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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 280x390, nigger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2379799 No.2379799 [Reply] [Original]

This is Stratis CEO. Do you really trust a black man with your money?

Even worse, he made a TV show called HUSTLE where they conned innocent victims out of their money.

Stratis is a complete scam, you need to sell ASAP.

>> No.2379813

I dont. I fucked up.

>> No.2379824


>> No.2379838

>He made a TV show where he was a conman

Whoa dude. Does that mean that we need to investigate Christian Bale for all of those murders in the 80's?

>> No.2379850

You just mad you didn't hold your ICO tokens and sold like an instadumping faggot?

>> No.2379860

Yes. and maybe Bret Easton Ellis.

>> No.2379926

>trusts a black man with your money
>blows it all on crack, hoes, diamonds, and fried chicken

>> No.2379975


Black's can make good businessmen because they already lack empathy and compassion and have a killer instinct. Also, Not all black people are dumb as rocks, Just most of them.

>> No.2379990

Look at that pimp suit tho.

>> No.2380004

Pretty sure most of you retards have never met a black person IRL

>> No.2380015

These bags are getting heavy af. Hands are getting tired anons

>> No.2380034

Have you met every single black person? Most white people are dumb as shit as well, there are always outliers

>> No.2380038


found the nigger

>> No.2380048

Most of the time if a black person makes it that far it means they're pretty fucking good.
Most of the time.

>> No.2380078

No im just a leaf, a blue eyed white (fairly racist) leaf.

>> No.2380114
File: 19 KB, 350x291, 1391706610397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britbong here,

This dude is an accomplished theatre actor

He played Hamlet at the West End

>> No.2380121

Wrong, moron. Hit me up when you leave your parent's basement.

>> No.2380209

i legitimately trust this man with all my money

>> No.2380244

Yes. He'll pressure autistic Vitalik into giving him all his money using his charisma

>> No.2380303

on the topic of stratis, can someone explain what stratis coin does? I understand this is a centralized company helping other companies adopt blockchain technology but what's the role of the token?

>> No.2380314

>IOC stop with the FUD!

>> No.2380339

I sold all my stratis the moment i found out the CEO was a negro

>> No.2380398

They basically create blockchains that can run on the stratis network. The blockchains created use stratis tokens to move money across the network.

>> No.2380402

yes, actual information in this shill thread would be appreciated

>> No.2380419

Aaaaaaand I dumped my 300 Strats. First racist trading decision I ever made AND IT FELT GOOOOOOOOD!

>> No.2380463

he is just riding the code ex-CORE autist developer https://fr.linkedin.com/in/nicolasdorier

>> No.2380485

If he is Nigerian, yes. Those guys make bank.

>> No.2380505

Do you think I'd let a COLORED control my financial future? This is just another jive-turkey con to get back at "whitey."

>> No.2380570

nice link, baguettelover

>> No.2380607



>> No.2381930

> just a leaf
Even worse
Did you leafs know that in the codeword for niggers is "canadians"

>> No.2381992

Definition of FUD here

>> No.2382032

>Vitalik starts dating a Russian model
>Stratis CEO blacks her up at Ethereum conference
>Vitalisk starts to spiral into darkness
>ETH falls into irreverence. Stratis to the moon

Never bet against Chads

>> No.2382203

AHAHAHAHH Thats fucking dope

>> No.2382214

yes I do, I'm investing in NGR

>> No.2382243
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, IMG_4323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember and re post this eveytime you see /pol/tards.

>> No.2382257

any white kid would be happy to share his girlfriend with a black man.

>chad as a name for darkie dark

>> No.2382270

>>Vitalik starts dating a Russian model
>>Stratis CEO blacks her up at Ethereum conference
>> She reports him to the police for attempted rape
>>Stratis CEO inexplicably commits suicide

>> No.2382279
File: 7 KB, 320x320, 1496875789714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2382293
File: 4 KB, 205x115, cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its NGA, they changed the end and made it their own.

>> No.2382300


>> No.2382307
File: 54 KB, 800x562, OgAAAKD_67sorrkgi9I260uUAotM1OSh0ZyxwK62ullJIVlxmBf77h7kA1kRqj_eQR5fOv5syPnnE-EEhUZcv8Rv62AAm1T1UPNzoIpHkTwk_W6lehvpryCBGtyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sir sir i am a Nigerian prince and would like to transfer $200 million dollars to your bank account. All you need to do is buy these coins and then the money transfer will begin. No no sir, this is not a scam, this is a legitimate business opportunity.

>> No.2383492

kek hail victory

>> No.2383666


Nigger has been located


>> No.2383675

>FUDDing during a dip

the real scammer is you...how cheap does this shit need to be before you fill your bags?

>> No.2384431
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1496358862852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F to anyone who invested in this

>> No.2384502

I did too.

I've had a rule for stocks for years: Be weary of any company you see placing an empashis on promoting diversity. As far as a nigger CEO, forget about it.

>> No.2384792

Same. Put that shit in GNT.

>> No.2385490

Big black stratis(BBS)

>> No.2385551

/pol/ is good for talking about jews,muslims,blacks, crime, immigration, etc

/biz/ is good for crypto, stocks, making money

I don't come here to talk about nigs and IQ. I go to /pol/ for that. Definitely want to hear about crypto and making cash here, and that's it.

>> No.2385621

How much NGR coins does he cost?