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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2376120 No.2376120 [Reply] [Original]

My condolences.

>> No.2376131

I hope Jared dies a horrible death for this bullshit.

Fucking scam through and through. I feel so bad for the people who bought this total garbage.

>> No.2376164

We hodled like champs. Never listen to biz. We are going to be okay lads.

>> No.2376186

LMAO yeah keep "hodling" as your balance utterly plummets. This garbagecoin is going below 1000 sats, screencap this.

And if it doesn't, my buddies and I will ensure it does just to fuck with you idiots and make a profit off your losses.

>> No.2376223


Even 900 sats would be over 1000% gains for me.

Holding until 300 or 30000 desu.

>> No.2376259

Gains on your principle, but you have lost big the last 2 days.

>> No.2376274
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>> No.2376298

bloody hell i am down A LOT today
XVG, STRAT, DGB, STEEM, RADS, WAVES, FLDC, MLN, and i was shorting GRC right when it fucking pumps ree
at least i got in before the pumps on most of them and have hope for the usefulness of about half

>> No.2376302

I sold it my man. Maybe my post could have been clearer

>> No.2376325

When I buy a coin, I know that I am keeping it for at least 6 months. I am not some ADHD-ridden """trader""".

>> No.2376328


I made money on it, but youd have to be crazy to have bought this at any point after it took off

It's a scamcoin that's only supposed use was on a heavily modded minecraft server. There was never any chance of it being in official esports.

What exactly justifies this ridiculous market cap

I'm honestly surprised it went this high

>> No.2376344

And notice no one gives a fuck about the minecraft server which came out today.

DGB is the biggest farce in crypto currency history.

>> No.2376389

I tried my very best to warn them. The /biz/ regulars fell for the coordinated efforts of big shills. You can still get out guys... Sell at a slight loss, it will not recover. I'm so sorry.

>> No.2376441

I'll just be over here..

Buying all the rock-bottom priced DGB for after the correction. I mean, does NO ONE notice that all alts take a hit when btc or eth rises? The weakhands selling is just icing on my low-priced diamond cake.

>> No.2376452

not checking the orderbook and what's to come in a couple of hours

>> No.2376459

Prepare to lose a good portion of what you just invested.

DGB is utterly, and totally done for. It can't even breach 1400 sats anymore lmfao.

>> No.2376471

It's really difficult to tell apart those who are trying to help and those who want to take your money, or simply want you to lose yours.

>> No.2376482

fine, do what you want and keep selling, weakhands. No skin off my teeth.

>> No.2376501
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The Digibyte shitshow has provided us with endless amount of fun and sharpies in the butt pictures from desperate neets

>> No.2376581

check the orderbook mate. Every single one saying stupid shit are either the ones building or using the walls or don't know what the fuck they are talking about. pro tip: learn to read the graphs and the orderbook and you can see where are you standing.

>> No.2376587
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>> No.2376589

I'm holding. It's not hard to hold. Selling at a loss is harder. Anybody selling in the red is an idiot though.

>> No.2376601



Have fun holding those digibags retards!

>> No.2376603

will there be any skin shedding when it stays at ~400 for a couple years?

>> No.2376604



>> No.2376618

Rest In Piss

>> No.2376652
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ALl my money

>> No.2376705

I did nothing but make posts warning that the team's history was trash and and provided facts about everything that they've done.
All this could have been avoided by doing any research into the company yourself.
I know no one here has even tried to use digusign on their website, if you happen to know about it.
Well, I did because that's what they're presenting and that's how you do research. I made the account on their site, went online got a pdf of a contract, uploaded it, filled out the spots to sign the contract, went to send it, and boom. No fucking send button on the site.
Even told you the exact time that the awards would be announced and to prepare to get out at that time in case things go south.

But unless someone is just a shill posting a picture of a rocketship and the OP text consists of MINECRAFT MOON GAYMEN $1, it doesn't catch your attention. Just like this post probably won't either.

>> No.2376727
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>> No.2376743

>holding a highly volatile and speculative non asset for long term
>being a happy lobotomy patient

>> No.2376756

Ur a fucking idiot. Wait till july and then you will see.

>> No.2376784

I called it. But yall want to sit up here and buy stupid ass coins with bullshit use cases.

