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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23744008 No.23744008 [Reply] [Original]

Holy kek

>> No.23744106

The Eth support will help him with his issue

>> No.23744138

Jesus, I actually feel kinda bad for him because stuff like this just shouldn't happen. That's a really expensive lesson to learn...

>> No.23744145

Crypto will never be used by non tech people. Normal people give a fuck about trustless transactions, they want somebody to sue.

>> No.23744163

kek, at least we know why

>> No.23744199

Ya this is why part of me is ok with the crypto-on-rails foolproof on-ramps like wealthsimple and now paypal. Normies actually need everything completely idiotproof or they WILL fuck it up (I've done enough webdev to know this). We will never see full mainstream adoption without services like these because of things like op's pic. Once something like this moves down the grapevine, it turns from "this guy made a really bad mistake" to "etherium scammed this guy, I don't trust crypto now"

>> No.23744225

You couldn't send email without knowing how to code in the beginning of the internet. Now every grandma can do it from her phone. This will be the same, everyone will be using it eventually, but not yet

>> No.23744229

Geriatric loses money

>> No.23744381

no, this should happen.
imagine if ETH was adopted at a level 100x what it is now and I'm a whale with 10million in ETH and I need to get it out.
I need to be able to pay $9500 or whatever gas imaginable to be able to get priority on the network.
this guy has "proud-bitcoiner" in his name, he deserves it for not reading.

>> No.23744432

Non-tech people will pay the fees in Coinbase like the little bitches they are

>> No.23744494

Well this is an obvious flaw in the eth network. But I'm telling you, stuff like op's pic related is bad for crypto as a whole.

>> No.23744670

Based zoomer

>> No.23744717
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>> No.23744726

It's not really any different to a BSB and Acct No that normies interact with every day

>> No.23744739
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he should dispute on kleros

>> No.23744775
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, CDC5A13C-DDEC-45E1-805D-5730200078F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I safe fees? I am new to crypto and biz, joined in september and only bought bitcoin, ethereum and link.

>> No.23744914

100% this is bad for crypto. The wallets have to be tard proof...

>> No.23744956

Don't complain about crypto never being adopted retards

>> No.23745030

this guy will kill himself when eth moons

>> No.23745609

I'm unironically terrified of doing this too so I never keep more than 0.5 ETH in my matamask and hot wallet at any time

>> No.23745695

I always keep .05 for at least a single transaction to get my ETH count for another transaction.

>> No.23745723

The nice thing about the Ethereum network is that it's adaptable. If he shoots an email over to the foundation they'll probably be able to roll back the chain for him.

>> No.23746845

Unironically possible if you create a metamask style swap system.

Currently metamask has a .875 takers fee, which is way too expensive, but even a .5% fee could go to an insurance fund and successful disputes could result in a payout from the insurance fund.

>> No.23746895

Holy fuck. There is legit no way to get this back, i would be so fucking mad at myself

>> No.23746936


This. Even a pop-up warning that triggers over a certain threshold like "are you sure you want to pay nine thousand fucking dollars in gas fees? Y/N" would be a very good idea

>> No.23747207

in a not so distant future, that will be the average gas price

>> No.23747352

Not true, it will get easier over time when better gui's and warnings are put in place for wallets and exchanges (ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS?) about 2-3 times for something that looks incorrect, or a possible limiter similar to robinhood auto-stopping what is considered a day trade, with the option to turn it off. We're so fucking early

>> No.23747621

Jesus Christ. I'm scared of this happening to me because I can see myself doing some retarded shit like this. I'm still not 100% sure what he did wrong, how did he end up paying so much in gas fees? couldn't he see that the amount being sent was 0.2 ETH?

>> No.23747754


It's not a network issue, it's a UI/UX issue. They shouldn't call it gas fees/limit/etc. Non-tech people don't want to learn the jargon. It needs to be written in simple terms people already know.

>> No.23748596

ethheads are communists
fuck investing in this shitcoin
keep your 32eth nodes L2 losers
communists dont deal with retail investors - they line them up against a wall have them shot and steal their shit
etheruem does not give a fuck about your money vity tells himself on twatter almost every other day
>buy CHAINLINK the truly patrician gainers coin

>> No.23748732

actually agree

>> No.23748758

thats what all those centralized exchanges are for and paypal too

>> No.23748767

just double and triple check all of your transactions before they go through to make sure everything is ok. you are your own bank fren

>> No.23748775

no you fags dont understand. i bought btc in 2012 with the silk road .. but not a technical faggot on bitcorn forums and shit ... back in the day i was just a philosophical anarchist looking to score MDMA to bone a thot named crystal .,. dont ask ... i can 100% assure you ETH does not give a fuck about your money. i made my mint on link. there's still profits to be made in LINK . buy LINK and avoid the absolute landmine that is ETH as an investment. I signed up for their ICO email on the website when they first launched but I never got an email from them and missed the ICO that's just 1 of 1001 horror stories when it comes to building fucking simpe UXUI designs dapps on eth. its so fucking retarded almost as retarded at vitalik not having a solution to the oracle problem. I unironically believed that the oracle problem was already accounted for in ETH smartcontract nope! because Vity thinks the data is magically already on the Eth contract ... no basis in reality.
TLDR; Eth will punish normies and early adoptors and the Ethereum foundation DGAF

>> No.23748792

ETH is a fucking dumpster fire dude

>> No.23748803
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>> No.23748818

it is. metamask literally calls it "Transaction Fee" and gives the dollar amount the gwei equals at that moment. it could be more retard proof

>> No.23748826

>buy erc-20 token
>ETH is trash
Pick one idiot

>> No.23748925

they've had 5 years and HUNDRENDS MILLION$$$$
how are normies still losing their shirt on fucking transfer fees- oppps you lost your funds hahahaha - after 5 years of ETH development - if they didnt fix the UI/UX on products by now it means THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT USERS MONEY
>in the ethmaxis mind the entire system of value is eth and the object is to suck up all of your money into eth .. they are just accelerating the process by sucking users' assets to feed eth growth

>> No.23748948


>> No.23749025
File: 16 KB, 722x102, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof that this guy is retarded

>> No.23749069

yea as much as I hate redditors there should be something that prevents that, what kind of garbage website design allows you to spend 200k gwei on a single transaction

>> No.23749078

Good point
It is different though, if you contact the bank you will likely get your money back

>> No.23749152

no fuck this faggot. NO REFUNDS.
this nigger did this shit for the attention.
he did it on PURPOSE.

i dont buy that he was prompted with a fucking tx confirmation screen and that he didnt look it over first before submitting it. NO, this attention seeking faggot DID THIS ON PURPOSE because he is seeking ATTENTION and to him paying $9k is worth the ATTENTION he craves.

i'd cut this faggots balls off (in minecraft fuck you glownigger faggots too) just so he cant reproduce holy shit fuck this.

>> No.23749153

I mean if you don't double check before you send a transaction, then it's on you. There is no customer service in crypto. You are your own bank.

>> No.23749302

I thought these days were over with either Delta guess not

>> No.23749461

that's really on whoever made the wallet that guy used. I assume it was metamask. there should be some kind of warning message that pops up when fees exceed the value of the transaction or something