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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23811952 No.23811952 [Reply] [Original]

I miss old /biz/ all these shills and new fags really get on my nerves

>> No.23812270

fuck you

>> No.23812335

Me too op, but nothing stays the same forever, biz is like a city, an organic living think that constantly goes through different cycles & phases. Don't lose sight of what it's like now by wishing for for it used to be
Relax anon, there's no need to be aggressive it's not necessary here

>> No.23812404

true but we've all changed, so biz staying the same is almost weird.
I don't enjoy the shills, and fuck the shitcoins, but it's fared better than most other boards.
I'd say /biz/ is among the handful of boards that still feel good

>> No.23812465
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based oldfag

>> No.23812473

I just wanted to bump his thread to see what other people think
I don't think biz changed that much
the meta of how best to read it has however

>> No.23812618

I lurk here since the beginning of the year, my old IB got nuked so i came back in this cancerous site once again, and i can say that even with the influx of twitter faggots and trannies after the crash in march this is one of the least cucked boards on this site.

>> No.23812656

old biz was like that too newbie

>> No.23812680

really just not true. biz in nov/dec/march was nothing like this

>> No.23812750
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>> No.23812970
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>> No.23813410

Old /biz/ (pre-Bitcoin bubble) was a dead board, but the discussion was generally higher quality. There were still scams and shills but focused less on crypto and more on actual business and finance.

>> No.23813435

The board was literally made as a containment board for crypto threads.

>> No.23813461

Early crypto biz had discussion on the math and viability of new cryptos even if it was not the majority of threads. The downspiral is quiet significant.