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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23734816 No.23734816 [Reply] [Original]

Sensible thread


>How old is the project?
Around 2 years

>How long has the token been available to buy?
Around 1 month

>How many tokens in circulation?

>How many tokens in total?

>Is liquidity locked?

>Why should I buy?
The team is non anon and are boomers with realworld accreditations.

>What does it do?
It allows enterance to a safe harbor of sophisticated borrower/lenders. Platform volume provides small fee distributed amongst all tokens. Scarcity bc new participants have to aggregate to participate, etc. - SEE AMA FOR MORE DETAILED EXPLANATION


Link to recent AMA:

>> No.23734831

literally the next gem

>> No.23734842

Should have a market cap akin to the other defi blue chips aave, snx, yfi. Meaning ~$300mm, putting it around 50-75 cent per.

>> No.23734972

Sooo fucking BASED. Just watch their first AMA enough said

>> No.23734989

Pretty much this. It could actually spike higher. Look what YFI did. If eRSDL gets the same mcap as YFI had when it peaked, we're talking 3.4 dollars. And if it's going just as fast, we're talking around christmas. Sounds crazy, but it's actually possible.

>> No.23735016

not really equivalent to them though.. maybe worth half that mcap

>> No.23735053

Why do you think it's worth only half of the others?

>> No.23735088

Would be happy with half, too. Ex-chief risk officer at Wells Fargo says it solves a problem every treasurer in the world has, the dude worked at HSBC, and it has been in development for 2 years, preceding today's DEFI bubble. Seems legit af.

>> No.23735147

aave provides loans and snx has synthetic assets n shieeet, ersdl is for banks not retail so how can it become a truly massive product rather than just filling a niche?

>> No.23735231

Let the people fud for now, i'm not done filling my bags.

>> No.23735279

>ersdl is for banks
>how can it become a truly massive product
Gee, that's quite the enigma. I'll better dump all my tokens.

>> No.23735384

the owner looks like he will steal my money and for that reason im out

>> No.23735459

Lmao, this.

To add to that, lenders have to have to buy into/participate in the ecosystem in order to use the platform, so it wouldn’t serve them well if the price crabbed or dropped. Also token holders will earn a certain percentage of transaction fees, so if there is plenty of volume being moved around and the number of tokens is eventually capped as Howard claims, there should be a steady and reliable increase over time.

>> No.23735483

im trying to have some doubt here, because im farming 8000 of these babies a day and cant believe that it will go to $1

>> No.23735509

Let brainlets be poor, they are hopeless.

>> No.23735573

Don’t get me wrong, i think this definitely will have an eventual ceiling to the price, it probably won’t even make it to current Link levels. but what’s so exciting about the project is that it’s really hard to say just what the limit actually is.

>> No.23735580
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this dude worked in the mortage market at the peak of the housing crisis he a total sleazeball stay away

>> No.23735664


Guy knows how to make money therefore you suggest to stay away?

>> No.23735692

makes money from scamming is making money for him not u

>> No.23735706

It's legitimate work...not exactly a scam now is it.

>> No.23735709

Biz will miss out and stay poor like usual

>> No.23735714

One more week until my shitty litties unstable reeeeeeeee

>> No.23735728
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>> No.23735734

how much you staked?

>> No.23735791

The fact the he didn't loose his job 2008 - 2009 says a lot. He is not just good but exceptional

>> No.23735800


>> No.23736012


Exactly this

>> No.23736273

.02 waiting room

>> No.23736295
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>> No.23736306
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soon brother, very soon

>> No.23736361
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Praise lord Krieger and all of the gains we shall get. Praise lord Krieger and the wealth of knowledge and traditional boomers he will bring into the ecosystem that will bring us fortune. Our Krieger who art on the blockchain. Hallow be thy gains and deliver us from the rug pull. In Krieg we trust to the moon we thrust. He hath delivered to us the residual children such bountiful possibilities. He hath delivered us with a wealth of opportunity and he hath not needed to give us such opportunity. Krieger hath delivered the ultimate mission to bring and deliver all of those who were rugpulled and scammed back to the promise land. Praise kek and praise Krieg. Will you accept the gift he hath delivered? It’s not required it’s not something you need, but you may make it this time even with greed.

>> No.23736449

Kek the life love laugh letters on howards wall

"be my guest"

Howards wife must be a Karen

>> No.23736912

Howard still smashing that butthole. You know it.

>> No.23737598

Howard gets what he wants

>> No.23738155


>> No.23738564
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AMA is amazing, I'm finally getting in a good project early
Are we actually gonna make it bros?

>> No.23738742

boys i think you just saved my ass after getting my ass gaped since September

>> No.23738875

We're on dextools trending lads hahahaa yes

>> No.23738898

Howard is so based

>> No.23738903

Im holding 1% of the total supply lol

>> No.23739036

i'm holding 10% of your total supply lol.

>> No.23739065

borgs, we gonna make it

>> No.23739512

Looks like we're gonna hit 5m market cap soon as well.
Think we started around 3 on Monday?

