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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23789278 No.23789278 [Reply] [Original]

>Richest woman in the world got her money from divorcing the richest man
>First female president got the job after the president steps down after committing voter fraud

How do I short women?

>> No.23789294

How would she be president if there was fraud nigger, trump will get it

>> No.23789296

>Richest woman in the world got her money from divorcing the richest man
I genuinely hope you’re baiting

>> No.23789325

Ever heard of Jeff Bezos?

>> No.23789328
File: 28 KB, 800x450, alicewalton_800xx1200-675-0-14[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect OPs referring to the former Mrs Bezos. Whoes not actually the richest either, Pic Related is

>> No.23789351

Bezos wife got 50%

>> No.23789352
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Femoids can tongue my fucking anus, especially this cunt.


>> No.23789386
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>> No.23789387
File: 722 KB, 848x1058, Extremely_Attractive_MILF_material.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, shes still not 'Worlds Richest Women' tho. She hovers around the Top5. I could look up who is richest self-made woman, but, cant be arsed rn desu.

>> No.23789389


Pretty much the worse combination imaginable

>> No.23789393

Yeah I know you’re referring to McKenzie Bezos you fucking dumbass. I’m going to explain something to you so simply that even your tiny peanut brain will be able to grasp it. MB’s “divorce payout” was in Amazon stock. Jeff obviously can’t sell his Amazon shares at his leisure, so he relies on McKenzie to facilitate the sales without attracting media and speculator attention. She is a useful asset and nothing more.

>> No.23789411


Biden will not be inaugurated due to fraud in several states.

>> No.23789414

based and Bezos pilled

>> No.23789435

>thinks they deserve the same pay despite taking 3 months off per birth

>> No.23789444

A nigger woman being gifted the presidency, shocking

>> No.23789469

is Kamala a nigger or a pajeet?
i feel this is important issue should now be decided. preferably without a vote

>> No.23789477

i saw a meme that harris isnt her real father and her mom had an affair with her advisor. She looks 0% black. She comes across as strongly pajeet to me

>> No.23789479

a nigjeeta

>> No.23789495
File: 306 KB, 542x569, Screen-Shot-2019-01-28-at-4.52.19-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- thas not '0%' tho anon

>> No.23789501

stockfag here, you're a humongous moron he sells billions at a time and nobody gives a shit. he recently sold billions worth of stock (he has been selling billions worth for a while now) to fund his project that'a supposed to rival tesla or something. all those sales barely affected the price

>> No.23789538

what book? is it glubb's book "The fate of empires and Search for survival"

>> No.23789539

oh and you can look it up to see the history of all his sales. his name is right there next to the sale info.

>> No.23789589

>fake y’all-er
>cleft lip surgery voice
it only gets worse

>> No.23789613

the theory was shes Indian and jewish if im not mistaken so that would still explain the fro. Memes are wrong all the time though

>> No.23789818

She has pronouns in her Twitter bio, too.

>> No.23789860

The trillions of dollars the military industrial complex would lose if Biden doesn't get it say otherwise.

>> No.23789901

I think it's irrelevant anyway. She never identified as black until it became politically convenient to do so. She's a pajeet through and through, right down to visiting india many times a year and practicing her barbaric tantric child sacrificing religion.

>> No.23790001

>How do I short women?
try the prediction market on Plotx I suppose? they were a lot of fun to watch for this election

>> No.23790285
File: 64 KB, 228x308, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23790341

This means you long women you idiot. They are getting what they want without doing the work.

>> No.23790489

lurk for 1 week before posting, minimum

>> No.23790505


>> No.23790617

its probably Kylie Kardashian, not even trolling

>> No.23790653


>> No.23790664

this was the same face BTC holders had when they sold at 1k. for the brainlets here, yes, i am saying she cashed out too early.

>> No.23790696

Oh man, when you think you have seen the dumbest biz tweet there is always another moron to take it to a new low.

>> No.23790711

Ah of course, the richest women didn't make her fortune from divorcing a man, but from her rich father! That's a lot better.

>> No.23790760

She inherited it.. Wtf is up with all these fucking delusional Reddit faggots lately.

>> No.23790786

Why does she pretend to be an east coast negress, especially in the way she talks. She did not talk like this before

>> No.23790787

for real though

>> No.23790788

Shes so cute, I wish I could give her some sexy time

>> No.23790809

I feel fucking elated when I read this shit. I hate Biden and Kamala but hate Trump even more.

Pro-Socialist Pro-BLM Pro-MeToo here in his early 30’s who has accrued over 20k LINK but it doesn’t really mean anything to me because I make over 500k a year in a fancy prestigious job and DON’T mind a 40% tax imposition by Biden, because I will inherit a family net worth in the tens of millions (tax the shit out of me on that as well, fuck it, pro-UBI too).

Comfy in my NYC townhouse, dating a model, very VERY happy. I’m also NOT white. I peruse biz to get a kick out of how miserable and delusional most of you alt-right fucks are and reap the benefits of which shitcoin I can play around with.

I’m not the richest person on earth but I definitely am comfy and love the fact that this exists and that most of you are all so fucking miserable and angry, especially now that this fat fuck is out of the office. Reading this shit is amazing, you guys are like online right wing zoo animals that are stuck in a cage of lower-middle class NEET despair, even if you make it somehow, you will never know happiness or anything resembling the beautiful, tasteful lives you dream of.

The pinnacle of your life is a Lambo and a McMansion, as someone with access to this shit in the most banal way, Jesus that is sad I love it. COPE

>> No.23791353

Convert to Islam and prepare for the Caliphate

>> No.23791496

Because it's "in"

>> No.23791538



>> No.23791659


Sounds like a very sad existence desu senpai

>> No.23791672

I heard her voice for the first time yesterday. Yikes.

>> No.23792196

madam president i respect her so much

>> No.23792344

This. They are pathetic

>> No.23792405

You're delusional, a slave. You don't get to decide your daily life, it's dictated to you by your masters. Money is not happiness, freedom is. Give me liberty or fight me to the death.

>> No.23792796

The future is brown, MAGAtards. get used to it

>> No.23792938
