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23807905 No.23807905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It’s far from over

>> No.23807912

accurate and truthpilled

>> No.23807933

Retarded and copium and hopium pilled

>> No.23807938

>it's not over until I say it's over
he doesn't actually get to decide who won
that's why his crew is having a meltdown rn

>> No.23807960
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I hope that hammer and Scorecard shit is real

>> No.23807985

Its over upon concession or taking office.

>> No.23807997
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>> No.23808003


>> No.23808006

This is probably the saddest and most pathetic public meltdown any of us will get to see in our lifetimes. There is no way out of this for him, it’s impossible to spin. He’s a one-term president.

>> No.23808008

>Its over upon concession or taking office.
the Associated Press has been calling it since the 1800's, they haven't been wrong once

>> No.23808030

I am a by the book guy. Dont be treasonous. Stay frosty anons

>> No.23808034

>The controversy began on election night, November 7, 2000, when the national television networks, using information provided to them by the Voter News Service, an organization formed by the Associated Press to help determine the outcome of the election through early result tallies and exit polling, first called Florida for Gore in the hour after polls closed in the peninsula but about ten minutes before they closed in the heavily Republican counties of the panhandle (in the Central time zone).

>> No.23808037
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>> No.23808043

Looking forward to the 2nd civil war.

>> No.23808047

the AP itself didn't call the election for gore. It never did.

It has called this one for Biden though.

>> No.23808059

Well now you’re just arguing semantics to save face. In other words, you’re a nigger.

>> No.23808061
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My name is clarance thomas.

Put some respec on it.

Hello Joseph I will be one of the judges deciding if your election is legitimate.

Remember when you called me a rape ape back in 91 trying to block me from being elected as scotus Justice?

Clarence thomas remembers.

"I haven't forgotten, Joe."

"I haven't forgotten your description of black neighborhoods as a 'racial jungle'."

"I haven't forgotten when you told me I wasn't black because I voted for Trump."

"I haven't forgotten how you picked a race traitor, who loves to put black men behind bars for life, as your Vice President."

"I haven't forgotten how you tried to lynch me as a rapist because of the color of my skin, how you tried to keep me off the Supreme Court."

"But most of all, I haven't forgotten the day you called me a nigger at the swimming pool."

"Back then, I was known as.... Corn Pop."

This was fate, joseph....

>> No.23808067

Should I be surprised that I haven't seen any rioting or burning buildings yet? Call it cope, but if Trump won, we would have had another Rittenhouse situation by now. Thanks for not being as emotional as lefties, trumpers.

>> No.23808068

no, I'm pointing out that the AP has been calling elections since the 1800's and has never been wrong. So when it called this election it almost certainly wasn't wrong.

>> No.23808079

It isn't over until the Electoral College says it is. Electors are sent by state legislatures, most of whom are controlled by state GOP's. State GOP's tend to be more loyal to Trump than the national GOP, and even many in the national GOP are rallying behind the fraudulent election narrative. So what will the state legislatures in MI, WI, PA, AZ, and GA do?

I think it's pretty obvious.

>> No.23808084

bro with that bulletproof logic will you hedge fund leverage trade my funds for me?

>> No.23808087
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Any day now

>> No.23808094

And I pointed out to you that an orginization formed by the AP incorrectly called the election for Gore in 2000. You’re a double nigger.

>> No.23808093

AP is irrelevant. The media doesn't decide elections, retard.

>> No.23808103
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his whining is bullish for xBTC.

>> No.23808134

>The media doesn't decide elections, retard.
the AP has literally been deciding elections for the last 150 years
wrong. The organization didn't call the election either.

it provided correct data that caused the rest of the press to incorrectly call the election.

>> No.23808150

the peoples vote decides the election, jew rat

>> No.23808152
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>> No.23808154

>the AP has literally been deciding elections for the last 150 years
No, they literally haven't.
The Electoral College decides elections, see >>23808079

Calling an election =/= as deciding an election

>> No.23808168

and the AP tabulates the vote. The AP calls the election and decides who the president elect is.

after that it goes from the AP to congress, then the electoral college, then back to congress.

>> No.23808183

>Calling an election =/= as deciding an election
they've never disagreed with the electoral college, so it's the same thing.

>> No.23808188

bro why are you arguing when >>23808154 is laying down facts you could just read instead

>> No.23808213

Hahahaha sure it is. It’s done.

>> No.23808214

because they're not facts

faithless electors have never shifted an election, it's not going to happen. It probably can't happen, but there's no way to know that since it never has.

>> No.23808219

This niggas gotta be trolling lmao. Nobody is this dumb.

CTRL+F "Associated Press" on the constitution, retard.

>> No.23808227

lots of things we do aren't in the constitution, my dear moron

>> No.23808228

Ching chong casts TRICKERY SPELL its ineffective

>> No.23808243

Funny, why did Trump win in 2016 with almost 3 million fewer votes then?

>> No.23808245

It's a bit horrifying how stupid most americans are about their own government. But you're not the brightest tools in the shed.

>> No.23808272

>700 votes one state
>Dozens of thousands of votes
>6 states

>> No.23808279


>> No.23808284

obviously its a more complex system like >>23808154 laid out. If you dont understand how it works im not explaining it. Whether vote actually matters isnt necessarily something im setting out to argue i may agree slightly with you each vote isnt counted. That said, the AP doesnt decide its clearly based on the peoples vote or the electoral college or scotus and ultimately who they decide to swear in in January. And the person they swear in is president. Period.

