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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23728593 No.23728593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will Biden winning and locking down everything again cause an unrecoverable economic death spiral?

>> No.23728912

No because Trump won

>> No.23728923


>> No.23728937

All of those men are complete faggots
imagine caring about sports

>> No.23728947

imagine giving attention to an attention whore.

>> No.23728965

>imagine caring about sports
fantasy football is fun

>> No.23728973
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Both are gay

>> No.23729040


>> No.23729061
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oh no no no no no no

>> No.23729393

Afraid so, libcuck.

>> No.23729415

will endless /pol/ spam on /biz/ make me report all of your threads?

the answer is yes

>> No.23729435
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Silence MIGAtards

>> No.23729445

bend over and present your trannyhole, slut

>> No.23729459
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What's that? I can't hear you over the blue wave in Michigan

>> No.23729561

Except fantasy football isn't a sport, its a game of chance similar to bingo. Its for brainlets

>> No.23729574

For me, it's the Ballot harvesting. The best election fraud scheme. I even ask for extra Absentee ballots and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for A mail in ballot and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly BLM worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three ballots. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Communist training facility, I go there at least 3 times a week for free lunch, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is paid for by productive members of society, fast, and can match my daily re-education needs.
I even thank the intellects for teaching me about my privilege, it's amazing! What a free and moral country.

>> No.23729678

I fucking hate women specifically because I'm been in situations exactly like this. They can't just fucking stop, ever. It's always like a constant game of being the center of attention. They just can't turn it off, so you have to provide distractions for them like movies, hot tubs, dogs, and whatever the fuck else so they can be enthralled just long enough for you to get shit done. It's such an awful personality trait and they all have it.

>> No.23729940

this is why you end up having children
although sluts like these probably would only be around th children long enough to take a few instagram photos

>> No.23730181
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Ah yes, the blue wave of 138,000 votes for Biden appearing out of nowhere at 4 in the morning. Definitely legitimate and shouldn't be looked into. Pack it in, boys, Trump's definitely gonna concede.

>> No.23730352

Doesn't matter. Badger will be unaffected. https://github.com/Badger-Finance

>> No.23730363

the election is business and finance related because trump is pro business and biden is going to crush the economy into dust with tax hikes and permanent lockdowns

>> No.23730388
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neither side will win nor concede
you zoomers don't have any recollection of this but we'll get this again, except bigger and uglier. short the markets cause they don't like uncertainty, and hopefully crypto will follow cause I already shorted btc.

>> No.23730390
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Don't care still won Michigan

>> No.23730627

I never understood this miga angle, you are aware Biden is heavily pro Israel too right? Every single one of his grandkids are Jewish.

>> No.23730652

What if they separated the votes and counted them separately?

>> No.23730666

Doesn't matter when you're mining Safex. ;)

you are all sheep. slaughter soon.

>> No.23730682
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Every U.S president is Pro-Israel, I just want to see MIGAtards seethe, cope, and dilate

>> No.23730790

The opposite

>> No.23730824

Firstly no he hasn’t won because Kanye still has a chance
Secondly president yee will create the biggest boom this country has ever seen

>> No.23731273


>> No.23731319

Imagine caring about whore tricks
You simps are the worst thing that happeneed to XXI C.

>> No.23731450

I think it’s more so of a WN thing bc they really felt trump wasn’t going to be a foreign policy jerk off president.