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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23778447 No.23778447 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck happened to 4chan?

>> No.23778497

Well I personally joined during the 17 bullrun so it's just a sign were in a golden bullrun, but it mightve finished so idk bro

>> No.23778548
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chin became way too popular and mainstream, it's the same shit across all boards, full of soibois, moralfags and outright faggots in general

>> No.23778645

The biggest loss is nobody spoonfeeds or gives good breadcrumbs anymore. Its all garbage on here

>> No.23778670

says the polfags who heard about bullrun
cope there nigger

>> No.23778674

Second wave of election tourists. This time they're commies instead of MIGA shills

>> No.23778685

4chan died after 2008.

>> No.23778696

Thry leave in a bear market

>> No.23778725


when did you come to 4chan?

>> No.23778766
File: 140 KB, 613x996, 7EFE587E-9953-4365-8B79-2AC4C0E109FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2009 oldfag here,
99% of the time I just lurk

i think the newcomers are more likely to post, so it leads to the perception that the oldfags have left and the boards have been overrun by reddit

>> No.23778784

I agree, many newfags are also spamming shitty threads at the moment.

>> No.23778790

influx of nigger raiders from twitter coming over from /pol/ in the last 4 days
most boards are unusable because of this obvious tranny shilling

>> No.23778816

it all went downhill after chico shilled /biz/ to his 250k subscribers

>> No.23778827

I always laugh at depressive leftists who mope about how awful the world and society is, who then proceed to vote for those responsible for flooding society with low iq mongrels that destroy communities like 4chan

>> No.23778842

Right now is extra dumpster fire because so many people are getting banned from alternative media platforms like Twitter and Facebook so they end up here.

>> No.23778866

Learn to use a VPN and go back to Shitter and Fuckbook idiot.

>> No.23778960

I'd say it died in 2014

>> No.23778993

Pol raided in 2018 and everything went down hill from there

>> No.23779220
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I'm borderline homeless and check crypto prices and biz every day. How do you do?

>> No.23779246

>pol raided
A ton of gay leftists raid pol every day now. I don't even go there anymore. Its just a ton of faggots talking about black dicks and saying that gay word chud.

>> No.23779309

trumplets from reddit invaded when they got banned

>> No.23779315

I work in a nursing home and have met literal boomers that don’t know how to use the internet but have heard about 4chan

>> No.23779359
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>from reddit
We have more reddit fags than that invading much bigger fags.

>> No.23779408

because you kept posting reddit and twitter screenshots and use their wojake and frog memes
elitism and obscurity are the only things preserving quality in any medium
anything that gets popular will decline in quality, especially in the quality of its discussion

>> No.23779452

Leddit banning people and the 2016 election ruined this place

>> No.23779500
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, and i thought 2016 had cope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag magatards who came here from 2016-2020 think 4chan was always going to be safe place for them. Now that they are getting mocked they attribute it to lefty raids rather than other anons who want to make fun of their retardation

>> No.23779531

Holy kek. Please link me to a version with sound, I want to hear the wailing and the gnashing of teeth in dolby 5.1 surround sound.

>> No.23779561

Dont forget pasta shill data mine threads

>> No.23779593

Rot. If you take a look around you can see it's happening everywhere in the world. Everything is getting significantly shittier.

>> No.23779624

Meme opinion. 4chan improved between 06-11 then declined after nu-janny moderation tactics took over in 2011. The final decline happened at gamergate and 2016 was just redditors moving into the ruins.

>> No.23779663

Sorry friend I don't got the audio version. Heres maga RATM though (while wearing a thin blue line flag no less)


>> No.23779688

cope harder migatard

>> No.23779791

Everything with recreational potential has been hijacked and reduced into a vehicle for neo-liberalism.

>> No.23780016
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