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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23776976 No.23776976 [Reply] [Original]

I bought chainlink at $12.10 during this pump, I'm slightly panicking
Why is it dumping? I thought it was going to test ATH at least before going down, was planning on selling at $18 for a nice swing. From $13.50 it's now already back to $12.50
There's no way I'm going to sell at a loss, someone advice me

>> No.23776989

God damn fucking newfags

>> No.23776993

ari juels just died

>> No.23777003

Relax. Pt2 today.
I bought from $3-20$ and still do.
Change you're perspective. Play the long game.

>> No.23777007

Maybe you should just sell it all now and then buy back in when it gets to say, $25?

>> No.23777015

Just keep holding bro

>> No.23777017

lol thnks to guys like you i sell my 670 links at $13.5 and i buy at $9
thanks god

>> No.23777022

Total Larp anyway. I don't know why people start these threads. Boredom, I expect.

>> No.23777029

Are..are you me?

>> No.23777042

Probably because I came into this mindset that I'm going to swingtrade that I'm deadset on selling
I guess I'll just hold, don't think it'll go down below 11 dollars anyway

If you think selling at 10% below ATH to swingtrade is safe because waiting till ATH is for suckers, then yes, I am literally you

>> No.23777057

buy the dip and hold

>> No.23777064


>> No.23777072

Someone or something is out to get me, when I buy it dumps and when I sell it pumps, there is a strong fucking pattern of this happening.

>> No.23777378


>> No.23777423
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I bought last night at ath

>> No.23777428

I'm sorry /biz/ this is entirely my fault
I had 1900 Link and it was really bothering me that I didn't have 2000. So many times I almost bought that extra 100 but every time Link dropped a little more so I waited.
Then it climbed to $10, then $11, $12...
This morning it was over $13 and I knew if I didn't buy soon I'd be priced out so I jumped in finally having my 2000 LINK
Price immediately reverses $1 and keeps dropping. I am the worst kind of cursed.

>> No.23777445
File: 17 KB, 499x249, wagie gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought for pennies and i bought at $18. i just buy more every time i get a paycheck.

>> No.23777447

>selling chainlink

>> No.23777455

sell now and set a buy order for $15

>> No.23777462
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>> No.23777466

How old are you? I can tell from every one of these post none of you will make it. I held through 90% retraces, from dollars back to cents. I remember thinking 'I could have sold at 2.50 tripled my stack. I never did, I have thousands upon thousands of link in my ledger inside my safe. It does not exist to me and I am in around 5k (very low interest) debt. I will not sell for years and years. You young fags will learn it's the only way to play, let shakeouts and dumps get in your head and youre dead. I fully expect this to dump again but who knows how low. It's the way the market works, none of you will be here when we hit $1000 becuase whatever miniscule stack of 1k link or whatever fucking shit you have will be sold at the pump to 25, then you'll buy back in at 50 and sell at 30 and in the end you'll be fucking broke. Broke after being given the opportunity of a lifetime. I don't feel for you though, it's your own fault for listening to parents, the media and your social group. Be a fucking chad, and ask for forgiveness and not permission, go balls deep in everything you do. Women, Money, Adventures. Stop playing for short term chump change and play to win. Up your standards you little fucking faggots.

>> No.23777489


Based anon schooling these retards.

>> No.23777495
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>> No.23777506



Financial Freedom.

>> No.23777759

You think you're so based but you're not. The only people getting rich right now are the Devs. Your future is not certain, friend.

>> No.23778072

Lads, the first time I had sex with a trans girl, it was just like similar experiences with other girls. And it was really hot. And I know some of the straight lads might be like, "Well, y'know I find trans women hot and like trans rights and all that, but if she's got a penis, then I don't really know how I feel about that," and that's the commodity fetishism of dick. The lads are thinking about the dick, but they're not really thinking about where it comes from or what it does. So as an alternative. I'm pleased to present my fellow lads with what I call the Wittgensteinian theory of dick. I've had sex with men and with women, including trans women, and I can tell you from experience that the meaning of dick is how it's used. How a trans woman's dick feels, how it behaves, how they like to be touched, taste, and yes, The Mouthfeel is totally different than guy dick. I'm not the first person to point this out on YouTube, but I'm happy to independently confirm that it is in fact true, and if you don't believe me, I will also literally cite an academic source. It's a book by Mira Bellweather called "Fucking Trans Women." It's also a how-to guide with diagrams. Sometimes I'll suck a guy's dick in a gay way! Sometimes I'll suck a girl's dick in a straight way!

