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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23750977 No.23750977 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the stock market will crash if biden wins meme and shorted

>> No.23751030
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Same. Hold on to your shit if you haven't already bought back in.

>> No.23751083

>increasing taxes on big business is good
not even a richfag

>> No.23751174

It's going up because Republicans still maintain the Senate and Biden will play soft with China (based on what I saw on /pol/, him and his may have connections with China), meaning better trade deals, especially for the semiconductor industry. If you want to make money off of Biden's "win", invest in semiconductor companies/ETFs. Also, keep an eye on Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

>> No.23751183

*his son

>> No.23751185

if you thought a madman as commander in chief was good for the stock market you're an idiot

>> No.23751206

Still time for LOKI desu.

>> No.23751286

a weak dollar is bullish for the stock market

>> No.23751308
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I love watching you losers play pretend.

>> No.23751429

Not entirely.

>> No.23751435

can the R's block his tax increases in the senate for capital gains?

>> No.23751534

I'm not sure of all details like that yet, but the market is skeptical that he's going to get much done in terms of increasing the Corporate Tax rate.

Regardless of who was going to win, stimulus and debt/money printing is going to continue. The concerning with Biden winning is that, longer term, if China does begin to grow stronger, people may start to loose faith in the dollar and US treasury debt, and will look elsewhere.

Cryptocurrency and precious metals will become increasingly more important.

>> No.23751660

I guess nobody cares about the culprit of covid huh? Fuck this planet anyway

>> No.23751764

In my view, something was going to happen to cause a crash, it just happened to be covid-19. I think that it is real, but that it's way overblown. Whatever China becomes, all those everyone who went there for cheap labor and lack of care for the environment, holds some of the blame. They seem to have been the trial run for social credit/digital currency based "smart" societies that are likely coming.

>> No.23751834

Why Biden means opening trade back up with China. You can't be an idiot and not know stuff like that and play futures.

>> No.23751860

This sham of an election destroyed my portfolio. I haven’t been so upset since the day my grandma died.

>> No.23751882

It absolutely is though. Crypto too

>> No.23751901

instead of playing with options, just invest in china
options expire worthless, stocks/etfs you only lose if you sell

>> No.23751933

Seriously never listen to biz for advice.
Were you expecting wallstreet to pack up and go home?
All professional traders care about is stability. Taxes don't matter, traders will still trade but instability causes fud.
A Biden Whitehouse and a republican senate means that nothing big will happen for 4 years so stability is confirmed.

>> No.23752196

That's what you fucking get Bobo.

>> No.23752262

so what news does it take for the market to go down? Because it seems like it hyped up after shops getting burnt down.

>> No.23752274

Why didnt you look at the data from previous elections? The answer was there.

>> No.23752285


Trade war with China, that's it.
What makes you think "news" is gonna tank the market? It's a completely nonsensical assumption.

>> No.23752343

yea i guess u are right, but even the trade war did jack and so did corona. The meme of stock only go up is real there is no red candle problem.

>> No.23752394


Corona did a lot but it was priced in early.
After earnings this summer we got information about exactly how bad lockdowns affected companies. Any corona-related news after that was priced in, that's why selling when cases rose in Europe was so stupid, obviously priced in.
Trade war escalating is gonna be a problem, if it gets worse it's a real bummer.
Another thing that's gonna be incredibly problematic is no more QE from fed or higer interest rates.
Small time transient stuff like one month of protests somewhere doesn't matter because it only affects a small portion of the financial year.
For companies to take a dive you need their outlooks to be signficiantly worse in the longer term and one month of lockdowns doesn't cut it in this regard. You get small time noise on the markets but it really doesnt matter all that much.

>> No.23752408

Biden is in the pocket of the rich why would you bet against them

>> No.23752794

Can't believe anyone thinks that gay shit is real lmao.

>> No.23752801
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futures red, turning redder. the biden celebration pump is over, back to reality we go

>> No.23752883

It will crash bro.
Do you think Bezos sells 3 Billion USD worth of Amazon shares for nothing?
Stock and Crypto will crash hard and fast in the coming 48 hours max. Remember me when it happens. Be ready to buy in cheap but do not fomo. Dont buy before at least - 50%.

>> No.23752926

>Do you think Bezos sells 3 Billion USD worth of Amazon shares for nothing?
He's been doing this since forever, dumbass.

>> No.23752953

Cope faggot. Watch what happens when the fraud Biden is declared the winner and Trump is not conceding. The market will crash worse than in March. Wait and see. I already shorted out of everything. Why? Because i am smart.

>> No.23752968


>> No.23753056

>Cope faggot.
With what?

Bezos has been selling Amazon stock since the dawn of time.

>> No.23753672

Lmao where else will they look to? There's a reason chinks have to buy t bills and will always be our bitch. What are they going to do buy euros? Chink economy is 100% dependent on the us, and I'm not even talking about trade

>> No.23753745

>big business stocks grow as 50%+ of small businesses close

>> No.23753933

Tyrannocapitalism, or the use of state directed violence against small businesses and competitors to state-supported corporations. Expect a lot more of it. Capitulate or die. Get your betabux into the big boys that run the show.

>> No.23754266

This, besides I am a Chinese EV investor and the end of the trade war means bull for me. Muricans are cucked

>> No.23754343

Srry buddy

>> No.23754481

>He thinks Biden is not backed by stock market, corporations, celebrities an millionaires

>> No.23754505

>Betting against Wall Street


>> No.23754534


the stock market is pro-biden

the market has tanking under trump

>> No.23754545

The market reached its historic ATH under Trump.