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2375975 No.2375975 [Reply] [Original]

>Trade ether for alt coin a few weeks back.
>Alt coin gains 30%
>ether gains far more
>worse than if I had done nothing

who knows this feel

>> No.2376138
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At least you didn't sell your ETH for DGB

>> No.2376162

heres another feel you havent felt yet:
>Trade alt coin for ether a few weeks back.
>ether gains 30%
>alt coin gains far more
>worse than if I had done nothing

the only way i dont feel perpetual regret is if i dont trade.

>> No.2376178

Why is everyone on /biz/ so impatient? BTC is up $1000 USD in one month and ETH is up $200. Why can't anyone here just buy reliable coins and hold? I started off with $100 in BTC and $100 in ETH, From the $200 total I am now up to $450 by just sitting back and doing nothing. I do the same thing with stocks on RH.

>> No.2376191

Same here

Had 36 ETH, diversified it and kept 14.5 ETH

mfw my alts underperformed my eth by 21%.

mfw it I did not touch anything I would have 1.1k€ more right now

>> No.2376196

Literally this
20% BTC
70% ETH
10% Monero

I sleep well at night and dont need to check charts every 15 minutes

>> No.2376197

Find reliable stocks/coins, buy them, hold.

>> No.2376218

Good to see another cool headed, level handed trader on /biz/.

>> No.2376244


I put $200 into DGB and cashed out $6000 or so just after the peak.

Feels nicer than your $450 - that's why people are impatient.

>> No.2376250
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>buy eth when it was still cheap but not enough becouse you were poor and just starting into crypto
>now you gain some money on some alts and eth itself
>wait since last 2 days to drop in the price so you could buy more, it;s still fucking mooning even more

>> No.2376252

Investor, friend

>> No.2376261
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was holding 34 eth

trade 24 eth into btc at 0.048 per eth
eth immediately skyrockets upto 0.07-0.08 a day after i do it.

In the 3 weeks since i've done it, i've gained like 0.78 btc from trading altcoins but i would of had more if i just left it in eth.

I keep trying to make gains that will beat the potential that the 24 i had could of made, but ETH KEEPS GOING UP

>> No.2376262
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Sold for ARK and STRAT. Just

>> No.2376270

Cause we're all poor and don't have a lot of money to throw down.

It will haunt us if we put $100 in ether and sit.
It could grow 20x times but we would always kick outselves. 'WHY DIDN'T I HAVE ENOUGH TO PUT $1000'

altcoins gives us hope of rockets to take our few hundreds to a few thousands, then diversify in safe coins.

>> No.2376286

Had 10 eth. Split 5 eth evenly between sia, 1st, DGB, bitbean, bay, and rdd.
Down like $600 in possible gains

>> No.2376292
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I totally know dat feel.

At least I didn't lose too much and I had fun.

>> No.2376309

Although desu my daytrading totally got me profit, since it made up for the XEM and STRAT bags that I'm holding...

>> No.2376311


you have no idea of pain friend

I bought 284 ether for like 50 cents - $1 a pop 2 years ago and was forced to sell them to pay rent.

Ignored it for years till just now when i noticed it was fucking $300 per ether

Thats $91,000 loss for being poor & too crippled to work.

fuck my life.

address for proofs


>> No.2376333

Sold $300 worth of Sia for Strat yesterday.
I'm going to kill myself. Whyyyy did I have to touch my fucking Sia!?

>> No.2376445

Similar shit here, I had a chunk of BTC and had to sell all but one to survive since the German company that wanted to employ me made me wait for 5 months.

I said fuck them and got the same salary in Bulgaria tho... Which made for cheaper life, thus more money to invest in ETH somewhat early (80 eur).

I was pissed too, but sometimes our misfortunes work in our favor, brotha. Keep your head up, you're gonna make it!

>> No.2376470

So much this

>> No.2376516
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>Trading a legitimate coin for shitcoins

>> No.2376521


Similar story. When I was just getting into crypto years ago, I spent a lot of time wondering when the next paycheck was going to come from. Needless to say, that influences your decision making in a very bad way (eg, sold my 200ETH a year ago). I'll never get over that one.

>> No.2376522


>> No.2376535

Last year when btc was only 400 dollars I started trading alt coins and bought a whole btc. (Was too afraid to buy more). I had no clue what I was doing and lost .75 of my btc. i did eventually get down to .12 btc, but got back to ~.25 with the first monero pump about a year ago. I sold my btc at like $180, and then it goes to 800. I buy .25 more btc and it dumps immediately to like 600, and i sold at a loss. I lost like 500 bucks total and felt like shit.

i feel better though because i bought 15 eth at 77.

>> No.2376539

Why not buy in now? It's inevitably going to go higher....

>> No.2376642

there is always price corection

it should fucking be

cant buy high

>> No.2376651
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>Feels like an eternity has passed
>After checking transaction dates only a week has gone by

>> No.2376695
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I just sold at loss for the first time... -20$ not too bad

Fuck BAT and day trading, ill just hold my btc and eth forever now