>> No.23778142
File: 29 KB, 220x169, 9855284E-6B6F-4C93-AA97-8E2A12B049EC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumped yesterday because this
You’re welcome

>> No.23778194

Best way to play this is to sell now to be safe. If you see the price go to $15, then you know its time to buy in with the confirmation you needed.

Crypto and trading is all about the entry.

>> No.23778279

OP I'll be nice since you're a fucking mouth breather. Support levels are 12, 11.87 and 11.68.

11.68 was the breakout level, it tested it quickly on ltfs but that's not usually good enough, it will probably come down to 11.70 ish and bounce, confirming that level is now support for the next leg up to 15. Retesting is normal and bullish

Fuck you niggers

>> No.23778288

Imagine buying link above $10.

>> No.23778368


>> No.23778549


>> No.23778565

Some people never learn. Hating others for having the balls to do what you won't is a reflection of hating yourself. 'You're not based wahh you are lucky wahh'. I hear a poor little babied mindset and a whole load of fear. You will never make it unless you make sure to train your mind. You think LINK is the only way to get rich? There's a fuck load of money in the world boy - they print trillions more of it every month - you think making a million is hard? You gonna sit there with your thumb in your ass wanking to tanny porn while others watch in depth videos about the 4th industrial revoltuion and keep up to date with how the team are doing. You think anything is certain? Wait till the dollar collapses within a few years and mommy and daddy you listen to realise they never knew anything about how the world works. You gonna be there and prop them up? No, because you're a little bitch who will fall like them, you'll never be a man unless you decide to be. Make a decision. Who are you going to be? I don't care either way, You die I win, you become a man I win. That's how winners play.

>> No.23778576

I sold a small stack at $12.50. It's going to dump soon...right?

>> No.23778682

That's the second time you mentioned parents/mom/dad in your post, do you by any chance have a bad relationship with yours? kek.

>> No.23778851

Looks like $12.80 is the bottom, it just dumped a bit to test retards like me (and you)
I'm glad I listened to this thread and cancelled my stoploss at breakeven
Fucking wew. Looking like it's only going up from here

>> No.23778891
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>I bought chainlink at $12.10 during this pump, I'm slightly panicking
Why is it dumping? I thought it was going to test ATH at least before going down, was planning on selling at $18 for a nice swing. From $13.50 it's now already back to $12.50
There's no way I'm going to sell at a loss, someone advice me

>> No.23778914
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>> No.23778985
File: 26 KB, 474x566, 1603604927013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think you're so based but you're not

>> No.23779020

i bought link for 25 cent and sold for 17 cent.

since then i have never touched it again.
you are probably in a better position then me for not having sold yet

>> No.23779036


Fuck. Hope that's not true

>> No.23779063

I have a great relationship and I'm almost a boomer, but keep up the baseless ad hominem, disregard all advice from someone who has more experience than you and don't do any introspection. You'll be sure to make it that way.

>> No.23779104

No "TA anons" yet. Buy signal

>> No.23779497

This has to be bait. If not. Fuck off new fag.

>> No.23779557

That’s cool bro. Happy for you.

>> No.23779579

And also sell when it dips to $14.

>> No.23779591

Fuck off newfag

>> No.23779651

I bought 40 cents and sold at 39 cents. We ngmi bro.

>> No.23779784

ngl my lil homie but it sounds like you're fixated on your parents, some kind of underlying trauma perhaps? Focus on it.

>> No.23779913

If you had bothered to look at the chart youd see its crabbing , but higher highs and lower lows.
Accumulation is taking place. Just hodl.

>> No.23779959

Ah, ignored it all didn't you even with the chance you had. No one is your 'lil homie' nigger, no one is your friend and they are going to take it all from you. I was trying to wake you up but please, sell all your finite assets after getting emotional over a pink wojack, scroll through instagram picking up niggerspeak until you spend your 5k gains on some trainers.

>> No.23780074

Calm down my dude, I'm only winding you up. If it makes you any happier I'm a testicles deep in $LINK.

>> No.23780314

>only winding you up
lol, are you sure about that? Do you think people with a net worth like mine simply through this place get wound up about anything? Maslows hierarchy dictates self actualisation. Mine is spreading the truth, I'm glad you have a few LINK, just make sure you don't fall prey to emotionalism. The fact that you respond in a manner trying to provoke emotion means you may have some work to do, the ones who will make it temper emotions until they are almost non existent for certain actions. You need to go down this path, I'm just looking out for you. Maybe you'll make it, maybe you won't, it's can be a hard and lonely road to tread,

>> No.23780651

Any recommended reading?