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23803723 No.23803723 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomer here, want to be one. Tips?

>> No.23804456

yup. got any questions in particular?

>> No.23804580

Is it similar to programming in C?

>> No.23804927

steal bitcoins

>> No.23804968

tips on getting hired?

>> No.23804997

Get good at compsci first then it's just like JS/Swift with different APIs. You think they made it difficult with nimrods like us creating their dApps?

>> No.23805410

The hardest part is learning to think about designing for a distributed system. Noone is going to hire you until you can prove you know what you are doing.

>> No.23805494

don't have much experience with c. it's closer to python/js imo
depends what you wanna do, front end or backend. if you want to do frontend, your best bet would be to start building websites/working with js frameworks like react or even vue. if you want to do backend, there are a couple ways. you can start by building a couple simple contracts (i did 'save your own phrase on the blockchain'), and post it to your github. do a couple of these and work your way into harder concepts. people like to see trackable progress, shows you're actually interested/dedicated. you can also try and add on some open source dapps, although that requires more experience/knowledge for the most part
the main thing i'd say is to show that you're dedicated. research the market, learn a bunch of coins, interact with some defi projects and learn about yield farming mechanics, learn about different chains, the trilema, and so on. passion sells in this space, because things change very quickly

>> No.23805789

I’m a front end web dev, want to work together on a token?

>> No.23805811


not op, but im currently studying computing in blockchain.
havent gotten to the nitty gritty yet, mainly web dev and Java etc atm.

any recommended reading before I get into blockchain stuff? I see you recommended making contracts, any tips on where to start? would like to attempt a few projects.

thanks btw

>> No.23805910

How much experience do you have?
Any projects your comfortable sharing?

>> No.23806091

sorry, not too interested with developing onchain stuff rn. if you ever have a great idea feel free to start a thread though, i check biz relatively often
here's my favorite blockchain book: github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook

it gets into a bunch of nitty gritty eth stuff, from the basics to the heavier shit. its free as well so always worth a look.
in terms of contract stuff, i remember using loom networks tutorial back in the day, let me see if i can find a link there. in terms of simple projects to start, i'd say do some brainstorming when you've learned the basic solidity concepts. what would be interesting applications of blockchain only using simple variables? something like a time capsule verified onchain? maybe taking a token template and making it deflationary? these should be relatively simple, and give you some thinking room as to other things that can be done. explore blockchain as a concept - what's it actually useful for?

finally i'd say to do some research in the market. what's the cool new shit? defi? nfts? find some really simple examples of that, and create your own. i used to be really interested in autonomous tokens, 0xbtc, ampl, met, shit that you code once and live forever on chain without a developer.

i jumped around a bunch of topics so let me know if any clarification would help

>> No.23806103

No negative numbers :)

>> No.23806133

here's the loom link: https://cryptozombies.io

>> No.23806155

yea i did that and I read mastering ethereum

>> No.23806235

that's basically as much experience as i had before applying to my first job. stress how interested you are in the space, not necessarily cost wise but code/ideals wise. i had previous experience at a different startup doing AI/machine learning in python, but they were more interested to see that i followed through on learning blockchain as a concept. honestly, most of the people i came across hiring are 2010 oldfags who want to teach the next generation how to code. obviously might not be the case everywhere

>> No.23806699


based anon
thanks, I appreciate your reply dude

>> No.23806958

no worries, best of luck anon, we're all make it

>> No.23806973


>> No.23807012

Just build shitcoins on Fuse when the time comes. Don't waste your precious brainpower.

>> No.23807555

0xBTC is a scam though, don't promote scams here. Advice disregarded.

>> No.23807616
File: 35 KB, 200x200, fishLogo_200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PenguinParty.eth is an opensource movement that can teach you solidity dev and frontend work, just join up to their discord: pkmBgQr

The Penguin Party is about to move to expand their governance power to Compound.finance and issue a wrapped-delegated COMP token as well as a wrapped-delegated Uni [where they already control over $500k in voting power].

This Penguin Party Fish token seems SUPER fucking bullish, bizanons, are you going to miss this train? They have their own channel in official uniswap discord and their own interface for uniswap:


I'm so fucking bullish on fish bizanons..