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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 267 KB, 400x400, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23730549 No.23730549 [Reply] [Original]

FREEDOM RESERVE is declared as
money in the year 2020 with the
intention of giving the people an
alternative to corrupt banker
controlled money and to allow
them to preserve and multiply
their wealth for future




>LP burn: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x99631760dd0dbb35499bb45f7891132a538106f94c582002da1949a696ad8a23



>> No.23730643

How do I FuD this? whats the angle?

>> No.23730644

The top 100 holders collectively own 99.71% (79,771,984.25 Tokens) of Freedom Reserve

Lol go fuck yourself

>> No.23730651

Theres like 300 holders kek.
Might be the next moonshot though, I'm throwing an eth in just in case.

>> No.23730655

Fuck off Rajeesh, that’s like your whole net worth

>> No.23730676

I get it, you missed yfi, yam, uni, sushi, ect. or got fucked. Its okay. Still money to be made here off ape moves.

>> No.23730678
File: 56 KB, 384x582, 1EF13C10-144B-4D9E-97C2-A7EF52B231DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the MI5 is going to assasinate the devs for using this image for marketing

>> No.23730698

Spoken like a true pajeet, try harder

>> No.23730703

looks like the bottom 150 holders are pajeets. and your tasty tears are bullish in the extreme. do you know why? you are crying because you thought it would be worth more. you yourself value this coin higher than the market does. extremely bullish

>> No.23730744

The fuck are you talking about? I don’t own any of this shitcoin and I wouldn’t take it even if you paid me. Not even the other pajeets want it, Rakeesh

>> No.23730892

Im from Finland you fucking asshole.

>> No.23730962

statistics show, the people most likely to use "Pajeet" as an insult are those sons of the yellow race known as common or garden chinks

>> No.23730973

this looks like another RSR except the market cap is a fraction of the size.

>> No.23731013


what is that like honestly?

>> No.23731080

Holy shit, now to think of it, you might be right.

>> No.23731088

Some small country near Russia.

>> No.23731129
File: 52 KB, 368x653, 05FE8F08-1CE2-4F75-ABEC-B23EB69CF374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy now?

>> No.23731210

Good hedge against BTC, Eth and fiat especially. Become top holder for a few Eth and without the fear of rugging as LP tokens were burnt. Good find anon!

>> No.23731247

Yes, yes very organic answer sirs please feed my village

>> No.23731308

Yes, i think so, got etherscan pending, i already did.

>> No.23731335
File: 143 KB, 1243x559, Screenshot (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty fucking bullish if you ask me.

>> No.23731483


>> No.23731499

Everybody throw few dollars to this to battle that who sold 1 ETH worth of FR.

>> No.23731524

no reason why. ok>>23731335

>> No.23731551

What what?

>> No.23731609

Can you like tell me what the fuck do you mean? you expect me to understand from that bullshit what do you mean?

>> No.23731900

Yes, keep on selling you fucking assholes, i will make buy so big soon that even your mother realizes to FOMO in.

>> No.23731913

>no reason why.

>> No.23732023

This guy >>23731524
Still hasn't explained wtf he means by all that.

>> No.23732066

i think we have someone who is drunk on a keyboard

>> No.23732097

15 k Marketcap. easy 10x. Im buying a bag now and speaking with a bunch of Twitter shillers to get this thing moving.

FOMO soon bois ;)

>> No.23732102

You are not wrong, i'll admit that, but not drunk, only slightly tipsy.

>> No.23732116

>speaking with a bunch of Twitter shillers to get this thing moving.

Fucking lets go brother!

>> No.23732143
File: 536 KB, 2518x1306, FRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most legit project in crypto right now. 10x inevitable

>> No.23732189

Oh god, this meme itself... best thing i have ever seen unironically.

>> No.23732627

Laughing my ass off.

>> No.23732636
File: 55 KB, 1279x201, Screenshot (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]