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File: 243 KB, 1280x720, minecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2370792 No.2370792 [Reply] [Original]

DGB Minecraft launches in 10 minutes - We're going to the MOON. Don't miss the party

>> No.2370813


Still a shitcoin

>> No.2370880
File: 23 KB, 813x451, minethatdigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its up now

>> No.2370907

Buy low before the pump - Last chanche to get in this low

>> No.2370935

Doesn't even work

>> No.2370974

That doesn't even affect the coin price.

Look, we've been patient for the CitiBank conference and we now need to wait for another fucking month for the "real results" to come out in July.

Now we have this fucking minecraft server that no one knows about and we're supposed to sit here watch our money dwindle more and more by the hour while the promise never arrives?

fuck off cunt, i'm out. I'm done with this shit.

>> No.2371018

People panic sold. No big deal. Correction is coming. This is the time to buy low.

>> No.2371020

What's the point of this server anyway?

Do you get coins for playing?

>> No.2371022

>0 retweets and 0 likes
my fucking sides, what a garbage coin

>> No.2371030

What's the point of a deposit? Is that a scam?

>> No.2371072
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I don't know.

>> No.2371080

I admire the will /biz/ is giving this coin. I bought 3k DGB now. will sell at 2k sat though. this shit is a funny meme.

>> No.2371137

tbqh i sold 40% and going to store it safely in eth

will buy back in if it dips below 1k, if it moons, then i still got 110k, so no worries

securing profits is important to me DESU

>> No.2371164

Funny thing is that this always happens. People panic and they sale and then regret their panic sale.


I do not understand it.

Simple dgb is one of the best coins. It still is even after "bad" news. Nothing has changed.

Hold/buy this coin. If it was easy to see through the fog everybody would be rich. In hindsight you will understand you should not have sold this coin!

Dgb will be top 5 100%

I have been on bumpy roads before and I always made big money with my strong patient hands!

Buy now or cry later

>> No.2371181


What is the maximum price that this coin can achieve?

Is $100 too far fetched in the future?

>> No.2371184

Agree.. it was overhyped and now is flying under the radar. It might drop a little more because of fudders but it's looking like a good pick up for me at this price point

>> No.2371229

Funny thing is that his always happens. People panic and they go full denial and then regret their bag holding.


I do not understand it.

Simple dgb is one of the worst coins. It still is even after "good" news. Nothing has changed.

Stop loss already. If it was hard to do some research everyone would be poor. In hindsight you will never understand why you bought this in the first place!

Dgb will be the new PoSW 100%

I have been on bumpy roads before and i always made big money by having common sense!

Do whatever you want, you were already a retard if you fell for this meme

>> No.2371232


Not at all, why lie like that.

This coin was hyped af, people like you bought it too expensive, the Citibank presentation was terrible, people realized the hype was probably gone, they take their profits home while you sit crying.

No regrets selling here. Thanks for buying.

>> No.2371242

If it reached $100 then its market cap would be $800 billion.

What do you think?

>> No.2371245
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>> No.2371255

>Is $100 too far fetched in the future?
The target for DGB even by the DGB devs is 1-10$.

A bump up to 1$ by the end of the year is still possible, eventhough it looks unlikely right now.

>> No.2371263

A 10B market cap is not out of the question

So yes $1 is likely

>> No.2371269

>A bump up to 1$ by the end of the year is still possible
that was never possible you retard!

>> No.2371572

After this cools down I'm expecting 3k sats just like I was before.
A correction had to happen. Don't know why some people are surprised or worried over it.

>> No.2371574
File: 139 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-10-12-07-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begin countdown to launch

>> No.2371585

I'm so fucking dumb.

>> No.2371621

How so?

>> No.2372177

That's ETC's chart, not DGB's.

>> No.2373120

Went down the toilet on that ugly bitch.

>> No.2373157

will you be able to mine DGB on the server or just gamble with DGB?

>> No.2373178


You mine that DGB.

You're suppose to mine precious ores within the game and the quantity of the ore translates to the quantity of DGB that gets deposited to your wallet.

>> No.2373257
File: 6 KB, 188x251, mine that nigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna raid some minecraft kids clubs and tell them to deposit to my address lol
Gonna have a slave army of kids mining ore for my digi riches

>> No.2373270

I can't register to play, but 75 people are playing.

>> No.2373280


Pretty sure one of them is Gabe.

>> No.2373289

Does the server have a limit?
I don't know how minecraft works

>> No.2373598

So im kinda new a few months. What were people saying about ETH and BTC back in the day? Did they say it will be impossible to reach a certain amount because of the market cap?

It is a possibility though to reach $50 or $100 no? Ya right now it looks impossible.

>> No.2373612

People were doubting ETH before it was a dollar.
Thing is, the market cap of the entire crypto market has changed, and although it is still incredibly young, it would be very big to see DGB at ETH levels.
$1 isn't that strange if you look at the longterm, a couple years or so.

>> No.2373631

>"real results"
theyre going to watch the winners of the regional competition, which they lost yesterday, go on to compete for the final prizes in july.

>> No.2373745

Played on the server for about an hour. Found tons of iron and got zero DGB for it. Seems like they've disabled diamond from generating. Scam?

>> No.2373751

Its the same story with lol of legends
0.1 dgb for a win
0.01 dgb for a kill
youd need 2000 hours of play for like 100 dgb

>> No.2373865

>massive sell off ongoing
>day traders dipping in an out to ride the wave down
>going to the moon

>> No.2373890

>whales manipulating price down
>volume is steady
>buy orders going up
Sounds good to me.

