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23698868 No.23698868 [Reply] [Original]

WHY THE FUCK CANT I GET AN ENTRY LEVEL IT POSITION WTF IS WRONG WITH ME pic rel is my resume what should I be applying for? I've sent out hundreds of help desk applications with one interview from a recruiter

>> No.23698896

>my dream is to be a penetration tester


>> No.23698912

I know its gay I figured these people would dig that shit

>> No.23698928

>customers include
lmao for starters stop namedropping celebrities like you're responsible for them using your products. It's irrelevant

>> No.23698935

you need some more work experience, no one is gonna hire anyone that doesn't have a proven record of performing in a similar job.

best of luck.

>> No.23698938

Resume looks like a high schoolers. I wouldn’t hire you either

>> No.23698951


>> No.23698959

>need work experience to work in a field
>can't get work experience in this field because you can't work in this field because you have to work experience in this field

>> No.23698985

Its a family business that I've had to learn the ins and outs of and I'm expected to take over one day but alright noted
So what I need experience to even get something as braindead as help desk?
What would you suggest
How do I make it look better
This if anything I feel I'm over qualified for helpdesk

>> No.23699013

Agreed, your skill set is also lacking even for a security position. My honest advice is to give up.

>> No.23699046

because you're too qualified for the job. HR think you won't be a good mix with your low IQ colleagues. also they know you're desperate for money and will find a better job asap so no need to invest in you.
also you boast with your good grades for a fucking help desk job that require no skills. what they want to know if it's you can handle people over the phone, getting yelled at without losing your calm and fix their problem. They don't care about your A in calculus.

>> No.23699047

Your resume is not reflective of having any IT experience. You probably need to lie. Get a buddy who will pretend to own a small IT company or something that would be willing to pick up the phone and lie on your behalf.

>> No.23699069

pen testing is based, anon.

>> No.23699075

1) Don't use famous names unless you've worked directly with them.
2) Be formal and boring with your resume - don't use words like "My dream is to be a..."
3) Don't put sexual inneundos in your resume - "Penetration tester"

Last, and the most important:
4) You MUST list experience in software testing. It doesn't matter if it is paid. You can offer to "test" a software for a friend in your free time, and list it there as "freelance work".

>> No.23699087

Your only job should be understanding Bonded Finance and worrying if you have enough to retire in 2022.

>> No.23699101

why the fuck are u getting a physics degree? saying fuck it and getting random stem degrees doesn't work unless ur going to a t10 school.
what school ranking is the school ur attending? t10, t20, t30 etc

>> No.23699119

Your resume is ass

>> No.23699148

>A in calculus
TAKE THAT SHIT OFF. Nobody gives a fuck if you got an A in calc and even if you did it makes people think that you believe it is important enough to put on there, it isn't.

>> No.23699225

this. also you need to adapt your resume to the job, use different wordings for different jobs. In this help desk job you need to understand what the job is all about and carve your resume to fit. depending on the job you apply you will emphasize different aspects of your experience.
Ex: "I like to trade stocks" or "founder of chess club" adds absolutely no value for a help desk job, so ditch it. Instead, write what you can bring to the job from those experiences. like "As the president and founder of chess club, I was used to deal with different kind of personnalities or whatever... "stock trading taught me extreme patience and keeping my calm in all circumstances" you get the idea. "take care of my dogs" kek who gives a fuck it's not related to this job

>> No.23699246


Yeah, nah your a cunt, with no customer service skills demonstrated.

t. Braindead helpdesk analyst with 30K LINK

>> No.23699280

Anon, cough up the money and pay $50 have someone on Fiverr design you a resume. Well worth the money

>> No.23699284

You want to write that you're a president and founder of chess club because you love teaching and explaining others..
If you apply for another job, you founded that chess club because you have a entrepreneur mindset.
It's all about marketing yourself perfectly for the job you're applying, not sending the same random resume

>> No.23699286
File: 20 KB, 428x534, boijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream is also to be a penetration tester.

>> No.23699314

Gonna second this >>23699046 OP. If you have to take an entry job because of lack of experience or what have you then come up with a story.
>Yeah I'm studying for my [tech cert] so I'd like to work here to make money for [at least several month] while I study

>> No.23699359


>ran a CNC lathe for a bit
>fired up a Kali Distro once
>Sec+ faggot tier


>> No.23699418

This shit cant be real. Autismo off the charts

>> No.23699428

Awful CV, first off, quit the fucking CNC operator. If you are looking for some pentest jobs, nobody really gives a shit about it, they are interested in experience regarding that job. Nor Activities, start showing what things you have done with the programs of Kali you have done, show that you have worked previously and you know your shit if that doesnt apply start lying more, they will never know you worked in some random internet company that has no direct contact with them.

This only reeks like a 18-19 year old CV and wouldn't even consider it if I were a HR

>> No.23699448

Your resume needs serious work. How is playing poker relevant to infosec? Playing with your dog? A in calc? Cnc has nothing to do with infosec

Wheres link to your ctf writeups? What about talking about how you learnt your tcpip skills for example. What about getting oscp?

Good luck anon

>> No.23699487

Stop dreaming nigger, pen testing is probably by far one of the most impossible fields to get into with that kind of resumes.

Go open up hacker.one, make an account, start slaving at finding bugs on newer businesses, make some cash, grow your experience, and actually learn pentesting in the process you absolute tard.

Bonus tip : You might actually be able to contact these companies in the future for a position or for a recommendation at least. Fucking script kiddies nowadays..

>> No.23699493

Don't listen to anyone else but me, OP. Here's some advice:
>look for jobs at an MSP - low starting pay, but will pay for future edu/certs/training
>get CompTIA A+ and Network+; no one wants to hire a Sec+ guy and have him leave in 6 months
>leave the celeb shit out you faggot, no one cares. Talk about your tech experience on that job and very little else
>go to fucking church and network for free with powerful people
>get your resume obliterated and rebuilt on r/itcareerquestions (or their discord group)
>t. worked my way up in IT this way

>> No.23699495

this lmao

>> No.23700360

You don't do anything.

If you have Security+ do some online csec challenges or competitions. And add those to your resume. You also might be able to join a local college's hacking competions.
Read a book and demonstrate some of the concepts and post the results and code to github.

You need to show HR and the wage master that you do your job for free outside of your job.

>> No.23700428

Stopped reading there. I don’t hire Communists.

>> No.23700459


>> No.23700531

I can get you a job in IT. Interested in working in TN?