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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23707467 No.23707467 [Reply] [Original]

My best friend had a surprise threesome organized by his girlfriend this last weekend, with a cute coworker of theirs (they all work in the same company). When he was telling me this, he also admitted he was thinking previously about introducing this girl to me, since she is single and so am I for the last couple years, but that it would be akward now.
I've been so lonely for so long that I said I wouldn't care. Yet I don't think he will since basically now he gets to fuck her with his gf permission and of course wants to do it for as long as he can.
Chatting last night I made him a subtle reminder that it would be fine if he introduces her to me. He didn't say anything.
How do I short myself?

>> No.23707492

you dodged a bullet
you dont want a clapped out gang bang roastie

>> No.23707506

imagine being cucked with someone you're not in a relationship with

>> No.23707523
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lel this. Just let it go op.

>> No.23707532

Did he get cucked by the guy's gf too? That's rough. Double cucked and he's still a virgin.

>> No.23707533

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.23707538

you saying you'd be fine having a relationship with his side fuck meat is incredibly beta, he's probably making him question his relationship with you. get your shit together faggot

>> No.23707543

Get introduced, hi nice to meet you, then leave, if friend asks wtf just say you think I was serious?

>> No.23707551

welcome to the future of anglozionist feminist america

>> No.23707562

Rape your best friend for big winrar

>> No.23707647

I'd rather be (You). It is far worse to experience good sex and love, and then be left with none of it. I feel more like a loser now than when I was a virgin many years back (lost it at 22 btw)

>> No.23707708

*his girlfriend

>> No.23707744

I don't like her. The girl they both fucked is out of their league, and a lot younger. I'm actually salty.

>> No.23707757
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>My best friend had a surprise threesome organized by his girlfriend this last weekend, with a cute coworker of theirs
>he was telling me this
>he also admitted he was thinking previously about introducing this girl to me
Have you ever actually seen this girl? I have a feeling your best friend is a chronic liar anon. There's like a formula they use, exactly how you described. They're just using someone naive to make themselves feel like a chad for 10 minutes.
>I did this implausible thing
>I could have cut you into the action, but...
>[insert convenient caveat]
>sorry bruh

>> No.23707856

Yeah I've seen her on social media, and they have plenty of pics together since like I said they work together. But his gf wanted a threesome and managed to get her in. He didn't actually do anything beforehand.
No real reason for him to fake it.

>> No.23707897

Would you say your friend is a good person anon?

>> No.23707957

Anon get some self respect ffs. Just tell him that your disgusted by threesomes since it's pretty whore behavior.

>> No.23708112

He's ok, not a perfect person like everyone else.
I'm nearly touching bottom. Also nearly fucked a fat girl a while ago. Disgustingly fat, solid 1/10 no bullshit. I was in shame just walking around in public with her.

>> No.23708194

cut the contact with him immediately. he only said that to fuck with you, and his gf is probably getting fucked on a side.

everytime someone tells anything related to
>oh i was about to call you with that great information, but i forgot
>oh i was about to invite you to that thing
>oh we planned that trip, i forgot to mention it to you
>oh we had a great night, sorry it was out of blue

all of the above are signs of toxic people that needs to be cut out of your life.


>> No.23708239

this is what I'm thinking too. Like I said, there's a formula these people have. OP he's using you to make him feel good. Treat this relationship like a bomb defusal.

>> No.23708283

people who date coworkers are giant retards and asking to get themselves killed. better to just make slide threads on /biz/ about it, and make sure to be friends with the jannies so they leave it up


>> No.23708458

Fucking coomer moment, there are better things in life than "muh gf" and "muh sex"
get a fucking life

>> No.23708494

Business and Finance

>> No.23708518

Basically just think "Does this sound like something Craig Wright would say?"

>> No.23708542

Like what? Also you sound gay as fuck.

>> No.23708548

it can be difficult to focus on the better things life has to offer when "muh gf" and "muh sex" are ground fucking zero in the hierarchy of needs and you arent getting them

>> No.23708836
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, FE13A9FC-7E1D-4C69-BC48-4C1952B78BE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he also admitted he was thinking previously about introducing this girl to me

You know he had no intention of doing this ever. Does that sound believable to you?

>> No.23708907

Ask him then why didn’t you get it done, Joe?

>> No.23709074

I really didn't think about it that way... Now I'm starting to feel a bit bitter since, well, he's pretty much the only long term friend I have. I know him since about 20 years.

>> No.23709110

it's funny because no matter how many times incels are told that sex and women are fucking OVERRATED they just can't get it out of their head
hope you guys can have a taste and be forever emotionally scarred >>23708836

>> No.23709147
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>Like what?
t. sexlet early 20 something lmao.

>> No.23709188

Fuck off you virgin incel loser. This board is for business and finance, not discussions about your pitiful sexless existence

>> No.23709281

If he really had that experience then he was in cloud 9 as he was relaying the story to you. Then he saw your hungry, beady little eyes and had to dangle it in front of you just a little bit. Couldn't help himself.

>> No.23709353

Don't make a scene about it though. Don't even cut him off necessarily, everyone's like that. just be black pilled and don't take what people say at face value. Pay attention to their actions even more.

>> No.23709379

post a pic of her. i bet shes not hot enough to be worth it

>> No.23709393

>He's ok, not a perfect person like everyone else.
Oh for fucks sake it's exactly that mentality that spawns anti-social morons with no friends "I'm lucky to have this husband/wife who doesn't do anything constructive with his life, all humans are like him despite the fact I don't have any friends".

>> No.23709458

Ok then. Go on thinking you know something with your lame memes.

>> No.23709716

Do the ole smash and dash OP

>> No.23709810

demoralization thread

israel has no right to exist

>> No.23709972

Move on you dumbass. You deserve better.

>> No.23710379

OP, there are actually normal girls out there, she is not gf material for you. maybe for some other guy who's into that shit but not you.

Also if your "friend" wasn't a complete retard/asshole he wouldn't be bragging to a lonely single guy about a threesome he just had, and then add to it "i was thinking of introducing her to you, but i just fucked her instead lol."

get new friends. also stop asking biz for advice.

>> No.23710419

KEK fuck that’s fucked up

>> No.23710420


>> No.23710454

OP when u start viewing women as objects and not people everything changes for you

Undo the conditioning and programming that they are equal. Women have no self respect for their body or themselves. Why else do so many get into porn and allow alphas to pass them around?

>> No.23710494

fuck nearly all of my "friends" have done this to me. especially :
>oh i was about to invite you to that thing
>oh we planned that trip, i forgot to mention it to you
>oh we had a great night, sorry it was out of blue

it really sucked yesterday when they all went out for halloween together which pretty much confirmed they have a separate group chat without me.

>> No.23710772

>he also admitted he was thinking previously about introducing this girl to me, since she is single and so am I for the last couple years, but that it would be akward now.

He's not your friend. All you are to him is something for him to feed his ego on and get a reaction out of.

Do not react to him. Respond by just not hanging with him anon and start surrounding yourself with people who have good will towards you. If you have nobody like that in your life, its because insecurity attracts insecurity. Maybe start by doing some volounteer service which can help cultivate good will towards others, and that will translate into self love.

>> No.23710799
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>no retort
>calls me lame
Confirmed sexlet.

>> No.23710815

