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File: 116 KB, 3002x1725, THE GRAPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23798463 No.23798463 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside tell me the truth.

>> No.23798487

Not quite. Indexing isn't nearly as big a deal as oracles. Still, it's a baseline blockchain agnostic protocol with a sane launch cap, and you don't get those every day.

>> No.23798490

Blue logo = SCAM

>> No.23798525

Nearly as big?
What the fuck are you talking about, Uniswap and other shitapps on Ethereum can't run without The Graph. They processed over 250M queries every day on average for the last few months iirc lol

>> No.23798575

Indexing allows for smart, faster communication and querying. Oracles allow DeFi to exist in the first place. Chainlink is still a tier above in terms of being fundamental, and I'm not shit talking the graph, it's a great project and the most exciting prospect in a long time.

>> No.23798577

it's way bigger than that

>> No.23798591

That's true :)

>> No.23798658

except chainlink literally needs token and you can index shit whitout token forever

>> No.23798689

What is the current mcap?

>> No.23798701

Link is top 3, Graph is top 4 (BTC,ETH,Link ,Graph. XRP will be the DASH and MaidSafe of this cycle). I think Graph might be the slightly higher risk higher reward equal to Link.

Both are the only legit blockchain agnostic that used at large scale rightnow.

>> No.23798706

Except you need to pay 10s of thousands of dollars monthly to be able to serve that data efficiently if you're running your own servers.

>> No.23798723
File: 922 KB, 1200x1200, A38CC45E-644E-499C-9BD5-C6D9987DBDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the Graph Network will 100x after the mainnet launch:

They’re selling 400MM tokens in the public sale and the circulating supply at launch is 1.2BN. They will have a 10BN total supply, with inflation+burns.

That said, at $0.03, the circulating MC once network is launched will be 36MM (1.2BN tokens circulating). All of the other tokens are unreleased and/or vested, including all of the VC’s tokens.
This could be a Filecoin situation where GRT reaches a deluded fully diluted MC initially.

At 36MM circulating MC at $0.03, why could this not hit 360MM circulating MC at $0.30? Could even go to $3.00 and 3.6BN circulating MC.

Filecoin’s fully diluted valuation is 58BN RIGHT NOW. At peak it was over 200BN, with a circulating MC of $2.5BN.

At $3.00, GRT’s fully diluted would be only 30BN. Double it we get to $6.00 and 60BN. At Filecoin’s peak, that’s like GRT at $20.

Much of the GRT will be staked in the network as well, either as curators or delegators. You can earn fees by delegating or signaling with your GRT, so there will be buying pressure for people trying to earn passive income, and a decrease in selling pressure since most users who bought in the public sale will be either delegating or curating. And there is a limit of GRT in the sale, only $1-5K per person, those with a higher limit are people more likely to stake in the network = less people to dump. And no Americans could participate in the sale, so that's a huge demographic excluded.

*not financial advice*

>> No.23798740

Chainlink is the next chainlink

>> No.23798749

Wasn't that the FUD on Link back in 2017? That Oracle isn't that of a big deal? If Graph economics is similar and they've as much use cases as Link, Why wouldn't it be valued the same as Link?

>> No.23798758

I disagree. There’s a reason why the whole DeFi space is using The Graph. Both Chainlink and The Graph will be the most used and important infrastructure protocol in crypto/DeFi. They are in the same league for above others..

>> No.23798796

Actually you do. The Graph is centralized now. The tokens are needed to enable decentralization. Cause the token will create an incentive for node runners, indexers and curators etc

>> No.23798813

Plus the whole Graph ecosystem is fucking insane. They literally open a new, secondary market, to trade actual subgraphs on lol.

>> No.23798828

When will the token be available?

>> No.23798840

EOY afaik

>> No.23798864

This is one of the few projects that almost has no real FUD. The only argument they have as the tokenomics. Which doesn't change the fact that it has only a diluted market cap of $300M. That's peanuts for a project of this magnitude.

