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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23819183 No.23819183 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.23819200

Soles or gtfo.

>> No.23819249


laugh when it's official faggot

>> No.23819295
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These posts genuinely give me hopium.

>> No.23819795

The betting odds raise for trump by the day I just bet another 2k on trump nigger

>> No.23819898


>> No.23819928
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>Trump in office
>This pandemic could be still around in 2025, say experts
>Biden is declared president by the media
>This pandemic will be over in a few months, say experts
Hilarious, and just as everyone predicted.
They literally organised the greatest hoax in world history and shut down the American and world economy because they were so afraid of ordinary voters not doing what they were told and voting for Trump.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you couldn't make this up

>> No.23819957

It was obvious Trump would legitimately win, but it was even more obvious that the dems would cheat. I withheld from betting because I knew this election would be all kinds of fucked up. Looks like I was right.

>> No.23820044

Thats what goes through your mind while you forcefully squat on a big black dildo, that's a good boi. "Cope"

>> No.23820061
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I hope so, I spent hours everyday shilling that shit right up to the election. Hope the trumptards went all in
wait, you genuinely believe the covid pandemic was engineered specifically to prevent a 2nd term for trump? The pandemic that has had a massive (and continuing) impact on the 96% of the world that aren't americans?

>> No.23820068

I'm a liberal and I posted a lot of those threads so I could get cheap chainlink. :P

>> No.23820087

oh no nono I thought the cope was over

>> No.23820104

Just looked at my phone and I made 4,000 dollars off you idiots. And I still have Chainlink.

You have no Chainlink and no president. Haha.

>> No.23820107

The sheep have been fleeced. There is a season for everything.

>> No.23820117

of course there are, the majority of this site consists of alt right hicks that struggled to graduate high school, what else did you expect to happen?
everything was pointing to a trump loss even way before it happened, but hicks have to reject all information from the MSM even if it's something as obvious as "you need to breathe to survive", gotta own the libs I guess, xD

>> No.23820148
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/ptg/ is truly indescrible now

>> No.23820214

>he didn't realize WI/MI flipped from R to D governor and that PA had a new D governor and that these 3 would do everything in their power to make sure Trump didn't win there again, be it fraud or just good old fashioned all out ballot harvesting in the niggertowns of Milwaukee/Detroit/Philly, and stick purely to states trending red with R governors

OH and FL made me a lot of money. I'm sad to see the rust belt go back to being dominated by literal niggy shitholes but that's the way it goes. Hopefully some of them are smart and go back to R governors soon.

>> No.23820371
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Easy money, there's evidence of pervasive fraud.

The media created a carefully crafted fictional world of Biden already having won... It's not grounded in any legal realm.