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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23716677 No.23716677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23716749

Where does turtle man live? Need to have a chat with him

>> No.23716756
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n... no

>> No.23716768

You'll do fucking nothing goyim

>> No.23716777


>> No.23716778
File: 267 KB, 620x620, 91825739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global technocracy where there are only rulers and serfs and no middle class hence why they're using this crisis to destroy low-mid sized business

>> No.23716780
File: 75 KB, 863x576, 1604249866117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i will love it

>> No.23716786

Watch me you cunt, I have nothing to lose

>> No.23716801

You will also own nothing

>> No.23716802


>> No.23718053
File: 380 KB, 1024x784, how to be saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the mark of the beast.

>> No.23718229

In your left palm or forehead. Unable to buy or sell (read: eat) without it. Not the mark of the beast. Not yet.

>> No.23718293

Do these people actually think they have the power to make decisions like this on our behalf? What if I just don't listen or follow their dumb rules? I will own things and I will NOT be happy, don't fucking tell me what to do

>> No.23718299
File: 863 KB, 1129x820, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create fake virus
>Get population into perpetual fear
>Force said population to do many sorts of restrictions
>Continue convincing them that the virus is real and something to fear
>Make population fed up with restrictions
>Convince population that the only way to stop virus is to take the vaccine
>Create "suggestions" as to how to keep track of who is and isn't vaccinated.
>Introduce microchip
>Reddit accepts microchip and shames everybody else into taking it
>You can no longer access public transport or banking services unless you take it
>Give said population a couple of treats to accept the chip like UBI
>Population after being fed up with having to wear a mask, not being able to go places etc accepts the chip
>The jews now have their new world order.

>> No.23718302

Fag christcuck, Semitic Jew loving religion of lies.

>> No.23718317

>rent house and can move wherever on a whim
>owning a car isnt cost efficient if you live near your workplace or work from home when apps like Toro exist
You can buy a cheap rural house as an heirloom or bugout bunker but other than that I dont see the point of needlessly buying shit

>> No.23718333

shut up amerishit

shut up christshit

>> No.23718389

I'm Canadian, still not following your dumb rules

>> No.23718641

I already own nothing and am suicidal/depressed as fuck

>> No.23718741

>In your left palm or forehead. Unable to buy or sell (read: eat) without it.
you won't be able to buy or sell without it
enjoy burning in hell with the pedophile cannibals who run the world

>> No.23719026


>> No.23719118

I lost my savings
the church is not helping me
I can't gtfo
why would I be happy?

>> No.23719287

>why would I be happy?
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>> No.23719361
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>> No.23719371

but i own Kleros sir.

>> No.23719466

fuck keynesian jews
I live in a country where jews fucked us and I despise them
and I grew closer to the Lord after the disaster on August but still am depressed because my life savings are gone

>> No.23719516

demoralisation shills going all out on /biz/
1 good boy point have been added to each of your accounts

>> No.23719690

they're destroying all of the countries
they are going to create a one world system
it will be destroyed, just have faith in Jesus Christ

>> No.23719819

They took everything from me but not my spirit!
I do brother
been praying harder than ever but feels shit that I lost my money

>> No.23720485

I'll pray that God keeps your spirits up.
We are going into a very dark time.

>> No.23720530

tell him to help me out as well
not kidding desu