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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23732534 No.23732534 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, another day working from home doing absolutely nothing

>> No.23732728

You fuckin based boy

>> No.23732746

>tfw senior position after 3 years of work experience
>argue that it would be cool to hire an intern
>after an year, the intern doea most of my work
And I am laying in the sofa shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.23732871

That's the way you do it King.

>> No.23732931

so incredibly B A S E D :)))

>> No.23732961

i laugh at my engineer friends who have to go to a building and fix UtILiTiEs all day, or even worse, do construction

>> No.23733090
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Ahh I missed those, where were you anon

>> No.23733142

Fucking wagie jannies keep banning my threads. But I'm never giving up

>> No.23733153

that terrible feel when you wfh it security engineer masterrace and usually you can do fuckall, but currently in a period where you actually have to work to finish the project you were assigned and you dont have time to just look at charts all day

when will this suffering end bros

>> No.23733196

What project?
I just applied to a security analyst/consultant job and they want to do a interview
I have no idea what a infosec guy does even tho I have palo alto and security certs
I just cannot imagine what the daily load is like and what I should know or not know
Please enlighten me

>> No.23733253

i would enlighten you but I have to work atm. give me some contact info (email/discord handle/whatever) and we can talk later today

>> No.23733351

daily reminder if you wake up before 5am youre a less than human slave and dont own your life

>> No.23733359

crablemet is my discord bossman

>> No.23733371
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Ah, another day working from home, watching Trump get reelected

>> No.23733391

I think you also need to gimme the #four digits

>> No.23733443


totally organic

>> No.23733464


>> No.23733487


Never used discord for anything but crypto so excuse me for being a retard

>> No.23733582

lmao what, what do you think my agenda would be if I would be sameposting?

>> No.23733634

if this is true then your job is worthless and you will be getting made redundant soon

>> No.23733711

based trumpbro

>> No.23733717

Cope more wagie
I am fucking UNTOUCHABLE. If you followed my threads you would know why faggot

>> No.23733738

sorry to hear about your shitty job

lmao NOT

>> No.23734376

Based as usual I see, fellow wfh kings. Today I will be in a couple brief meetings and then maybe I’ll flick my mouse every couple of minutes for the rest of the time.

>> No.23734400


>> No.23734441

way too much, i just log in and minimize the window before going back to my hyperspace bath masturbating. iykyk

>> No.23734597

Unbelievably based

The technological singularity will take over in a few years and this will be a permanent arrangement, except you'll get a 10% pay rise every day and have full dive vr

>> No.23735298

>WFH employees just had their return date extended from Jan to June 2021
>I'm considered essential and have been coming in this whole time


>> No.23735388

mfw when you dont know

lmao get fucked

>> No.23735400

how do you work and do nothing?

>> No.23735426

You "work" maybe two hours and that's it. It was always like this but in an office you have to pretend to busy so no know rats on you

>> No.23735524
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a) get job
b) wait for pandemic
c) get put on 100% remote
d) browse 4chan most of the time.
e) periodically make calls and emails to colleagues
f) keep getting paid
its not nothing, it's basically do all the work in two hours and cut the bullshit like chit chat and birthday or retirement parties. Especially the chit chat part. it's almost a fucking game, trying to come up with a smooth way to exit from the conversation. And when you get really desperate, turn your head and say "oh-thats MY phone!" even when your office is on a different floor.

>> No.23735654

>two hours
I do about one hour a day but mostly because I really don't have anything to do at work. Some hard days I work for 3-4 hours but that's maybe a few times a month.
My problem is wasting time on stupid shit like youtube. I should start doing something productive but no motivation to teach myself work related skills since my year salary is 15% of my crypto stack.

>> No.23735779

wow youre poor, my yearly salary is 6 figures and its only 3% of my total crypto. anyone who gets or has less should off themselves for being pathetic

>> No.23735810


>> No.23735844
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Similar story here. With crypto being so profitable, all my career 'development' is learning about crypto, planning for the future based around that, especially eg. passive income vehicles.

I've thought about how to possibly apply crypto to my job but I know fuck all about the nuts and bolts of blockchain, mostly about trading.

>> No.23735846



>> No.23736266

No elo

>> No.23736465
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AI-generated ART, you clowns better wake UP

>> No.23736988
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Based AF anon. I used to have similar employment, 1 -2 hours work a day, 2 day from home. Since March and the Wuflu I've been on "furlough". Government gibs to sit home and do nothing, our chancellor just announced today it will be extended till March.... I'm now basically a neet who gets paid for it.