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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23835673 No.23835673 [Reply] [Original]

We're about to enter a new Bitcoin bull run like the one in 2017, like the one in 2013 only this time we're prepared and ready to hold. Will this actually be as easy to make money as I think this is or will there be something different about this Bitcoin cycle?

>> No.23835703

>I just came here now spoonfeed pls

make sure to do a lot of daytrading, like swing out every % and you will make the big bucks!

>> No.23835780

Thanks for the tip but I think I'll stick to buy and hold. How much money will I have at the end of 2021 if I buy for 20k now?

>> No.23835807

am I a fucking oracle? What makes you think someone on this board knows better than billionaire investors who are still unsure about btc? The crypto savants left /biz/ a long time a go, this board is filled with shills, pajeets, and desperate losers like you and me who are trying to get real info out of this godforsaken hellhole.

The only things biz is good for is fud-rumors and memes in bullrun times.

>> No.23835949

>Will this be easy
Fuck, no. Holding a position in magic internet money when the USD value is worth more than you've ever had in your life takes balls of steel, and a self-destructive contrarian streak. Just remember that BTC is king
>Will there be something different
Yes, media attention and institutional money will make us fucking /comfy/ last time the media only arrived in the last month or so.
>What do?
If you're not a wholecoiner by this point, then buy every -5% dip on ETH or XMR then sell the pump the next day. Don't get greedy and good luck anon

>> No.23835971

>We're about to enter a new Bitcoin bull run like the one in 2017
no we're not

>> No.23835989

I found link, quant and corona here first a month before it was global news and pulled my stocks.

>> No.23836090

among 1million other shitcoins
but hats off to 4chan for corona, they were 100% right. A bit exaggerated (bullet prices went up kek) but completely right. But that was all /pol/ and /sci/ spilling over and not /biz/.

>> No.23836097

>only this time we're prepared and ready to hold.
Clearly you aren't prepared at all. I hope this time you sell the fucking top you fucking retard. Just like ESH, STA, AMPL, YFI taught you.

>> No.23836722

What makes you say that?

>> No.23837354
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I was here for the corona predictions and stayed in crypto because I thought BTC was a hedge against disasters

>> No.23837381

sure when people panic they will totally invest their hard cash in money that requires software and internet.