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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23801081 No.23801081 [Reply] [Original]

Who else was tricked?

>> No.23801093

I'm still holding a lot.


>> No.23801097

Still holding, am I an idiot?

>> No.23801101

if it has a general thread someone is trying to dump on you

>> No.23801114

No, i'm the idiot - decided to stake for a year

>> No.23801115

you werent tricked, tomo news broke quickly on biz and non retards sold. now lotion is literally never ever ever ever coming back

>> No.23801128

My stake doesn’t end til December and I’m fucking pissed I’ll have to sell at 1/3 the price I could have sold for a few weeks ago

>> No.23801146

Realistically, I would simply baghold and resell it to the 2021 crypto summer newfags
Hell, you could X2 or even X3 your money if you do that (implying you didnt buy high)

>> No.23801157

The only ones tricked were those who sold.

>> No.23801169


both of your guys fault for falling for the fundamentals meme. also didnt know shition staking was locked in periods, thats brutal

>> No.23801174
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none of the devs are saying anything substantial when they should have been able to give complete answers instead of "haha it works and we like it xD". Nobody is answering ftp's valid questions and moon boys are coping left and right. Richard has also disappeared and is probably kicking his feet up real comfy now that he's dumped his bags and sold off the hardest thing to manage. Its not gonna pump after this announcement is it?

>> No.23801186

No other option really. Pointless selling this low. Sill a decent project and will have another cycle if the tomo fags can get their shill game up.

>> No.23801197

just talked with my jewish lawyer, there will be a big case against those german scammers

>> No.23801210

Also SAP is 100% no more, they saw the potential and did what all huge ass companies do and made their own version of it. No way the partnership really means anything now even if its shilled on their websites.

>> No.23801211

Holding 5 of those

>> No.23801285

can anyone tell me the reasoning why TOMO bought Lition?

>> No.23801350

>tell people to sell the dead cat
>they dont
bros why you never listen to me

>> No.23801378

I enjoy the thought of supplying hippie germans with power through "my investment"

>> No.23801424

I should’ve bought Stake instead. Fuck you shilling Pajeets!!

>> No.23801437
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I was... I lost 8 ETH from this... Thinking of selling but it hurts so much to just call it a loss... I don't really think there is any hope of it bouncing back... they basically sold out.

>> No.23802020


Niggers ngmi

>> No.23802028


>> No.23802055

chads sold at the TOMO news or at the insider shilling preceding TOMO news

I tripled my initial. Get rekt.

>> No.23802087

i love how the team and some people here said "NOO THE NEWS IS ACTUALLY GOOD!!!"

>> No.23802255

Can I get a link to the fud group or is it full already?

>> No.23802295

What fud group?
Look how the coin this summer, compared to others. What did you get, a X4 if you timed it perfectly?

>> No.23802792

That's not such a great argument.
Lots of legit projects didn't moon overnight, take link, synthetix etc for an example. How many of those 5-10x's turned out to be a rug, or just overhyped vaporware that dumped 90% afterwards?
You know what lition does. You know that there's real transactions from real people behind the already existing usecase, which is growing and just alone is enough to guarantee a 20% yearly roi if you stake.
A real blockchain company shelled out some serious cash to acquire it, and that's not a coincidence.
You understand why 99.9% of people don't ever make it on this board? Because it not as easy as going all in on the next food coin.
It's about doing research and not listening to weird internet frogs spammed by spactics on an anonymous board.
The only reason why I'm not surprised this dumped so hard is because I know biz and some of reddit make up 90% of the people who know about it.
And sorry to say but they're not the smart money anon.
I already semi made it with snx, this will be my last investment before I cash out for good.

>> No.23802844

this shitcoin fuds itself

>> No.23802896
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>> No.23802915

Another well thought out argument.

>> No.23802947

Locked in until end of month. Fuck my life. No point in selling now

>> No.23803467


Sup dude. You have any hope for news before new-year? If they actually have a POC with a bank, that will be huge.