Good for you faggots. Maybe now you'll learn how to play with the big boys.

Enjoy your bags you short sighted wagecucks.

>> No.2376809

Is DGB the no.1 fudded crypto in existence?

I've never seen a coin fudded so much - what do you gain from it?

If it really is a shitcoin, people lost their money, let it be forgotten, laugh if you need to......... Only reason for habitual fudding, is to lower the price so you may buy, with the prospect of it raising in value.

Im starting to believe this is a real coordinated fudding effort. Never seen anything like it.

>> No.2376840

100%+ day incoming, screenshot this. none of the fundamentals have changed.

>> No.2376847

Exactly, the next move... gonna trade high eth for low dgb. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.2376864
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>tfw invested all my wages of the month into DGB
>tfw will be kicked out of my apartment if DGB doesn't go back to 2400 which won't happen because it's going back to 0
What's the best way to survive on the street?

>> No.2376896

buy more DGB.

>> No.2376903

The DGB community everyone.
Make a post detailing a first hand account of using their actual product , which no one on here has used, and you get called an idiot.
Cool. Is ignorance really so bliss?

>> No.2376947

How not to lose in life 101:

1. learn from others mistakes and in bad times from your own mistakes - this is a lesson for life be grateful to know that feeling,
2. you'll be fine even if kicked out, you'll be fine next month, loan from friends, get over it,
3. never play with money you can't afford to loose, NEVER!
4. stop being stupid and NEVER buy the hype in well-developed phase, only early and get out as soon as everyone else get in

that would be all, follow this four simple rules and you'll be fine next 50 years.

>> No.2376988
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/biz/ feels like /pol/.

DGB feels like Emperor Trump.

The FUD feels like paid clinton/brock/podesta shills tactics.

This feeling is familiar.

I feel so comfy.

We will win.

Patience is a virtue.

>admantium hands hodling

>> No.2376998

Don't let go of that. In a month the price will be double what it is now, and in a year you wont even have to look at what it's at.

>> No.2377007

I've never seen a coin hated as much as DGB. I can't really pinpoint why, but if people really hated it then they would just forget it (mooncoin).

I have a good feeling about this. Bought in at 700 sats, not selling until it reaches 7000.

>> No.2377033


This is another reason why holding is easy. These are different types of shills. It feels like through their shilling they have alterior motives. I have a feeling we'll see some very interesting DGB graphs sooner than later...

>> No.2377058

It's not like you immature shills have annoyed the shit out of everyone and ruined the board nearly beyond repair or anything with you constant spam of thread for the past month, no of course not. What reason could anyone possibly have to dislike you?
>DGB shills was a gud boy WE DIDNU NUFFIN

>> No.2377066
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>DGB feels like Emperor Trump.

>DGB crashes back to 0 SAT
>Trump gets impeached

Good point, never thought of that.

>> No.2377077

it hasn't been out of the top 5 highest traded coins in days (a lot of that time in spot 1). this is so obviously just the start of something.

>> No.2377080
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>And if it doesn't, my buddies and I will ensure it does just to fuck with you idiots and make a profit off your losses.
>Being this mad over imaginary internet shekles

>> No.2377086

>I can't really pinpoint why
>Check the catalog
>Literally 10+ DGB thread
Gee I wonder. And this is during a down period. Whenever there is any real movement in DGB the threads shit up half the board. Can't you just create a running DGB general? If the Grimes and K-Pop fags on /mu/ can behave themselves and avoid creating infinite threads on the same topic why can't the Digi shills?

>> No.2377089

>hurr durr you faggots have ruined my board

There are at least 10 coins shilled here more than DGB.

>> No.2377094
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This coin is receiving so much hate that its reminding me of the early bitcoin haters.

Remember if their hating it's because you're doing something right.

>I'm Hodling 1.6MM


Nigga, we're in control of this timeline. We're are the jews. Trump will never be impeached.

>> No.2377106

I really thought I'd managed to successfully buy the dip on this one, but that was at like 1700 and 1508 sats.

Now we're in the 1300s. Jesus fucking christ I am sad.

>> No.2377107

Every DGB thread is by a fudder you retard.

