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File: 30 KB, 1153x604, 2020-11-08 20_16_45-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23804723 No.23804723 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder bitcoin and all cryptos are a bubble and ponzi scheme.
The only people buying it are the same people who have bought it for years. Nobody new is getting roped into this scam.

>> No.23804756

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.23804785


>> No.23804804


>> No.23804803

Well I bought it in 2013 and a lot of people bought since then
Must be hard when you can't even afford one lmao

>> No.23804849

So retail is the only entity that can invest in the future store of value at the beginning of the S curve?


>> No.23804897

this chart literally shows bitcoin on its way to passing gold in popularity lol nice try anon

>> No.23804938

your whole post is a buy signal, stop coping gold fags

>> No.23804970

Read these and keep reading.




>> No.23805055

>bitcoin etf
What the fuck is the point?

>> No.23805267

Not having to worry about your wallets getting hacked

>> No.23805290

Same with PayPal. Acknowledgement/capitulation as a legitimate asset. We are so early that the OP literally thinks Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme.. In 10, 20 years the irony will be almost inconceivable, especially if you understand how fiat works, or even inflationary gold.

I hold the majority of my Bitcoin via cold storage. For many, holding it via another method that is insured/legitimized is a decent option. I wouldn't tell my grandma to buy a Trezor - she'd end up losing everything. You may not know this, but medium (multi millionaires) to large investors have brokers at banks and investment firms that do these things for them - a common practice would entail them calling up their advisor and saying "put 10 million in Bitcoin, Ethereum? Okay, put 1 million in that." I know for a fact someone was called by their Fidelity advisor who told them to allocate in Bitcoin. Is it against the spirit of Bitcoin? Yes and no - private wallets are definitely prudent. But it's still better than fiat which is now set to inflate at 10-15 fucking percent a year for who knows how long now, and inflates at 7% on a good year! Think tech stocks aren't risky? Guess again. Gold? Absolutely - 20 years ago. Catch up.

>> No.23805335
File: 79 KB, 790x395, they_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is shit but compared to fiat and boomer rocks (read: gold) it's the best thing we have to fight government.

>> No.23805386

pick one

>> No.23805407

lol okay stay poor when gold/silver skyrockets

central banks and foreign governments own gold, not bitcoin.

>> No.23805432

Gold has no inherent value.

When we are all banging the hottest chicks in the pleasure simulation and you are stuck banging open source chicks without customized personality implants, you're gonna feel so fricken stupid for buying boomer crap.

>> No.23805456

>Gold has no inherent value.
Yes it does lmao, it's been used as a commodity and as currency for almost all of human history

>When we are all banging the hottest chicks in the pleasure simulation and you are stuck banging open source chicks without customized personality implants, you're gonna feel so fricken stupid for buying boomer crap.
Stay poor.
What about foreign governments/central banks/businesses own gold and not bitcoin do you not understand?
Why are the same people owning bitcoin as they were 3 years ago?

>> No.23805461
File: 423 KB, 472x465, 1602809020404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know I'm 20 and I just got roped into this scam in September, bought some Btc and Chainlink. Can't wait for my lambo this Christmas

>> No.23805511

I feel sorry for you, there's still time to get into gold/silver mining stocks. /pmg/ welcomes you

>> No.23805542

Gold historically hits 1.5%
Do the math on that for 50 years. Oops.
Also, the more popular gold becomes, the more the miners are incentivized to find more of it. Don't underestimate the power of human ingenuity especially if there's money to be made. Even if Bitcoin inflated the same way it would still be a better asset class because it is better as a store of value from virtually every standpoint. Gold has the established use case as store of value - that's it. Where gold served well as a store of value, Bitcoin is store of value. It's perfectly designed for it - especially in the digital age, and when Millenials are set to inherit all the wealth, and they only control 5% of it now. This is basic arithmetic. If you understand how powerful Bitcoin can become in this regard, especially in the age of monetary fuckery and inflation - Bitcoin is like discovering fire.

Gold is a dead hunk of metal.

Bitcoin is a programmable, borderless, sleepless, trustless digital store of value. As Michael Saylor mentioned, it can get out of bed while you're sleeping, do a billion things and then crawl back into bed when you wake up. The implications are awe inspiring.

>> No.23805547

>Nobody new is getting roped into this scam
very false, at least from my circles. I got in this summer, 4 or 5 friends got in last month, parents want to buy 100k of ETH. And the worst part is that I didn't even shill it to anyone.

