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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23770347 No.23770347 [Reply] [Original]

>no friends
>no family
>no gf

my only friends and family and lover is the 780k dollars that i have

based r cringe?

>> No.23770365

What is Haircomb? You may be wondering, but this little gem is like no other.
It does not even use ECDSA which is quantum prone and replaces it with what?
A pure SHA256 that secures Bitcoin mining for more than 10 years. The results
are promising. Remember mimblewimble? It uses pedersen commitments for anonymity
but Natasha invented that pure hashlocks again are sufficient for this purpose.
Did you enjoy learning more about haircombs in today's Wonder of the Day?

>> No.23770403

based. I have alot of friends, a loving family, and literal model gf, and 3k to my name and i am depressed as shit. Grass is always greener anon.

>> No.23770486

Same here fren I've made a decent stack thru crypto and stocks in the past 6 years but I'd give it all for a family that I can love and loves me. Guess I'm destined to be a dopamine junkie for the rest of my days.

>> No.23770588

this is cringe, but it’s fine.
the amount of love and joy you get from building a family with someone you love and growing bonds with friends cannot be matched with money. you can always find it later and it’s easier when you have money, so it’s fine.
just don’t be one of those cringe people who spends the first half of their life focusing on numbers and second half alone

>> No.23770617
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I would sell my friends, family and gf to have 780k

>> No.23770637
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>> No.23770659
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dont listen to these fags. 780k is a shit ton of money and youre lucky enough to not have others drag you down. Take that money and make something of yourself, or spend some of it doing cool ass shit.

>> No.23770672
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am of being frend even if yuo dont think so

>> No.23770735

I've been slowly cutting my family and friends out of my life as I gain wealth. I'm currently at $500k net worth. All I need is a cute Asian gf that makes good money and is as frugal as me. Then I'll be set.

>> No.23770804

Dubs of truth.

I've been working really hard for the past 6 years to become a millionaire/ retire. Now that I'm close to being set for life I sometimes ask myself if it was worth it... I lost all of my friends over the past few years because I was too busy (and autistic) to keep in touch. My social skills have gotten worse too I think. Don't fall for the "my real life will start once I reach X milestone/ net worth" meme or the "it's never enough" meme.
That being said, you shouldn't underestimate the value of financial freedom. Especially if you're not an NPC (NPCs don't really value freedom). It's pretty amazing to be able to travel whenever you feel like it, be able to move to anywhere in the world you feel like, quit your job for a few months/ years/ permanently, be able to start your own business and be fine if you fail, not have to worry about money, be able to buy (almost) everything you want etc.

For the past few months I've been focusing on meeting new people and improving my health (sleep, diet, exercise). I feel better than I've felt at any point during the past few years.

>> No.23771254

Youre a beautiful person with a beautiful
Mind and rich inner experience. The fact that you have this wealth and are posting here tell me you are most likely a good person too all memes aside.

Generally speaking love and improve yourself and the more you give to others in relationships the more you get.

A lot of autistic anons dont get this that love and relationships are a hodl. The best relationships in your life might be a hodl for decades

>> No.23771340

you don't understand your luck
I'm dirt shit poor and work in shitty jobs having to deal with shitty bosses and shitty coworkers
I dont have a gf but if I had to choose between 800k and a gf I pick the 800k

>> No.23771353

get a dog

>> No.23771363

Sorta based anon. Just maintain health, read, exercise and go on outdoor adventures