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File: 342 KB, 679x971, C7062A9B-8555-4859-BC36-BB723326FE4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23782039 No.23782039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don’t get it. Why didn’t the pictures of Hunter’s dick work? Did we not post enough?

>> No.23782058

Ni hao

>> No.23782066

Does anybody have the one where he’s trying to show HB’s dick to a mom and a daughter to get them to vote Trump?

>> No.23782097


It’s disgusting, right? Here I have a whole 1T folder of these complete with analysis. I’ll send you my link.

>> No.23782193
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>> No.23782211

china rigged the election this time, unlike the 2016 election which wasn't rigged by russians

>> No.23782447

More of these please

>> No.23782486

Yeah, it was the chinese that wanted to spread compromising images of biden because the chinese wanted to elect trump

>> No.23782520

The media completely ignored the obvious illegal dealings on that laptop.
That's all it takes: the media.

>> No.23782525

imagine thinking personal scandals matter after four years of trump
the next president is probably going to shoot up heroin while being inaugurated. you can thank the conservatives for doing a 180 degree pivot from "we are a family values christian party" to "Yeah lol whatever he grabs pussies and fucks strippers and mocks retards, we don't give a fuck any more"

>> No.23782549

Yeah and Russian hookers totally like peed on him, and he called casualties of war suckers and losers.
It's totally true bro, saw it in the news.

>> No.23782589

you’re a midwit

>> No.23782596
File: 1.65 MB, 360x240, hunterbiden.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunter dick pics gave us the best meme of 2020 though

>> No.23782677

The dick pic drops were an effective distraction from the verified emails showing a pattern of Hunter and John Biden monetizing access to VP Joe Biden.

Here's the kicker, though. No one voted for Biden in the numbers they're reporting. This was always going to be decided by the courts, Trump will win the court battles, and your seething will reach suicidal levels.

>> No.23782707
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>> No.23782728

1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcZcTnykYbw
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormy_Daniels%E2%80%93Donald_Trump_scandal#Status_of_Cohen's_payment
>May 2, 2018: Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Fox News that "the president repaid" Cohen the $130,000 that Cohen had paid to Daniels. He also said that Trump "did know the general arrangement" of Cohen's payment, but not "the specifics". This contradicts Trump's claim of April 5 that he had no knowledge of the payment.
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA

Explain to me how blurry phone camera pictures of computer screens are "definite proof" but LITERAL FOOTAGE of your boy is "mainstream media fake news"
You guys are coming across as full on cracked, delusional raving hobo right now. i'm sorry you lost but holy shit, at least accept the things that are categorically true.

>> No.23782754

I fucking hated the dick pics, they distracted from the actual scandal of corruption and the left loved it.

>> No.23782780


We all know you loved spamming that shit everywhere.

>> No.23782803


>> No.23782808
File: 42 KB, 491x491, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing you linked is relevant to your claims.

>> No.23782809

Listen, smoothbrain. Neither the hunter dick pics nor trump's porn star escapades are at all relevant. What is relevant is evidence of QPQ, which mueller spent 48 million dollars and 2.5 years looking for only to find jack shit. Hunter's laptop is without a doubt his, the emails on said laptop have been verified by the recipients, and it clearly shows joe biden had his family enriched by being paid 7-figure sums for access to him by the likes of russian, ukrainian, and chinese oligarchs. Fuck your bad faith arguments.

>> No.23782914

>links to the video of trump making the quote i accused him of quoting, and the mocking i accused him of doing, have no relevance to my claim that they are true
we are so far beyond...
>hunter dick picks are not relevant
Fuck, you should have told /pol/ that. They were obsessed with it literally a week ago

>> No.23783006
File: 61 KB, 412x481, 1603899658235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kike your memes are SHIT
oh and also by the way......

>> No.23783010

>implying there is not an actual army of paid actors whose sole job it is to reduce the ability of good information/discussion to spread on the board

/pol/ was incredibly influential in 2016. They would have been fools to ignore it this go-round

>> No.23783098

/pol/ is infested with r*ddit tourists, more so than usual right now. That is on top of the shilling going on there which has made that board almost totally unusable and furthers its decline into being /b/ 2.0 where everyone just tries to make the same tired jokes for (you)s over and over again instead of discussing anything of substance.

>> No.23783137

Never mind the Chinese deals, right?

>> No.23783196

Why bring Ivanka and Ross into this?

>> No.23783233

well, we know whats up there, with Trumplite busy selling off the rainforests and anything else he can scam
we so proud, our hooker in Whitehouse!
speaking about hookers
Britain, Germany, Mexico, Canada and India have all acknowledged Joes magnificent victory. No one else matters.

>> No.23783266
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>Didn't made the wall
>Didn't send Hillary to jail
>Didn't drain the swamp
>Didn't "dealed" with rocket man

What a loser

>> No.23783508

>Did we

is there something you want to tell us, tourist?

>> No.23783530

Dilate faggot.

>> No.23783534

the guys who started both world wars and invented nukes

>> No.23783566

Go back to /pol/ migger.

>> No.23783730


>he’s a phonefag that can’t even say nigger without his autocorrect censoring him

Get off my board you queer

>> No.23783861

>adult women