>> No.23798895


>> No.23798904

I'm not going to speculate on whether "it will be valued the same" as Chainlink because crypto valuations are extremely irrational, and anything can be valued at anything.
The economics are similar in the sense that both create an ecosystem of incentives where participants have to stake the token (and perform honestly) in order to be rewarded (or penalised) more of the token. Anyone who has gotten their head around the Chainlink model understands how this works and appreciates that it's a good use for a token.

My view is that the particular collateral requirements of Chainlink are extremely strong, stronger than the incentives in The Graph. High value Chainlink contracts will have high value collateral requirements, whereas indexing will never require huge amounts of collateral to be staked by a single party.

But despite that, Indexing is a big deal, and The Graph have demonstrated they are the market leaders. They are a base level, blockchain agnostic protocol with a good justification to create a token ecosystem. That's what you need to focus on. Not "Will it, or should it, be worth as much as Chainlink?" which doesn't even have a static valuation anyway. People need to stop thinking in "this price/that price" valuation terms and take a broader look at the ecosystem and what's being built.

>> No.23798930
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, Plotx_Only_Chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graph's pretty good, yep.

In that tier I also have PlotX which is hugely undervalued in the prediction market field.

>> No.23799014

kys you shitskinned monkey.
go shill your scam in some other threads.

>> No.23799033

They take into account that Graph will likely open x10+ presale price. This would still only put it at 350M marketcap, barely even top 50. Fully diluted marketcap is trash and shouldn't be put at priority, did you even see Filecoin and SRM FD marketcap? Even RSR reached 6B+.

Fudders try to predent that not only Graph isn't a top 5 material but that it's unreasonable for it to have higher valuation than many Defi scams that Graph itself was crucial for their existence in the first place.

>> No.23799054

>whereas indexing will never require huge amounts of collateral to be staked by a single party.

I disagree. The more stake you have, the more queries you can serve, the more money you can make. It also has a pretty dope anti-whale system for staking. :) It's pretty well thought. You'll see when more details come out.

>> No.23799060

Fair point. Both Chainlink and The Graph will be the most important infrastructure level protocol in the whole space.

>> No.23799167

AMMs/PMMs with enough liquidity kill every oracle product out there

>> No.23799271
File: 287 KB, 710x710, cqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's Covalent

>> No.23799288

hahah sure.

>> No.23799329

I'm sold, where do I buy this shit?

>> No.23799356
File: 514 KB, 656x878, Iwonder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to do is look at their logo man.

>> No.23799375

30-60 days since tokensale

>> No.23799382

30-60 days since public sale. So few more weeks before exchanges.

>> No.23799403

kys nigger

>> No.23799477

pre sale is over?

>> No.23799516


>> No.23799539

what is kys?

>> No.23799557

kill yourself

>> No.23799566

So no way to buy this now if you missed presale?

>> No.23799569

wait for exchange listing, soon after mainnet launch I guess

>> No.23799571

what was the pre sale price?

>> No.23799573

What is Niger?

>> No.23799594

a great word to scream in public. describes anything that smells like fried chicken.
>"Yo man, this KFC smells like a nigger."

>> No.23799632

you can join the billion pajeets hounding telegram about "wen exchange" every 15 minutes. All we know is some time between Nov 23 and Dec 23.

>> No.23799655

Ahahhaha LOL!!!! True lmfao

>> No.23799802

fuck u overton

>> No.23799833

Shut up Dev

>> No.23799846

lmao no way ur overton hahahah

>> No.23799848

KYSNGR is a new promising South African dynamic crypto coin by Denel, tailor made for the unique big data, deep learning and AI internet of things exchanges and special circumstances of the African continent and the needs of its market, enterprises, data centers and sovereign states. It's primary backers being AFRICOM, African Union, Denel Dynamics Corporation, Roodeplaat Research Laboratories and BRICS banking ecosystem.

It is expected to become the primary crypto coin of the 21st century after the great reset on the entire African continent.

>> No.23799944

Return my Doritos to Zimbabwe or face the consequences.

