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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23741890 No.23741890 [Reply] [Original]

Arbitrum uniswap clone is now live on testnet.

>> No.23741904

Enjoy getting your wallet hacked

>> No.23742087

Enjoy staying fucking poor.

>> No.23742134

It's on a fucking testnet.
>oh no my fauceted worthless testnet linkies are all gone noooooooo
This board is dead.

>> No.23742282

what is this? How is it better than uni and all the other swap dexs

>> No.23742283

Imagine thinking this isn’t just a worthless poc for attention.

>> No.23742329

Drastically lower gas as its utilized a L2 solution, that being arbitrum rollups.

>> No.23742344

55x reduction in gas fees. Also much faster execution.

>> No.23742377

How cheap are we talking? Cheaper than CZs virtual eth

>> No.23742474

109,500 down to 1965 per swap.
Also 7 swaps per second went to 390 swaps per second.

>> No.23742797

It's fSwap all over again anon.

> Muh cheap swaps fuck Uniswap
> Oh wait but no liquididty
> Oh wait but no tokens
> Oh actually anon you need to wrap into an L2 compatible token and then unwrap
> Oh I guess it isn't cheaper :(

>> No.23743006

Plus I’m pretty sure uniswap is already working on their own scaling solution. They aren’t going to rewrite all their code just to use this shitcoin project.

>> No.23743028

thats cheaper than doing the whole panama round

>> No.23743034

enjoy getting fucked by uniswap v3
t. bought the uni dip yesterday

>> No.23743076

Arbitrum has no token or coin. And there is pretty much zero code to rewrite in order to implement this once it’s live on mainnet. Uniswap would be stupid not to implement this.

>> No.23743095

>109,500 down to 1965 per swap.
>Also 7 swaps per second went to 390 swaps per second.

>> No.23743099

Imagine if Toilet was on a Testnet before it went live in Mumbai. Think of all the Streets we could have saved.

>> No.23743112
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forgot pic

>> No.23743144

So it's still slower than the ftm clone, which is released on a mainnet?

Yeah fuck off shills

>> No.23743154

You are still able to take test shits on main street, so I think mumbai will do the needful in the end.

>> No.23743165

Sergey should grow a ducktail

>> No.23743166

Imagine contributing absolutely nothing to this thread and likely society.

>> No.23743213

uhh.. guys.

>> No.23743221
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