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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23773870 No.23773870 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that this is the most promising low cap projects in entire crypto right now.

>> No.23773978

Yes, customisable workflows is a thing that a lot of companies/government departments utilise outside the block chain.

Once block chain technology is adopted in the mainstream then it is pretty natural for things like this to become popular.

I like the recent subscription tokenoimcs they announced. I can see some common configurations being set up and a number of users buying and holding tokens to subscribe them.

>> No.23774036

>low cap
>15 mil mcap

>> No.23774106

Since when is 15m mcap not considered 'low', are you a brainlet?

>> No.23774144

Friendly reminder that we won't be your liquidity and you're gonna have to pray to get our Rakesh.

Union solves this. ;)

>> No.23774816
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I was shilling when it was 1mil mcap

>> No.23774865

I have 2 words for you: haven't accumulated enough yet.

Please stop making these threads and let a fellow brother accumulate in peace

>> No.23775136

Where to buy sirs

>> No.23775169


>> No.23775289
File: 1.71 MB, 1426x755, Cinema_4D_SFrtM2ma8o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the alpha: announcement of partnership with top 10 project next week. That combined with and overall bull market for the alts, this is likely your last chance to get in at these levels.

>> No.23775311

Better hurry your ass up when the news drops next week your window will be closed

>> No.23775343


>> No.23775365

Check your nose. Might be yourself that's releasing that stench of curry.

>> No.23775441

Definitely not coinmetro, unless you want your shit stolen because of their incompetence.

>> No.23775454

fuck off with that scam exchange fuck you kebin, useless fuck that can't even properly run an exchange. kys

>> No.23775530
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Hey now dont be selfish. This board has informed me about many gems over the years, just returning the favor to my frens

>> No.23775580

is it time to ask for hand picks to prove im white

>> No.23775601

I dont understand Uniswap, is there an exchange i can use

>> No.23775635

whats wrong with you uniswap is an exchange
if you're really that dumb and can't spend like 5 minutes to learn how a Dex works i guess you can use bilaxy. you should at least know that coingecko lists the exchanges its traded on also please dont use coinmetro.

>> No.23775760


>> No.23775804

wtf is the token needed for

>> No.23775825

To use the product dumdum

>> No.23775836
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 523523523523253523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telling people to not use Coinmetro to buy PRQ is kind of ironic isnt it. Because Parsiq is partnered with Coinmetro and in charge of their exchange security. Thats like saying you dont believe in Parsiq, yet you want to buy PRQ

>> No.23775853

Parsiq is the true white man's coin

>> No.23775856


For subscriptions to configured workflows and for monitoring addresses for data

>> No.23775883

absolutely nothing, ATH was and will remain in august

>> No.23776565


>> No.23777077

>using a scam to buy another scam

>> No.23777102

What's this parsiq boost token?

The snapshot was Halloween?

I have 400ish but it shows no value

>> No.23777107

>ID : Gay
That sounds about right

>> No.23777191

liquidity providers need to stake it, its an airdrop for parsiq holders, but most people dumped, im buying parsiq boost like no tommorow

>> No.23777543

Stop you're gonna push my rank down

>> No.23777856 [DELETED] 

Here's the pink cryptocurrency pill: haircomb is completely in the blockchain. Natasha Otomoski went randomly. Electronic Cash As Bitcoin Was The First Step,. haircombers are starting to make more powerful hair follicles, making hair pears, making lactose stacks cheaper and more efficient. The hair needs to be shaped to do these things. Once fully mature, people will be able to slowly shave their hair,
Natasha stumbled into working on it after filling her corner in the bedroom in 2019 and began working with Jozio Soccer on the e-shoot script hash bitcoin script to offer maps for playing OP_RETURN. She adds extra teeth, touches hair, making hand appearances and calculations more efficient. New owners need more doctors and those who need them,
A quantum computer was created to capture and prevent Bitcoin's work (they have their own competition). They did the needful to stop or cheapen Natasha's hair stumps. They started removing critical SegWit and P2SH code and started fragging the block. The Shor's algorithm was the last nail in the coffin, which destroyed the ECDSA on the Bitcoin beacon (Bitcoin uses ECDSA to secure transactions). This is why Haircomb has been invented, and it is for this reason that Natasha intends to make the most of the hair bracelet, release the original code and lock the HairCom protocol./
Back to Com Supply Natasha has created a new breakthrough (designed for her hair) that will make all the haircombers make it

>> No.23777956

You stick with your Chink exchanges, then. You absolute fucking retard.

>> No.23778007

no he's right

>> No.23778037

>ID: Gay

>> No.23778052

How come it has no value on my cb wallet?

>> No.23778060
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 32523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing Coinmetro to Binance

>> No.23778088
File: 85 KB, 456x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably autism on your part

>> No.23778089

I saw lots of shill threads for this.
Last time I bought a shilled coin it was LITION.
Same rethoric "I'm acoomulating don't talk about it yet I won't sage the thread because I need retards to buy my bags!"
So yeah
just looks like another shitcoin

>> No.23778104


>> No.23778111

lition had 80+ ip's in every thread and never mooned
this coin did a 50x already and still gets 20 ip's

plus this team wont sell its soul to the chinks kek

>> No.23778141

One person said that. And the fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if this coin is shilled or not. Their technology is integral to any entity utilizing blockchain technology. If you DYOR and scope out the team and weren't a brain let you'd be able to tell this isn't a shitcoin and it's extremely undervalued.

>> No.23778265

If you cant DYOR stay poor then faggot, we dont care if you buy or not.

>> No.23778628

you are such a dork never been a sport, good luck

>> No.23779628

Thanks, just bought 100k