>> No.2377113

dgb didnt have coordinated shill threads*. it had (and has) a genuine community of supporters around it. buying into a coin because you have genuine faith in it then watching it literally skyrocket over the next month will do that.

*except for perhaps the genesis shill threads posted when it was sub-200 sats

>> No.2377117


None of the FUD seems to want to focus on the high fucking volume of this coin. There are certainly a lot of people picking up this "trash" at nearly double what the coin was at a week ago... Me thinks someone wants my bags.

>> No.2377129

I'm nervous because FUDs have a point that the coin doesn't really do anything special besides being a better Litecoin, which most alts are, but you're right about the trading. People are saying that the only reason volume is high is because of selling, but I feel like there's a lot more shorting and accumulation going on at this point than panic selling. That's why those walls are up between 1200-1500.

>> No.2377140

>(and has)

so "does" dogecoin

>> No.2377157

Problem was that DGB was a scam through and through, it was like a pump and dump penny stock scam. Just eat the loss and put your money in ARK, ANT, or ETH which have actual futures

>> No.2377174

I don't feel bad for stupid fucks.

>called how it was on a freefall
>got called stupid for not being able to read a chart
>now look

It's a fucking memecoin. After a pump, there's only one way for them to go.

>> No.2377193

bitcoin still has scaling issues and is not very suitable, litecoin is vanilla, I think DGB is good alternative for bitcoin, I think 1 B market cap for DGB should be doable within a year, but yeah DGB has tendency to create a lot of hype when there is nothing much going on

>> No.2377199

Just bought back in. Glad i could get in at a discount.

>> No.2377201

Dude I have a ton of ETH already. DGB isn't a scam. In my mind it's the high end of what a low end coin will be in about 10-15 years. When everyone is printing shitcoins and the market cap is unfathomably high, DGB will have it's place as a fast and widely circulated coin.

>> No.2377210

jareds reputation is heavily entwined with dgb, more so than any other coin perhaps barring eth itself, you don't do that if you're out to pull a fast one on people

>> No.2377277

>it's only people selling!
Except... every trade has a matching buy...

>> No.2377308

You're never going to get the very bottom

>> No.2377336

Not Jareds fault the community skyrocketed this then hyped it to get it higher then dumped on the dipshits that bought at the highest prices hoping this would continue. He didn't force you to buy, or to hype or to dump.. If dont know how to understand a coins actual worth..the hype, the community and many other aspects, people tried to help and have been warning this is way overpriced and that a downward trend was on its way. you obviously got suckered into a bad decision buying while it was high and its not the devs fault.

>> No.2377345

Read my post again. I said people are claiming the volume is purely from people selling, when in actuality it's shorting and accumulation. IE, buying and selling.

>> No.2377385
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>DGB posters
>Why everyone hates us despite filling half the catalog with our shitcoin
>It's going up anytime! muh minecraft server will bring it to 100000 kilo-satoshis in the next hour you evil fuders you'll see!
>I don't care about losing money on a regular basis, for i genuinely believe in the team and the non existent tech
>Please buy our bags, i'm begging you
>*proceeds to ram up 20 sharpies on his ass*

>> No.2377420

>Hey I'm mad that DGB hype has like 10 threads that slide legitimate business topics like my credit card fraud and fake gold threads.
>I should shit up the board further by making 10 threads specifically for shitting on DGB

Fucking retard you're no better.

>> No.2377493

I know you DGB posters live in permanent delusion but here's a friendly reminder for you, the board has been nothing but cryptos for months now, many of which actually can earn you profit, shocking! i know

Feel free to post your wallet so i can give you some money since i really pity you, maybe for once you'll earn something

>> No.2377534

somebody is accumulating coins from weak hands.
don't let that somebody get even more money. HODL!

>> No.2377545

sure senpai

what coin

>> No.2377676

Today it is. For the last month it wasn't.

Seriously you guys even convinced me to buy at 1850, but I was not blind enough to hold when it started to fell apart. I even had some profit.

It's a coin for gaming.
Wow can you really win DGB by playing League of legends?
Not anymore because devs were paying that from their pockets till they realized it was a shitty idea to do that.
Well, what van you do with DGB that's related to gaming then?
Play minecraft.
OK, I'm selling.