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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23754030 No.23754030 [Reply] [Original]

You are the worst jannies on 4chan. Thanks for ruining a special place

>> No.23754054

Telegram rugs: This is fine
Pajeet shills: This is fine
Malware spam: This is fine

>> No.23754100 [DELETED] 

I haven't been on /biz/ in a long time, but /biz/ jannies unironically used to be the best on 4chan. You could/ can post almost everything which is one of the main reasons why so many memes were born/ popularized on /biz/. Don't know if jannies haven't gotten worse though.

>> No.23754115

I haven't been on /biz/ in a long time, perhaps things have changed. But /biz/ jannies unironically used to be the best on 4chan. You could/ can post almost everything which is one of the main reasons why so many memes were born/ popularized on /biz/.

>> No.23754150

Well, no need to ruining it when we got DUN lol

>> No.23754186

All we need is a rangeban on everything outside Europe and the Americas and we wouldn't need jannies. My research suggests there are very few spicbros participating in the shilling and rugging.

>> No.23754205

thats over, the new jannies suck, they delete memes that have been around for awhile

>> No.23754211

Female ass: 99% chance it's also one of the other things you listed.

>> No.23754238
File: 142 KB, 653x568, 1578691722348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 2018, telegram and discord trannies became more organized and effective at bombarding /biz/ with their scam brigades. The organic environment created by lax /biz/ moderation has been ruined by these pajeets who coordinate in groups and abuse VPNs and 4chan passes. I fucking despise them.

>> No.23754484
File: 158 KB, 1200x839, 1588289289757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This biz jannies are the best jannies , minus that time a bsvtard infiltrated the janny team and for 3 months this was a desert full of bsv spam and the board ended up empty.

>> No.23754509

No, that would be /mlp/ they genuinely delete threads which try to trash Hasbro.
Imagine if jannies deleted threads where you slander and defame CZ.

>> No.23754527

awwww. there. there.
where did jan jan touch you?

>> No.23754631
File: 99 KB, 676x746, 1600215401418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get banned you dumb, awful janny, just tired of a dead board, despite historic events. That's how bad it is now. Take random people that have no idea what the culture is and could have mal intentions anyway.
Very sexist behavior

>> No.23754898
File: 71 KB, 960x720, Silver linings Jun 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus mate you clearly never browsed /fit/. literal tranny obeasts with no clue and a specific agenda to destroy any thread fostering self-improvement hijacked and killed it dead. that's how I ended up here. all's well. trannies dun made me not rich, but better off. silver linings eh

>> No.23754915


claim comb. don't use slurs.

>> No.23755126

well you're not gonna wife 'em m8, why not use 'em

>> No.23755134

>Wherever you go dies.
Posts like these is what happened

>> No.23755165

kek poZ

>> No.23755258

Anarchy is not sustainable because it creates a power vacuum.
Who knew.

>> No.23755260

Cry more, faggots.

>> No.23755268

don't forget that obnoxious combspamming
how do you even program such a bot

>> No.23755343

no bots only helpful community members

>> No.23755356

Can someone explain the haircomb meme to me in simple terms? Every time I see haircomb pasta my eyes glaze over before I can finish reading it. It's mind numbing. I don't get it at all,.

>> No.23755359

>Malware spam

>> No.23755360

>that's how I ended up here

>> No.23755366

read this recent testimonial:

early comb claimer here. have over100 combs.
the modified bitcoin core client if you go to the info tab, it will show you the highest fee p2wsh output in the mempool. so you can just overbid it and ur chances of successfully claiming is 90% or higher then.
also claim to the same liquidity stack, this way if you want to move them you dont have to sign 21 txs to move each comb claim.
i have alot of early claims so all my combs are on their own stacks. so moving them would be 21 btc tx's each stack.
liquidity stacks can have unlimited addresses moved to. so 21 btc txs can scale to 1million comb addresses or any amount you want.
in that way it scales. but if your just moving 1 address to 1 address you still need to sign 21 txs on btc.
the day an exchange lists is the day that manually normal claiming will most likely be gone because they will add a claim tx to their output batches.
and most likely if it hits an exchange and has liquidity, then miner software will add it to their first output for 0 fee aswell.
all speculation but if it happens then even 1 comb claim right now can be worth more then 1 btc in the future. easily.
another thing to consider is as the block reward drops in btc, it gives more incentive for the miners to look for other profits from finding blocks. this can easily be scalable bitcoin.

alot of ppl consider btc needs to have inflation over the long term to succeed. now im not one of them, but comb inflation is very low and its sustainable for hundreds of years.

>> No.23755374

Thank you. I am downloading haircomb as we speak

Gonna give a try tonight. Good luck!

>> No.23755405


good luck brave newcomber

>> No.23755433

I even get banned several times for niggerposting, can you believe that?

>> No.23755486
File: 58 KB, 621x396, 1603446521926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the work! You are helping make this community great! Fuck Niggers, Fuck Kikes and above all else FUCK JANNIES!

>> No.23755543

t. spicnigger
just ban eastern europe and india and we will be good.

>> No.23755607

Europoor here. The worst spamming starts roughly morning GMT+3 and tapers off from around the 7PM in that same timezone suggesting Russia and Asia being the worst offenders. American hours are way less intense.

>> No.23755622


have you tried claiming haircomb you old geezer