>> No.23808312

Ok retard, CTRL + F "Associated Press" on any law book anywhere. You won't find it enshrined as the ultimate decider of elections.

>> No.23808322

he just needs to prove fraud in AZ, GA, and PA to win lol

>> No.23808323

>the AP doesnt decide its clearly based on the peoples vote
there is no government entity that counts and tabulates all the votes immediately after election day.

so the AP does that.

months later those votes will be certified by the states, accepted by congress, acted on by the electoral college, and then certified again by congress. But until that time the AP decides and the federal government accepts their decision.

you're about to see this happen. Biden is already being vetted as the president elect because the AP decided he is.

>> No.23808341

oh wow ching chong gets it you just had to manipulate the words enough. Yep so we agree its decided by a number of things least of which is the AP initial take without considering all the facts

>> No.23808354

the AP decides at this point.

they've never been wrong, so there's no real basis for saying they didn't also decide congress' decision or the electoral college.

>> No.23808370

at this point trump is president and AP deciding just makes them look bad later if its not right. Again i dont follow politics or care to discuss except for not wanting to hear from ching chong that rightful winner is Biden. The rightful winner is the man sworn in in January. Period

>> No.23808372

based misattribution of cause

>> No.23808375

What’s the point arguing with Trump supporters? We could just...not....and Biden still becomes President in January. It’s like talking to a flat Earther, there’s no point, the Earth doesn’t become flat if we stay silent. There are better ways to spend time.

>> No.23808391

who is a trump supporter? Most people here are libertarian id guess swing voters

>> No.23808427

Holy shit you’re not even American??? Why the fuck are you so obsessed with our political process then? What the fuck is wrong with you man??

>> No.23808432

How can we /biz/raelis outside the U.S accelerate this?

>> No.23808440

they've never looked bad before and I sincerely doubt they will this time either. If there was ANY doubt they wouldn't call the election.
they don't cause the congressional and collegiate votes, but they make damn sure they're right before announcing the winner.

>> No.23808443

US Civil War means China takes over without resistance. Say what you want about burgers, they are 1000x less bad than the see see pea

>> No.23808453

I'm an american, I just don't consider my type of american to be the same as these ignorami

>> No.23808473

read: im jew and they are gentile

>> No.23808478

I'm genius and they're average american

>> No.23808485

You’re grieving right now and that’s OK. You’re allowed to feel the feelings you’re feeling.

Eventually, you’ll reach acceptance. Unfortunately, it’s going to hurt a lot along the way. Since you’re currently at the denial stage, you have a ways to go.

But these feelings are perfectly normal and completely valid. You’ll need to fully experience the full process.

One piece of advice: the quicker you can reach acceptance, the less you’ll suffer.

>> No.23808494

Mhm biz has the same average iq as average american iq. Just being real with you youre much lower iq than every person you attempted to argue with here

>> No.23808509

imagine being this much of a dsm4 jew to project emotions. I bet this guys favorite thing to say is take your meds to his own kids

>> No.23808521

Damn you guys are mad, like jackin it in san diego mad. Yikes.

>> No.23808536

hey there sweety oopsie poopsie looks like your voicey woicey went to a big level wevel and YOUR MAD YOU NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT MEDS

>> No.23808560

Oh shieeet I got baited. I thought I was on /b/ for a second kek

>> No.23808568

to be fair I never knew about the AP's role in deciding elections until this one. But anyone that wants to can check what I'm saying and see it's true. The AP called the 2016 election in trump's favor, so there's no real reason for trump supporters to suddenly doubt their decision when they agreed with it all of 4 years ago.

>> No.23808577

Bro my girlfriend practically gaslights me for a living do you mind giving it a rest
Obviously zoomer so maybe stop acting an expert

>> No.23808578
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This isn't /pol/. Please go back. I am so tired of seeing this orange retard.
Get over it. God damn it, I wanted to never hear about Trump after Nov 3rd but fuck that's all anyone talks about anymore


>> No.23808590

>Obviously zoomer so maybe stop acting an expert
boomer. I voted for the oldest Bush.

>> No.23808596

making these claims before its over is dangerous. Dont get too upset if you lose

>> No.23808607

For sure my man, but can you all give this guy a round of applause? I seriously thought he was a trump supporter with that shitposting, you had at me the first half ngl

>> No.23808609

well isnt it fun seeing an uneducated smarter than everyone boomer here to grace us with some lessons. Thanks for stopping in, ill buy your stonk bags lol

>> No.23808627

>he's buying stocks
I'm one step closer to biting the hook again, jesus christ

>> No.23808628


>> No.23808633

you're welcome, jackass

you need to get married and buy my houses, but somehow i doubt women are going to want you.

>> No.23808634

that was sarcasm friend

>> No.23808636

You're in for a big surprise faggot

>> No.23808649

i actually own real estate. Im not a zoomer, old man. And the place i own didnt increase in value for the boomers before me which makes it all the sweeter until i bought it +66%

>> No.23808650

I was gonna say, imagine buying stocks when Biden is going to have the weight of Trumps policies for the next 4 years. Market is gonna tank

>> No.23808657
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>> No.23808660


>> No.23808681

o my gosh thats from southpark ! !

>> No.23808692

You're young, it'll probably triple in value over the next 20 years. Mine have.

>> No.23808699

Yeah its the episode where Cartman makes chili out of Scott Tenorman's parents.

>> No.23808709

Trust me im already realestatepilled, but good looking out old timer

>> No.23808742

I'm pretty sure electors are required by law to vote for the pres that won their state

>> No.23808752
