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File: 856 KB, 2903x1935, financially ruined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23714602 No.23714602 [Reply] [Original]

I bet everything I own on this fucker and now I am financially ruined beyond repair

>> No.23714619

but he won? are you retarded?

>> No.23714626

He lost what are you talking about he is mathematically eliminated

>> No.23714627

imagine putting your money on a literal nazi you braindead imbecile. why would you think he would win again when he only got in the first time because of luck - he didn't even win all the votes.

>> No.23714631

nice bait troll

>> No.23714632

>literal nazi
I wish, he's a fucking shabbos goy and a cuckold and his presidency was a worthless embarrassing display of jewish ass kissing

>> No.23714633


>> No.23714639

this is what i wanted to see let's collect salt anons!

>> No.23714649

We have IDs here you retard

>> No.23714657

Zionist above everything.

>> No.23714663

rofl look at this retard samefagging

>> No.23714666

Oh god if you're such a pathetic samefaggot lmao.

>> No.23714672

Not clear he lost yet. Lots of votes in Dem counties still to be counted.
The fact he already wants to go to court seems bad for Trump though. He knows he is losing at the moment.

>> No.23714679

Democrats are cheating. If you actually bet on Trump you'd know that and be angry at Democrats, but instead you are a stupid JIDF kike.

>> No.23714702

It's pretty clear Trump will win the election but lose the popular vote like last time. OP probably bet he'd win popular vote and got fucked.

>> No.23714706
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The poorboi pajeet candidate.

>> No.23714715

This is a repeat of Bush vs. Kerry
It's easier to steal an election if you are already IN power.

>> No.23714720


>> No.23714735


>> No.23714793
File: 1.47 MB, 400x560, 1562239130228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright guys, who took the screen caps of the i told you so's that were said this last week. kind of what you get for gambling on a dead meme. it's over, joe is going to win, the mail in ballots are going to be counted last in these few states and joe needs to win 2 of 5 to win. it's over lmao

>> No.23714802
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>> No.23714816
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 03FE619B-3BD4-49A4-BA68-35E682EED75D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retard

>> No.23714819
File: 2.09 MB, 240x180, yesyoureretarded (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp cheating!!! mail in votes nOOOOOOOOO

>> No.23714821

incredible bait for the braindead polacks

>> No.23714837

NC and PA mail in ballots are overwhelmingly Democratic and they haven't started counting them yet. Mail in voting is highest its ever been. Its over unfortunately.

We've lost American. Markets open tomorrow and I'm selling everything.

>> No.23715048

then why can i close my bet winning?
YOu fucking turd

>> No.23715175

holy fuck how dumb are you? go back.

thx :)

>> No.23715220
File: 110 KB, 611x674, 1604028332073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bait fren

>> No.23715229
File: 42 KB, 624x541, ccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden just took WI.

>> No.23715274


>> No.23715302

Trump losing michigan now too.

>> No.23715314

Trump bro here, I hedged my bet against Biden token on ftx, you guys did too right? Just to be safe, so I win either way

>> No.23715317
File: 29 KB, 778x512, gib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23715427

He literally won, haven't you heard him saying so?

>> No.23715469

Pls no

>> No.23716201

These betting markets go with whomever CNN declares to be the winner, so he's boned.

>> No.23716276

what you're saying again?
Isnt it as good as betting on both?

>> No.23716287


>> No.23716290

I lost 11 btc on this shit wtf, sold all my linkies

>> No.23716301

wow, that was embarrassing...

>> No.23716308

fok i meant >>23714627

>> No.23716309

I came here to laugh at all the people who were certain trump would win

>> No.23716319

I don't get why you guys are freaking out, I'm still comfy with my $30k bet. Watch, at the last second we'll overturn with Pennsylvania and Nevada.