>> No.23800029

keep this shit to your discord or telegram you stupid faggots, nobody cares

>> No.23800173


>> No.23800396

Under what opening price will you be accumulating more tokens?

>> No.23800434

the amount this gets asked i feel like it's data mining for people who are looking to sell, lol. That said I would be very happy at $0.10-$15 and would go in strong. Above $0.25 and I'd probably wait it out, as it will probably be very volatile at launch.

>> No.23800543

I agree. $0.10-$0.15 is a good price. I'm afraid in this market however, it will go straight to $0.30 (x10). Even AVAX did a x10 and its not even close to The Graph..

>> No.23800584 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 480x360, readingbooksmmhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleasing for you not to be doing the avalanche compare dear,

>> No.23800593

Stupid name

>> No.23800603

Why? you an AVAX fan boy?

>> No.23800620 [DELETED] 

never respond me again gay boy

>> No.23800695

Where to buy it?

>> No.23800722

How to buy

>> No.23800895


>> No.23801410

Sub 0.3 is wishful thinking considering recent big projects listings. Could happen tho if btc dump.

>> No.23801783

Pre salers will dump it, just like they did with any other coin this year. They dont care about fundamentals or any of that bullshit. Once they are up 3x to 5x, they dump.

>> No.23801924

This is a literal new paradigm unlike all this defi shit that will never be used. Anyone who doesn't go all in if GRT doesn't hit x3 is insane.

Expect mainstream marketing soon after token release, Coinbase are going to protect their investment

>> No.23802123


Sorry not going to happen, Any new shitcoin that launches do x3+. Graph sale was massively oversubscribed with only a few that were able to get in + only 30M cap on listing for literally the best project to release the past 3 years+ presale/private/vc coins are locked in the first 6 months.

Im 100% getting a major loan if this really only open at x3-5, but again its not going to happen most certainly.

>> No.23802265

Fucking niggers I'm a linky since 2017 and here everyday and this is the first time I hear about this because I don't have twitter or wherever you found about it, I see the token sale ended on 23rd October? Will there be another sale?
Also why don't you faggots shill these during sale?

>> No.23802291

There were a couple of threads before the presale but with so many wanting to get in it's no surprise people weren't louder about it. Most people who did get in only got a $2k allocation anyway, with the max being $5k. Just be glad it's on your radar now, it hasn't even launched.

>> No.23802310

is it possible to get into the presale?

>> No.23802341

Yeah will keep an eye on it, will move some % of link into it if it starts at an interestinc mc.
It'll probably just get listing for a billion $ mc or something won't it though, most people who found about this during presale probably know its worth and won't sell at 100m$ mc but we'll see.

>> No.23802374

How to buy it? I cant find it anywhere.

>> No.23802417

At least read a couple posts in the thread retard, you just saw a new shitcoin and lots of posts and fomoed kek, it's not released yet, presale and public sales are over I think so we'll just wait to buy with the normies.

>> No.23802457

In the most optimal scenario pajeets will sell for any profits, there must be some lucky bastards who got in the sale and don't know anything about the project and its potential and only followed the hype.

In the worst scenario it'll do filecoin which i doubt because that shit was manipulated as fuck.

>> No.23802468


what's the difference between a presale and a public sale?

>> No.23802480

Not really. I read about the indexation. Got me interested.

>> No.23802522

I don't know they're just jew terms used to get more shekels, as in I'll sell 10% in november for 0.5$ (presale) then sell 20% in January for 0.7$ (public sale).

>> No.23802700

problem is.... there's too many of us already thinking this will be very big. so i guess buying in the beginning means youll get massively dumped on... i'll probably buy 1 or 2 months after it comes out.

>> No.23803396


I've been making sure to cum on you. Don't ever tell me how to do what I do best. Go fuck the same horse you rode in on fucking dishonest shit

>> No.23803517

Will it be on coinbase?

>> No.23804433


>> No.23805305

It's like chainlink in that it doesn't do anything interesting and it doesn't need a token.