23839181

Open Digital Asset Protocol (ODAP) is built by:


with help from:

US government
Juniper Networks

Don’t miss this one, /biz.

>> No.23839225

It has a pretty good idea like multi-DLT solutions but I think there are 2 thing has really big potential in the near future. The one is NFT tokens and the other is scalability solutions because demand is growing day by day. I mean some great shits about side or plasma chains. You should examine the Ethereum ecosystem. Tokamak Network, Flow, Skale, etc. They are comin' bro

>> No.23839796

>listen here you little shit. im a millionaire already

I bet I'm a bigger millionaire than you, KEK. Unironically.

I'm not debating how long QNT will "crab"* for, I'm saying that you're a retard for not understanding the fact that news follows price, not the other way around. You think that all the incredible news for quant this year is insubstantial, because the chart has been quite calm instead of shooting up. And you think the absolutely pathetic google blog post for Link was uhmazing because it coincided with price action.

You simply don't understand what really drives these markets, that's a fact.

*you don't even know what the term crab means, clearly. Rising by 6x since March is not "crabbing"

>> No.23840179

Quant is the only project I'm ok with holding for years without shilling. I don't give a fuck if none of you buy it, you've been warned and can make your own decisions.

>> No.23840187

is 2k QNT enough to make it? I could get more but I don't want to sell my linkies

>> No.23840214

$2million in 2021.

>> No.23840562
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>> No.23840618

My face when we hit $1000 QNT while you remain a loser fag.

>> No.23841425

laughing pepe, rent free. no words required

>> No.23841653

BoringDAO is unironically qnt 2.0

like, literally desu

>> No.23841807

Does it also support off-chain networks?

>> No.23841859

Never mind, you are just shilling another scam

>> No.23842171

There can’t be a Quant 2.0. Quant has solved interoperability and all its future needs.

>> No.23842601
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You guys realize Gilbert wrote the ISO Standards for Blockchain that hundreds of banking leaders from all dozens of countries are meeting to discuss THIS WEEK?

Once these regulations are locked in and G20 gives the green light later this month, we are going way beyond the moon baby.



>> No.23842651

Ya these guys are really rigging the game in their favour behind the scenes... SIA is turning itself into an absolute behemoth. I just hope the "sandbox" memes aren't true. Like, that this whole thing is just a giant experiment, for the banks to copy/paste the projects they like, cut out investors like us and then take all the profits. If that's the case though, basically everything except bitcoin is going to $0

>> No.23842766

This game has always been rigged anon. Its a Bog eat Bog world out there.

Meanwhile /biz/ thinks QNT is a pajeet rugpull while putting money into luigi coin....


>> No.23842842

Thought on the sandbox rumors?

I've heard whispers from a few places that CB's are planning to take projects like xrp, quant, etc, basically make a xrp 2.0 or quant 2.0 that their systems run on, leaving all the original bagholders who beta tested their new systems eternally justed

>> No.23842971

I think CBs will use XRP QNT and other select cryptos in the new financial system. These fintech companies have patents and tons of lawyers to protect themselves from getting rekt like that, and they wouldnt be in on that con because it would destroy their reputation forever. Guys like Gil and Garlicman want to be seen as the Bezos and Gates of fintech, so no i dont think its a sophisticated rugpull. Sounds like fud to me.

>> No.23843025

Quant is patented so the secret sauce can’t be cloned.

Anyway, interoperability requires a neutral, level playing field, so the banks can’t own the solution they need to survive into the future.

>> No.23843036

>patents and tons of lawyers
This puts me at ease. My inner schizo has been going crazy over this the last few days, because even though I'm heavily invested in new financial systems, I don't trust banks at all in absolutely any capacity to not try and fuck everyone over.

With that being said, I kind of agree there, I dont think Gil would do something like that just because of his professional reputation. But again, I don't trust banks whatsoever.

>> No.23843087

Why is the QNT token necessary, even if Overledger Network is a success. Is it needed for network security? Is access to the tech possible without QNT?
Can't there be a ripple situation - token not needed.

>> No.23843162

Thats the catch 22 of this new financial reset. Youre right, you cant trust a fucking banker. While it everything will seem fine and dandy will a huge injection of digital helicopter money, in reality this is about further centralizing economic power into the technocrat elite, so they can surveil every transaction and slowly implement a nightmarish global social/medical credit score.

Its a long term play to fuck everyone over softly, but I think we'll have a grace period of wealth and freedom to escape the matrix before they put the clamps down.

>> No.23843202

The token is needed to secure the network, manage identity and a dozen other critical functions.

Quant can’t be used without QNT.

>> No.23843306

Ya I've seen this coming for years now, and that's the only reason why I'm even investing in it, this is just a temporary leapfrog of wealth. But at least I won't be on the bottom.

From a moral/ethical standpoint, the future of blockchain absolutely fucking terrifies me. My only goal is to get a comfy house in the woods in the mountains, away from most people, where I can just spend the rest of my days in relative peace. I don't want any part of this system anymore

>> No.23843366
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big dick quant whale here (100 QNT @ 2$)

where do we set our sells, gentlemen?

>> No.23843441

It's pretty much the exact opposite of cripple.

Licenses alone will drive this to $1k-$5k and beyond in case it ends up in chips and more.

>> No.23843483

I have the exact same plan my friend. Fully self sustainable, innawoods, off the grid except for internet. Although i do feel an imperative to try to wake people up and protect the world from these energy vampires. Perhaps were counting our chickens before they roost, but damn the timeline has never seemed so clear.

QNT $250 EOY

>> No.23843644

I've tried anon, all I get are blank stares or they laugh at me... There's no hope for 99% of people

>> No.23843717

at 16.8, 2 months ago, cuck

>> No.23843787
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I dont agree, most people have it in them to break their chains. Nobody want to live in a world controlled by unelected bankers and nerds. The cabal is brazen and has given us more than enough evidence of their crimes. We just have to be more creative about how we meme their permanent destruction into reality. Victory of the light.