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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23774431 No.23774431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some < 10m uniswap gems?

>> No.23774436

That is a male, and she does not wipe her ass.

The only Uniswap Gem is Chainlink. Now buy it and quit crying.

>> No.23774456

Bought more swipe

>> No.23774461

eRSDL. Merchant banking

>> No.23774465

please please please tell me that's a man

>> No.23774509

You will die in hell.

>> No.23774511

I already have chainlink but I don't know how much more it can go up, already have stops in place at $5. It's like 88x from ICO, I don't believe it will do another 10x

Yes, (s)he has an XY chromosome and a penis. https://www.reddit.com/user/meow1616

>> No.23774524

Unit protocol

4.5m currently, releases on Ethereum mainnet November 24th, team has been working on protocol since July at least

>> No.23774537

Anon listen to yourself - like I mean it, hear what you're saying cause you already have the answers - there's no link will do a x10, even x2 from here is a stretch. You'd be better off selling link into lower cap gem that could easily x50

>> No.23774662
File: 9 KB, 250x250, parsiq logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774703

Prq will make you rich before 31dec

>> No.23774775

That's a nice ass, source?

>> No.23774848

literally shut the fuck up, why would you give some rando biz faggot a one way ticket to make it city for FREE

>> No.23774946

how much to make it sir?

>> No.23774965

You won't ever have a better opportunity in your life than right now to buy Lition

>> No.23774990

this is some next level shilling

>> No.23775112

no, this is next level shilling

>> No.23775185

# S T A T E R A #

>> No.23775237

How do this compare to Ocean i think Parsiq has potential but Im still in Ocean why should i dump ocean bags for this