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File: 173 KB, 608x336, democrazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23717362 No.23717362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine having a fake election like Chyna or North Korea!

>> No.23718515


>> No.23718536
File: 246 KB, 1908x1146, 22844494-0-image-a-42_1577808559971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of moving somewhere far from civilization and living like the Amish from now.

>> No.23718563

Unless you can prove those votes were forged with actual evidence, rather than speculation, then there's nothing to build your case on. unsubstantiated fud

>> No.23718603

>thinking facts matter to people like that

>> No.23718615

Guys we just finished counting 200k votes.
The result was 200k Biden
0 trump
If you question this you are a conspiracy theorist ^_^

>> No.23718645

it would be easy to verify for anyone who had access to the data. those votes were cast with someones name on them. so all you have to do is look them up? are they alive? if so, give them a phone call....

>> No.23718651

ever thought baout it's just filling in stuff on computers. maybe first the admin staff filled in trump voters, then admiin staff filled in biden voters. because it got sorted first.
No? Not possible? Couldn't have happened?
are you just fucking ugly and stupid?

>> No.23718660
File: 7 KB, 246x176, domp it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put him to sleep and print one hundred thousand votes.

>> No.23718666
File: 84 KB, 1050x670, 1604373504726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep printing

>> No.23718668
File: 73 KB, 864x334, Screenshot_20201102-213643~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23718682
File: 55 KB, 828x478, a1e167da-a755-48c7-a671-b8ef29156b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that were the case then we would also see a vertical line for trump on the graph

>> No.23718683

It's hard to fathom how delusional, blinded or plain stupid people can be. No matter the lack of evidence or critical thinking, they just point and shout. It's human nature at its worst.

If it was rigged, why would they lump in a bunch of Biden votes? Do you really think they wouldn't pre-plan the numbers if it was rigged? Like, as if they have manipulated the election, but did the numbers wrong, so had to add in a bunch of votes later? Are you seriously this stupid?

It should be rigged because the majority of people are too stupid to vote. I believe this sincerely, there should be intelligence tests that you must take beforehand.

>> No.23718735

You are unbelievably dumb. The definition of midwit. Your education was a mistake

>> No.23718744
File: 83 KB, 907x911, 1604503336321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple ways to rig an election, from subtle manipulation to outright fabrication. This is subtle manipulation.

>> No.23718765

Case in point. Pointing/shouting. There needs to be stricter guidelines set in place in order to vote.

>> No.23718792

>yes lets just call all 130k ballots
you're fucking stupid

>> No.23718805

sharing alpha info for plebtards. dont worry trump will win supreme court case because of amy coney barrett and dems will be plead guilty for manipulating election results. the thing is.. what the fuck will antifa do after this happens? be prepared.

>> No.23718842

Case in point: you are a mindless zombie

>> No.23718885

exactly, these magtards are showing how retarded they are. Mocking liberals for not accepting a trump win before the election, but now crying that "clearly trump couldn't have lost, it's clearly muh election fraud"

>> No.23718888
File: 488 KB, 700x549, Zeta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cashed out some fiat for ZUSD earlier ready for the incoming sperg out.

>> No.23718893

Wtf I love US of A now

>> No.23718942
File: 450 KB, 599x1188, shitpublicans doing what they always do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaah why they count mail ballots

Meanwhile, per the Trump administration's own USPS...

>> No.23718945

>starting a thread on the 4chan /biz/ board with a screenshot of a literal who on twitter who posted a screenshot he probably found on 4chan's /pol/ board

nice proof u got there. would b a shame if something happened to it.

>> No.23718969

back to leftypol losers

>> No.23718973

Can someone point out when’s the last time we’ve had NINETY PERCENT voter turnout?
>WI reporting 3.2M+ votes out of 3.6M registered voters

>> No.23718992


This thread is worse than some street shitter shitcoin scam thread. MIGAtards about to get BTFO. The butthutt is going to be monumental.

Not even a Biden supporter lol

>> No.23718996

4chan is a globalist website now. please take ur ancient nationalist trash elsewhere.

>> No.23719012

lmao cope orange faggot

>> No.23719031

bend over, time for your dilation

>> No.23719105

We do you stupid mut. Look behind the blue line, its there. It seems Biden got 4 times more votes through mail in, WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ANYWAY BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE WHO MAIL IN WHERE DEMOCRATS

>> No.23719174

even if you put it in all caps your “theory” isn’t evidence, irrational retard. Fraud won’t get you anything. Enjoy four more years of trump

>> No.23719195

You do. The line jumps up too you retard

>> No.23719382

4 maur yirce

>> No.23719424

Wasted Zeta Quads SIR

>> No.23719429

Watching the Cope with my hand on my dick.
It's almost better than Hunter Biden porn.

>> No.23719434

>comparing glorious peoples republic of China or North Korean Golden regime with McDonald’s and hfcs bowl

>> No.23719486

regardless of which kiked candidate wins, nothing will change. your life as an american will continue to get worse. within your lifetime you will see a spic-mulatto 85 IQ debtslave demographic rise to majority status.

>> No.23719532

unless the plan was to create maximum chaos and uncertainty in the results
doesn't matter which talking head gets voted for in the case of riots lock downs could be expediated and of goes the great reset
in case you recent immigrants don't know /biz is fully onboard with the esteemed mr schwab as stinkies are part of the plan and will elevate us above the soon to be glorious workers proletariat

>> No.23719557

yeah suddenly just 100% of ALL 138k votes voted biden

i mean sure, even 60-80-90%... but 100?

>> No.23720472

How do they all look like they have the real life proportions of Mr. Incredible? Are Amish high test?

>> No.23720505

>130k votes turn up 100% for Biden
>give prove faggot
are you okay anon?

>> No.23720519

The US are such a banana republic, officially Brazil 2.0 after tonight.

>> No.23720523


>> No.23720681

>USPS failed to deliver some mail in ballots
Gee, I wonder if they'll be able to "find" them so they can be counted?

>> No.23720726

Its what happens when you don't take the vaccine. You turn into giga chads with HUGE cocks

>> No.23720790

>its fake when I don't like the results
You /pol/ incels are embarrassing

>> No.23720797


>> No.23720823

hi guys im about to count 200k ballots :)
ok the result is
200k biden :)
0 trump :)

>> No.23720857

Just like last time!

>> No.23720862

>critical thinking
>takes in over 100k votes in a single drop
>not a single one was for anyone but biden
tell me more about intelligence tests, anon.