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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23782923 No.23782923 [Reply] [Original]

What are you plays on monday?

>> No.23783013

I'm going all in on a max leveraged short. Will most likely be able to retire in 2 months minimum.

>> No.23783029

remember if you're wrong

>> No.23783105

i'll buy as many chink tech/EV stocks as possible

>> No.23783116

>projected winner

>> No.23783117

Sell off DIS, pick something new to write a covered call on

>> No.23783120

more gold/silver when the prices tanks along side the stock market

>> No.23783157

tech will moon.
Expect unprecedented violations of privacy, growth of amazon, tesla, MSF. China, whatever. Get all in on Nasdaq. they are literally going to moon over the next 4 years. Then cash out once the world is comin to an end due to climate change.

>> No.23783206

>didn't invest in RIDE
You only had to listen

>> No.23783452

That imminent moon must be why Bezos just dumped 3bn of Amazon stock.

He's not a greedy man, and just wanted to give everyone a chance to share in the imminent good fortune.

>> No.23783522
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>> No.23783805

To be fair, I'm pretty sure Bezos has set times that he has set up to sell his shares. That selloff was probably scheduled over a year ago at least.

>> No.23783857

bezos dumped because shit is about to crash and go into great depression of 2020

>> No.23783880
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nothing personal kiddo, gotta make things a little worse before they get better

>> No.23783889

Bezos is literally not allowed to dump whenever he pleases. All his selloffs are scheduled months or years in advance.

>> No.23783905
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huh im literally doing the exact opposite play

>> No.23783928

Fucking bezos rugged can’t believe it bros

Amazon was a pajeet scam all along

>> No.23783979

> The sale of nearly 1 million shares was made as part of a 10b5-1 trading plan, according to the SEC, which is a prearranged sale pursuant to insider trading regulations.

>> No.23783995

>It's official
>The networks called it

>> No.23784051

People like besos can't just decide to sell. They have to go through different channels, they tell the second and it's all done at a future date, at a time predetermined by a third party. Otherwise it's inside trading. He can't just log in to his robin hood account and dump them.

>> No.23784106
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War stocks, gun stocks, anything that brings death and despair.
We're back to the old America, death and agony is back in the table

>> No.23784134

It's not official technically

>> No.23784142

>Then cash out once the world is comin to an end due to climate change.

I fucking hate sheep fucking idiots like you, corona virus is also real imbecile believe the (((scientist)))