>> No.23805562

>same people believe in its cause over a 3year bear market

>> No.23805585

Do you really think anyone has the resources at their disposal to spread out that much and buy shiny rocks in this economy? To get them in the first place would be a ludicrous amount of money for me at the moment, I only have 200 LINK and 0.07 BTC after all

>> No.23805596

when people can In their eyes safely put a few % of their wealth into it and hold it till retirement, locking up supply then you’ll see the real moon, which is kinda what’s happening now through gbtc

>> No.23805619

The higher the price of gold goes the more new mines open and the more they dig up and dump on the market, miners have cuckd gold forever, it’s doomed to underperform against btc forever which is a fixed supply fixed inflation

>> No.23805629

>the more the miners are incentivized to find more of it.
LOL Mining never ever outpaces demand, the gold created in mining hardly effects the money supply level

>Gold is a dead hunk of metal.
I can't wait for you people to lose everything when the us dollar collapses.

Bitcoin is literally tied to USD right now. Gold is not.

>> No.23805643
File: 38 KB, 1256x554, trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmm, stonkbros, we're going to make it right?

>> No.23805662

newfag detected, I hold gold and silver also but btc is clearly superior and at 1/50th the market cap with a fixed supply and fixed inflation. To store tons of gold for banks and countries it’s a nightmare, to move and transfer high amounts of gold it’s simply painful and expensive, 100ml of btc can fit in your hand. Btc will eat golds market cap from now till the end of time

>> No.23805744

You fail to address my point, it already inflates at 1.5 historically. I think it's touched 2% a few times. You're holding an inflationary asset. You're also betting that humans never get better at mining advancements, ever. You're also not addressing the fact that if it becomes more popular, more mining will be established i.e. more enemies of your asset will be created.

Bitcoin isn't tied to anything right now, it's become uncorrelated recently. Also, the dollar is actually strong for the foreseeable future (from a geopolitical standpoint), however holding it long term is suicide.

If you like gold, invest in gold, my dad made a small fortune on gold, we're on the same side if you understand inflation/fed. But it's highly unlikely gold is going to do a 100x anytime soon, in fact it's probably impossible. Bitcoin on the other hand? Wouldn't be in the least bit surprising, in fact from a simple supply/demand economic standpoint it will probably do many multiples of its current market cap.

>> No.23805772

>he thinks ponzi schemes are bad

>> No.23805914

This. Everything you can speculate on, becomes a ponzi . New money bails out old often at a higher price, even gold, you think doomers like schiff aren’t fueling speculation when theyve been screaming for the collapse of the dollar forever and for 10k gold for the last decade, gold has been a dog asset to gold for the last 10 years, it hasn’t even beaten inflation and forget about silver that’s still down even after 10 years without counting inflation, you’re being fooled. Bitcoin is the king, they don’t want you to know this cause they can’t charge you markup scam bs premiums and storage fees like they do with gold.

>> No.23805954

You had 10 years, honey. Don't be a crying baby.

>> No.23806012

>(((g**gle trends)))

>> No.23806022

>Gold is not
the futures are priced in USD
a DXY fall makes every asset price INITIALLY fall, it corrects itself accordingly AFTER
go see what happened to gold/sivler prices in 2008

>> No.23806029

I get gold, I really do. But Bitcoin is the logical next step. Just the gold mining alone should drive you mad.

Imagine having the ability to not having these gold miners leeching your money away. Your asset is being bled out by these fucking leeches. It's literally dripping away as more is found. You don't hold the same % as you used to. Imagine if you could rip these fucking things off of your asset, it's being attacked by an unknowable inflationary number each year, and have it accumulate in value totally fucking organically. Completely free.

>> No.23806051

>What the fuck is the point?
to attract more normies

all markets are ponzi
one has to buy high and lose for other to win

>> No.23806115

Agreed you’re right , goldfags cry about inflation but can’t answer the fact that as it gets more valuable it’s inflation will continue to increase as its more profitable to open mines and also Research and buy superior tech To get more out of the ground, easier and cheaper. Miners are the enemy of gold and why it’s doomed, if it’s a lifetime hold then the hodler has lost their purchasing power completely, yes it beats fiat but not btc, never has never will

>> No.23806391

good attack vector Midrash Hagadol
that will show these crypto tards one never fucks with us hebrews
good job

>> No.23806511

Stay poor nocoiner. See you when DMG is in (redacted)

>> No.23806525 [DELETED] 

Stay poor nocoiner. See you when DMG is in (redacted)

>> No.23806591


>> No.23806604

Holy shit I thought it was way more popular.