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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 173 KB, 1522x702, Nano_Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23755514 No.23755514 [Reply] [Original]

PRQ Marketcap 10 million $

Binance funding 100 million $ was granted this week.

OK, which of you fucktards did not go all in PRQ already?

We have a lot of big things coming up, so I guess it depends what you are referring to. Those include, but are not limited to:
- Partnership with a top 10 project coming next week (as well as joint events with that partner)
- Announcement and commercial release of Binance Smart Chain integration, including joint PR, developer events with Binance
- A collaboration with one of the biggest DeFi protocols
- Partnerships with major layer 1 blockchain protocols
- Implementation and release of Epoch 2 (including O2 Protocol and Public Projects) Tokenomics in Q1 2021
- New product release (MVP version might be ready EOY, but full commercial release in 2021)
- Next year we plan to target and onboard corporations from the traditional world who are starting to utilize blockchain
Just to name a few...

>> No.23755537

got in at 0.009 for 90bux kek

>> No.23755557
File: 92 KB, 1280x852, photo_2020-11-05_18-27-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to booom! See everyone post 3 $

>> No.23755595

This doesn't sound anything at all like Raiblocks/Nano, why are you using the Nano chart to shill a crypto that has nothing in common with it? Raiblocks mooned because of the unique tech which solves the blockchain scaling problem. This sounds like more partnerships and announcements with a usecase that only applies to interchain interactions, not the real world such as in the case of decentralized value or data transfer (BTC, XMR, ETH, LINK, NANO, etc.)

>> No.23755673


>> No.23755729

Oh sweet summerchild how little you know. If any blockchain tech has a lot of real world use case, its Parsiq. Do your research properly I'm not going to spoon feed you

>> No.23755891

nice congrats

>> No.23755962

>investing into one of the few only coins with virtually 0 fud
no, should have went all in :(

also stop fucking posting my man, literally no reason to shill if you know you're gonna make it

>> No.23756059

Top 10 - Partnership announcement coming next week.

I am gonna buy myself a night with gianna michaels if we hit 1 $

>> No.23756070

and yes fuck the nano chart, nano is a piece of shit
Parsiq is the chosen on

>> No.23756709

0 FUD ia a bad thing. It means nobody cares

>> No.23756719

>It means nobody cares
which is a good thing (for me)