>> No.23740130

Was 900k few weeks ago

>> No.23740626

my body is ready

>> No.23740738

Legit undervalued project,

>> No.23740758

Fuck you KIKE. Ethereum is DEAD you scammers killed Ethereum

>> No.23740771

You are hereby doomed, KIKE

>> No.23741130

God dammit all the dips are getting eaten up so quickly now, holders have gone up by almost 50 too

>> No.23741144

It's getting really hard to swing, I'm waiting for the ATH to swing a bit

>> No.23741188
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Want to stack but i'm poor and i don't have ETH left

>> No.23741221

comfy 200$ stack here but im all outta eth so no swinging for me

>> No.23741261

i know this is just a microcap shitcoin and it doesnt mean anything and TA is Bullshit but that all time chart looks insanely sexy

>> No.23741262


>> No.23741347

>just a microcap shitcoin
I've heard it all, fren. website smells like curry, devs are scammers, money launderers, rugpullers... And you know what? not a single bit of fud has stuck or slowed the train down. I've watched as multiple anons passed on it, only to come back and buy in a few hours later after the fomo got too bad. /biz/ will never learn until its too late.

>> No.23741467

this, just wait for exposure its still quiet, im already 2x on it

>> No.23741474



Seriously what got me into it. Had major doubts at first especially with the website, but oh so comfy now.

>> No.23741582

>seething tranny pajeet faggot nigger kike strikes again

>> No.23741614

Okay i think we break 0,02$ in 1-2 hours. New Kids On The Blockchain show tomorrow right? Or saturday?

>> No.23741631

saturday, i foresee it will rise by another cent after that

>> No.23742187
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>> No.23742199

Nice summary from tg:

eRSDL, is meant to help middle-market B2B lenders manage overnight excess cash and meet capital deficiencies. The intermediary-less platform will help middle market lenders put their cash to work overnight, offer an additional liquidity option to market makers, and capture efficiencies to the benefit of all consumers and businesses, alike.

Direct benefit to token holders will be royalty paid based on platform volume. Check distribution to Ersdl holders in the whitepaper for further details.

Governance will allow one vote per token based on a 12 month lock up.

Indirect benefit is once supply is capped, they can set permission tiers ... that should create scarcity.
Links to Ripple co-founder who may assist project in selling monitoring services and more.

>> No.23742238

>"You are solving a problem every treasurer in the world has."
t. One of the former chief risk officers at Wells Fargo

>> No.23742300

whats a make it stack?

>> No.23742333

probably not until NKOB comes out. if it does it might for a second

>> No.23742340
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>> No.23742406

delete this FUCKING thread i am NOT done accumulating get FUCKED

>> No.23742429
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I'm too poor to have such a stack

>> No.23742588

take out a loan

>> No.23742832

I'm going to try and get a 1m stack, only got 550k atm

>> No.23743000

Is there staking?
How to stake the tokens

>> No.23743021

lol i want a 500k stack, only have 134000 now, bought at 0.0018c so i'm pretty okidoki

>> No.23743031

where can i get it

>> No.23743042


>> No.23743059

Is it worth to sell off half my 90k stack to pool and stake my LP tokens?

>> No.23743122

why is the boomer howard talking about liink and ripple in tg.. REEE

>> No.23743226

I'd hold if it's only 90k desu

>> No.23743244

tell howard to fuckin unban me from the tg the dog cunt

>> No.23743372

With that kind of language, it's no wonder you got banned.

>> No.23743379

Suck my dick faggot this is 4channel

>> No.23743446

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.23743465

Holy shit the telegram group is cancer. Full of normies, inbreeds and faggots.

>> No.23743534

You're a goddamn dumbass if you think you can actually say nigger out of nowhere on telegram, stay banned faggot

>> No.23743566

This. Some people just don't understand optics, and we're way better off without them.

>> No.23743575

Retards I got auto banned after posting the link to the ama on YT

>> No.23743698

Some 3rd worlder lost 1k too lmao, fucking dumbass didn't write his key down

>> No.23743798

Are you actually a child?

>> No.23743889

>come on 4chan to shill
Fuck off faggot

>> No.23743975

bizlets don't deserve this gem

>> No.23744601

500k LIT unstaking on 11/11. Going allllll in.

>> No.23744700

Im farming 7k+ a day, comfy comfy

>> No.23745709


i hope you idiots are comfortable losing your entire investments bc its going to happen in a few months.

>> No.23745964

Can you explain why?

>> No.23746528

Can you explain why?

>> No.23746684


>> No.23746750 [DELETED] 

Yeah it's basically a pyramid scheme.

I'm just hoping I bought early enough that I can turn a profit before it dips.

>> No.23746770

How is this basically a pyramid scheme? Explain? I watched the AMA and nothing I saw about the project could be construed as that.

>> No.23747438

I take back what I said.
I just watched the AMA. This guy's actually really fucking clever.

>> No.23747539

welcome to the club, fren