>> No.2374545

Been a while since I played minecraft but getting paid to do so is pretty tempting, think I'm going to get in on this.

>> No.2374572

diamonds were always pretty rare.

>> No.2374596

due to the price of DGB and the total amount of DGB and the amount of players that will try to earn DGB.. dont get your hopes up on finding more than 1-10 DGB in the game/day. If they gave out too much someone would be taking a huge loss.

>> No.2374613


how did you even start? Couldn't do a thing in survival

>> No.2374711

So if I get a hacked Minecraft client with xray, I'm set?

>> No.2374726

Been a while since I played, but IIRC you can set the amount of people who can play on your server. That being said, I've been on big servers with hundreds of people, but you need good server hosting for that.

>> No.2374749

Does the server have PVP?

>> No.2374759

Why were you expecting 3000 sats?
What did they do to deserve it going up to 3000 sats? What happened to the coin to make it suddenly worth 3000 sat?
Answer me.

>> No.2374772

Can I enter the minecraft server with a torrented version of minecraft?

>> No.2374787

>you literally have MANUALLY mine to get DGB

fucking LOL, I'm honestly shocked people believe this will take off, they couldn't figure out how to fucking run a mining protocol to just mine while you play?!?!

>> No.2374815

$1 is pretty much the max

>> No.2374876


>> No.2374880


Better than most scamcoins. it has an application and I could see ingame Diamonds trading for DGB.

>> No.2375345

If you capitalize desu again you're a fag.

>> No.2375405

so how much can i sell shit for on this server

>> No.2375421

At this point, 2k sats is max. We're fucked.

Notice how this minecraft server didn't affect the price plummeting. It literally means nothing. This and citibank were hype over nothing.

>> No.2375446

when should I buy?

Also anyone, can you only sell diamond on this thing?

>> No.2375469
File: 100 KB, 730x730, 1495931435471-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking crashed. No moonride for us lads. Bubble pops. Save the rest ofyour money while you can

>> No.2375471

Never, DGB is dead. Why the fuck would you buy something on a total downtrend into oblivion?

But if you want to, why not now; it's 1350.

>> No.2375489

Why is it dead?

>> No.2375514

Look at the price. Total meltdown. Who will want to invest in this when it can easily plummet some more, perhaps even below 1k sats? Recovered a bit to 1650 today and proceeded to crash back down to 1300's.

At this point, the downtrend seems to be continuing and there is nothing (i.e. hype) to bring it back up. No one will fall for the same bullshit with Citibank in July again.

>> No.2375548
File: 96 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-06-11-00-41-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a shitcoin with no fiture and practical use. There was a hope about citi tech contest but now delusions vanished like a fart on the wind

>> No.2375647

Which part of buy low and sell high you dont understand. And your argument of "it could plummet down more" is retarded, youre in trading business, what the actual fuck

>> No.2375672

What's the trend showing?

Yes, you can buy now, but it can easily dip into the 1200's, lose more confidence and cause panic dumps, and then go back to <1000 sats.

>> No.2375696

>it's a shitcoin with no fiture and practical use
>There was a hope about citi tech

pick one dude

also, consider unnatural pumping as unnatural pumping, and dumping ... you should already know this by now

>> No.2375992

im hold dgb
but that was funny as fuck kek

>> No.2376007

how can join the server

>> No.2376056
File: 53 KB, 680x510, Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huge dumb boat picture taking up the whole slide for no fucking reason
>No design flair, just black text on a white background, terrible copy
Reminder: This is what is what the Digibyte executive team considers to be a great presentation.

>> No.2376083

His suit looks fucking idiotic too, both buttons in, sleeves way too long. lol what a fucking farce, no wonder this garbage is crashing and burning at an incredible pace.

>> No.2376157

>no tie
>mismatched jacket and trousers
>hint of facial hair
>shadow person stalking him
truly doomed

>> No.2376362

i laughed

>> No.2376502

Lol go ahead and sell you stupid faggot. This coin is going only up very soon. This crash was good for weeding out all the limp wristed faggots.

>> No.2376572
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>> No.2376623


I legitimately feel bad for you.

>> No.2376636

There is a higher power attempting to get those holding sell. Unlike any coin in crypto history. And all you have to do to defeat them in to hold. We don't know why these people are ramping up FUD posts- but it's happening. You just have to hold.

>> No.2376639

kek, thanks Anon

>> No.2376645
File: 113 KB, 2004x1109, 593c40d5c6a1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2376646

Hey faggot,

This coin was less than a fucking penny fucking commie faggot socialist.

You fucking brain dead stoner fuck decided to get in at the top fucking queer.

We all told everyone to buy when it was less than a penny. price was like 0.0054 cents or someshit faggot.

If you did the math DGB marketcap and shit will probably get to like a billion at most, even if that amount of coins in circulation increase, the price will not go up more than like 7 cents.

Basically right now we in the middle of the price fluctuation from 1 penny to 7 cents. You probably buying the top.

The only way is down until we retest the lows lows.

>> No.2376654

DGB is going to zero. how much will you lose?

>> No.2376831

If anybody wants an account to join server I'll sell for 10 bucks of any crypto on polo

>> No.2376971
File: 46 KB, 600x600, crying wojak alot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My account is literally 0.
I don't have enough for rent and my last three months are nearly up.
DGB just can't save me.
I invested in it because it was my last hope and I liked the video game idea.

that's how much I will lose.

>> No.2377021

and that is why you only put in money you don't mind losing.

>> No.2377526

ITT: People that bought at 500 or more.

top kek