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File: 27 KB, 522x398, 71VKqALKuzL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23716432 No.23716432 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight
If trump wins niggers will riot and start a civil war cuz they will think it's fraud
If biden wins it's obviously with the fake ballots and if trump proves this niggers will think it's still fraud on trumps part and riot civil war again
If biden wins and trump cannot prove fraud then republicans will riot and civil war

So what the fuck

>> No.23716438

>obviously fake
Sounds cope-y.

>> No.23716454

>trump wins, no fraud
>Biden wins, fraud
Dya see how your political biases are colouring your perspective? Can you provide evidence for those claims either way?

>> No.23716488

Maybe lurk more
Not even a month ago an "unintended" exploit was discovered in casting votes online where you could cancel others votes

>> No.23716494

It’s common knowledge that dems are cheating low races and simps. Trump winning by hundreds of thousands of votes in swing states then they suddenly flip? “Oh ya we forgot to count all these other votes hehehe”

>> No.23716537

>then they suddenly flip?
They are called swing states for a reason. That isn’t evidence to justify a claim like “dems cheating is common knowledge”, because in reality that knowledge is nothing more than pure speculation.

>> No.23716572

There never ever was a fair elections in any country ever
Just some parties are more obvious at it

>> No.23716585

They are called swing states because they are assumed to have roughly 50/50 populations. Not because it is expected that a million democrat votes are conveniently discovered at the last second

>> No.23716597

Basically, except most leftists aren't claiming fraud, they'll probably just riot because they're spoiled brats whining about "systemic racism."

>> No.23716606
File: 475 KB, 900x900, 1604022921469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

civil war is good outcome for republicans as they would win it with ease

>> No.23716609

Pretty much, if you got a problem with a little war time then get out of our country

>> No.23716640

I am not murrican thank God and I never ever even want to visit your new nigger land but you cannot go into war as I need stocks to go up after election

>> No.23716643

it's crazy how many nazis are here

>> No.23716667


>> No.23716681

>another kremlinbot trying to subvert our democracy
Nice try Vladimir. Everyone knows our fraud president want even legally elected to begin with and only the most racist backwards retards still support him

>> No.23716718


4 more years nigger

>> No.23716721

the military will win, and they will be ridin' with biden if he is the winner according to the official counting. rednecks with their handgun at home really think they would be able to overthrow the country with the biggest military in the world, kek. really looking forward to watching this.

>> No.23716725

Niggers will simply riot anon, it has nothing to do with the elections just look at Africa

>> No.23716732

America is a country dying. Seems a shame, as many Americans are good people. It really is fucked, though. I would not wish to be living there right now. The next few years are going to be nuts.

>> No.23716737

Where specifically in Africa?

>> No.23716739

>Democrats losing
>voting “stops”
>suddenly magic hundreds of thousands of votes out of their asshole
>nothing to see here hehe :))

wow anon you’re so logical and rational, no one could ever fool you :^)

>> No.23716800
File: 201 KB, 1000x1432, Marvel-Civil-War-alternate-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter the outcome, we're fucked
Yeap pretty much

>> No.23716803

You got a problem with that?

>> No.23716815

well someone actually supposedly infiltrated antifa and they reported back that antifa plan to mount a actual rebelion after the elections regardless of whether biden or trump wins....

>> No.23716956

How they gonna do that
They are retarded weak trannies who never even held a gun

>> No.23716959
File: 396 KB, 1200x630, Trump_supporters_PLOS_ONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23717006
File: 1.69 MB, 2047x2048, 054531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we ever think of them as a threat

>> No.23717033

Throw a dart

>> No.23717054

Trump is not a nazi and neither is everyone that you remotely disagree with, you've been brainwashed with no resistance on your part as a result of your pitifully midwit intelligence.

>> No.23717062

Who's been pushing for mail in voting this whole time?

>> No.23717072

They weren't discovered at the last second. It takes time to hand count mail in ballots. There are more this year from the pandemic. They have to be counted, too.

>> No.23717110

Don’t remind, this Biden cock suckers have no idea that they’re indoctrinated. They’re literally the people in Plato’s cave watching shadows dance on the wall.

>> No.23717176

Hot take: Shit will be fine no matter what figure head gets picked. Nobody is going to riot, and while there may be some butthurt for whatever side loses, life will go on. Also it seems like people over estimate the president’s powers and abilities.

>> No.23717185

Cope, we're fighting each other whether you like it or not

>> No.23717213

Just sounds like you’re looking for an excuse to run outside and be just as shitty as the niggers you hate.

>> No.23717226


>> No.23717230

The more I see this narrative the more I think it’s just terrorists that wish to see the downfall of this great nation. True patriots want America to succeed, I will make sure your entire lineage is racemixed and gender swapped.

>> No.23717243

The fix is in

>> No.23717255

I'd use it as a way to finally remove some of the libs from the population, we'd be striving a lot better without them

>> No.23717311

Wow you really drank the tribalism kool-aid. Stop consuming so much media, you’re just as bad as the libs and don’t know it.

>> No.23717417
File: 164 KB, 2292x1506, DIAisa100x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave America. It's that simple.

I moved to Switzerland and after meeting the DIA team I am all in. Fuck you and FUCK jannies and THANK CHAINLINK!

>> No.23717623

Not a hot a take, everyone outside (((pol))) believes this

>> No.23717788

I know it’s not a hot take, but to the guys itt and on pol that think the country is coming to an end by EOW it probably is a hot take.

>> No.23718423

>haha we counted 200k votes at once which is why we couldn't update you every hour but instead made you wait for a large chunk of time
>also 95% of these votes are for biden
>nevermind they conveniently put him just in the lead
come on now
i'm a frog in frogland so the result of this election couldn't affect me less, and even i can see how ridiculous this is

>> No.23718489

Trump got zero votes on the first, and then Biden kept getting dumps and they gave trump 1-2 per