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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23763432 No.23763432 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain rent control to a brainlet

>> No.23763502


>> No.23763586


Rent Control is cancer and landlords should be able to charge exorbiant rents. All the government does is make RE undesirable so they can become landlords themselves.

>> No.23763826

Affordable housing only appeals to poor whites and niggers. What accompanies both groups? Higher crime rates and lower overall qualities of life for everybody. If you demand the government to impose rent control, you are telling the government to make life for everyone in the area considerably and measurably worse while also disincentivizing investors. An easier and better option is to stop voting for tax increases, but that requires voters to be smart, which they’re not.

>> No.23763883

So you have no problem with the fact that prices of rent are skyrocketing?

>> No.23763958


Real Estate will always be the go-to investment for boomers, hedge funds, pension funds, banks and your average retail investor on robinhood with REITs. Everyone wants their share. Pay up Rentcuck.

>> No.23764020

Nobody is forcing you to live in the city, you parasitic retard. Go somewhere else and reevaluate your life. Otherwise, quit your bitching.

>> No.23764462

a rent ceiling will fuck with equilibrium price and landlords will seek the lost profits from their other units.

say there are two apartments, one is $1400/mo and one is 700/mo. rent control is implemented at $1100. Landlord has lost $300 in profit. Now there will be one apartment that's $1100/mo, the other apartment is $1000/mo, and there are no cheap units left on the market. prices will cluster around the price ceiling as opposed to distribut more evenly among price levels.
scale this, say a landlord owns 10 units: (average rent $1000)
1 $1400
2 $1400
3 $1400
4 $1000
5 $1000
6 $1000
7 $700
8 $700
9 $700
10 $700
rent control is implemented at $1100 (-900 in rent, which will appear elsewhere), now you have
1 $1100 (-300)
2 $1100 (-300)
3 $1100 (-300)
4 $1100 (+100)
5 $1100(+100)
6 $1100 (+100)
7 $850 (+150)
8 $850 (+150
9 $850 (+150)
10 $850 (+150)
Notice that cheapest rents increased the most because the $1000 rents couldn't increase above the price ceiling. poorer people actually get fucked, essentially, while higher earners are better off.
Average rent before and after the price ceiling is $1000 but lowest rents have increased by $150
some places do things like limit rent increases annually to like 3%, which works out a little differently.

>> No.23764524

Read Basic Economics. He does a good chapter on rent control and price controls in general.

>> No.23764951 [DELETED] 

Plus, all you’ve done in effect is make it. So those rich greedy people who you hate so much can buy up MORE space that they don’t need. “Rent for one unit was 3k, but now it’s been slashed in half, so im gonna get 2 apartments now for the same price!” Do you think people just magically stop caring about real estate with rent control? Rent tards are the dumbest motedfuckers, I swear to god. Only property owners should be allowed to vote.

>> No.23764980

Plus, all you’ve done in effect is make it so those rich greedy people who you hate so much can buy up MORE space that they don’t need. “Rent for one unit was 3k, but now it’s been slashed in half, so I’m gonna get 2 apartments now for the same price!” Do you think people just magically stop caring about real estate with rent control? Rent tards are the dumbest motherfuckers, I swear to god. Only property owners should be allowed to vote.

>> No.23765020
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You think not having rent control will stop that? Obama injected Section 8 nigger deposits into lots of nice areas by threatening to cut federal funding to any municipality that refused to accept busloads of Chicago and Detroit and Baltimore nogs. Enjoy more of that under President Biden. Then there's California, which legislated that all new apartment complexes must have a certain percentage of units set aside for Section 8. You could be living in a $2500/month luxury apartment and have hoodrat drug dealers or a dozen Mexicans blasting salsa music 24/7 next door, whose rent you are paying via taxation.