>> No.23716330

Na, I put 5k on trump at 3/1, then I put 5k on Biden at 3/1 . Galaxy brain tier move

>> No.23716336
File: 17 KB, 600x437, trump-orange-cheeto-e1558735872501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drumpf, the one term cheeto failure

>> No.23716356

I still don't get it

>> No.23716364
File: 315 KB, 900x900, PlotPlox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you using PlotX?

>> No.23716376

LMAO at the dumb retards who fell for this clear falseflagging bait.

>> No.23716431

If you actually believe this you're legitimately a child.

>> No.23716909

he will always win 15k, and lose only 5k
no matter what

>> No.23716969
File: 79 KB, 800x430, trumpshockreuters-800x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23717071


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA what a fag, sad libtard

>> No.23717113

it´s over for america if Biden wins. Economy will get screwed

>> No.23717133

that's the same isn't it?

>> No.23717267

well, after he crashes the economy again i with a covid lockdown, you'll probably have plenty of free gibs to put into cheap bitcoin and silver.

>> No.23717346
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1599558109279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23717398

>Not knowing the half of the country that hates Trump would outright lie steal and cheat to make sure he wouldn't win

Bruh the left HATE trump. You thought republicans hated Obama? Its nothing compared to how the left feels about trump these days.

>> No.23717425

You should have hedged with Biden when the payout was 1 to 3 after Trump won Florida.

Even I did that with Hilary in 2016.

>> No.23717436

biden just pulled ahead in michigan, 18k vote lead

>> No.23718340


>> No.23718379

guess you shouldnt have put more money than you can lose on an extremely unlikely outcome

>> No.23718397
File: 255 KB, 1080x1404, IMG_20201104_121132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23718404

And yet you loved him Soros

>> No.23718488

hahahahaha I've been looking forward to the salty trumpette tears for weeks now but seeing a bunch of them not just lose the presidency, but lose tons of their own money is the most amazing icing on the cake. suck it you dumb resist retarded bumpkins, back to irrelevance you go

>> No.23719117

you do know that you can hedge your bet right?

>> No.23719128

Based kek

>> No.23719693

>I bet everything I own on this fucker and now I am financially ruined beyond repair

>> No.23719762

>trump barely beat Hillary (a much worse candidate than Biden) in 2016
>literally hundreds of thousands of trump supporters dead from covid
>putting actual money on trump winning.
You're not too fucking bright, are you?

>> No.23719780

Thanks captain hindsight

>> No.23719795
File: 10 KB, 300x168, pinkwojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this was known beforehand.

>> No.23719801

Except those things happened before the election, moron.

>> No.23719802

Never go all in retard
You are fucking retarded OP

>> No.23719864
File: 270 KB, 986x656, 1602433870335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put a lot into Bitcoin a few months ago at 9k.

I figured it goes this way:
>Biden wins, and the market goes up and schizos throw their money into it anyway
>Donald wins and faith in the USD declines as coronavirus spreads indefinitely

Only possible negative outcome would have been if there was a quick pull again like there was at the start of the pandemic. I now have 3 Bitcoins and am waiting for the rising to invest wisely before alt season.

>> No.23719889

3 bitcoins
holy fucking shit dude you are gonna go to the citadel

>> No.23719910

Biden yes

>> No.23719947

>implying $5k will still be worth jack by the time the lawyers are done with this shitshow
what happens if Biden expires before he gets declared winner - Kamalatime?

>> No.23719986

I got in late. Was going to put 10k in before the last halving but I loaned it to a friend in a desperate situation. I regret it, because I lost a lot of money, but I don't because it really helped the dude out and friendship is very important to me and money can be made later. Bitcoin isn't my only investment (I didn't wanna sell my LINK or Stonks.)

I really didn't want to miss out this time. : )

>> No.23720011


>> No.23720028

based af my dude
It's wholesome to see people that still abide by values in life
I hope your friend will do the same for you one day
and that your crypto moons
god bless my brother

>> No.23721320

Bless you. See you at 100k bro