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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 594x649, Biden wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23757513 No.23757513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Decision Desk has called PA.

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Your next president of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Time to pump.

>> No.23757533

>tariffs gone
Enjoy the crash

>> No.23757548

DXY free falling lmao

>> No.23757556

America is officially a communist state.
What a disaster.

>> No.23757558
File: 103 KB, 1471x872, _20201106_095140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

At least Mitch won.

COCAINE Mitch - Mitch Got the Votes (mp3)


>> No.23757563

That's just a prediction, Trump can still flip with enough votes. Stop celebrating too early democRAT.

>> No.23757576

Seethe and cope, sweaty :^)

>> No.23757600

Long Yuan
Short USD

>> No.23757614

it will be a clusterfuck either way. lets just hope for some cheapies

>> No.23757620
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>> No.23757641

lol what a shitshow

I dont want Chinese Neo to pump yet

>> No.23757673

*to dump
ftfy fellow 'tor

>> No.23757741
File: 130 KB, 905x369, secretary of state of pennsylvania pa responsible for ballot counting oversight oversee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Pennsylvania vote counting oversight, bro.

>> No.23757756
File: 117 KB, 730x783, 1602591071976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious, truly delicious cope.

Meanwhile the lines are all very, very much green.

>> No.23757789

Yes, it must be cope.
And when Pennsylvania didn't allow observers into the counting areas until a judge forced them to, that had nothing to do with people like this: >>23757741
being rabidly anti-Trump.

>> No.23757835

Better than being a dictatorship which is where we were headed.

>> No.23757858
File: 19 KB, 536x479, 16022969711822293041013940544734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what libtard trannies actually believe

>> No.23757870

lol subverting an election through fraud is anti democratic. A dictatorship is what you get when democracy fails. These fraudsters are going to create a self fullfilling prophecy.

>> No.23757949

You dont even know what that word means little faggot.

>> No.23757987

Nope, Trump won

>> No.23758011

Not true, frankly, FRANKLY, it's true.

>> No.23758012

imagine thinking any of this scripted political theater is real.

>> No.23758260

Good, let the collapse commence.

>> No.23758311

I'm a little upset. I was hoping all the qtard rambling was going to be real and that something amazing would happen, but it all turned out to be fake and gay.

>> No.23758321

>NOOOO not the niggerinos and faggorinos! My wife's son has every right to transition at 12 years old!

>> No.23758368

Well it was fun, time for 4 more years of Obongo China dicksucking and western economies getting destroyed. See you guys in the breadlines.

>> No.23758373
File: 149 KB, 720x900, 0854380958450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking dammit, we've been saying q was fake for months

>> No.23758895

qanon is just more controlled opposition to distract you from people like miles mathis.

>> No.23759085

Checked and who the fuck is going to take risks on crypto with >40% cap gains. OP is deluded to the max.

>> No.23759188

What you ameritards forgot is that you are still number 1 economically and the rest of the world just got a huge boost of confidence in you and markets will pump.

You're welcome now don't elect more retards in future (hopefully biden dies of dementia soon and you can replace him) and you might just make it.

>> No.23759253

Based and Bidenpilled

get fucked Trumpanzees

>> No.23759285

Lil not just crypto, literally anything. You buy a house? Welp, now you have a mortgage, insurance, state and federal property tax AND on top of it, 40% of the worth. Lol.

>> No.23759322

Imagine thinking the Trumpanzee is going to have to worry about the tax implications of home ownership on their Hardee's fry cook wages

>> No.23760250
File: 201 KB, 693x598, 1566436093647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean I don't have to pay back my woman's genders studies ph.D loan? $250K current outstanding balance.

>> No.23760263

no he doesn't

go back to /pol/

>> No.23760279

How can you talk like this? We don’t elect anyone two puppets are just put in front of the sheep and they cast their worthless ballot

>> No.23760313

It has been since nixon

>> No.23760366


>> No.23761032
File: 4 KB, 250x250, BestSwap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long the Yuan and azn coins like BestSwap.

>> No.23761055

>the rest of the world just got a huge boost of confidence in you
The market is pumping because the dollar is crashing.

>> No.23761100

This forum is done for now, flooded with shills pretending Biden won and using redditor NPC templates to try to demoralize and do their standard redditor circle jerking. But what they don’t know is that they can’t leave /pol/, they’ve already begun changing. They’re already beginning to question and doubt certain convictions they had. Whether they feel it or not reality is seeping in the longer they stay here, and it was a nagging search for the truth that subconsciously brought them here in the first place. They can never leave and are now becoming one of us.

>> No.23761142

kill yourself you fucking retard slave

>> No.23761180

why the fuck are people declaring early before it is decided? so slimey and misleading

>> No.23761256

Anybody have pics of magapede soijacks obsessing over hunter Biden’s dong?

>> No.23761750

Fuck trump, this isn't pol faggots

>> No.23761780
File: 362 KB, 2000x1050, 9076888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
