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File: 567 KB, 1200x675, Satsgang scam constellation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23698775 No.23698775 [Reply] [Original]

I researched Constellation, $DAG, and asked them about a list of node operators, how much they get paid, and the selection process. After a few seconds, I got permabanned by their insane mods. Baffled I continued my research and found this:

"Constellation has 15 node operators and they get 20 MILLION DAG EACH per year! With average dag price last 12 months that's $280,000 per satsgang member per year and $4,200,000 total per year. Only 3-4 get paid for the tech contribution, but the rest that got this sweetheart deal from constellation are satsgang members for doing "marketing" on twitter being admins on telegram. On top of that, they get more payment for projects like making shitty amateur videos for dag. Satsgang are dumping hard on constellation bagholders and truly fuck them over. All this was admitted by constellation admins in their telegram group, but later deleted when they realized their blunder. Normy dag bagholders are getting so fucked over by these scammers.

Most well-known satsGang members and their alt accounts are: Bitcoin Brown, Lucky, Headroom, _RN03xx_, Denny Da Rocket, papousse 47, Moonshot Josh, Steven Toast, Le Chiffre Rambo, Bazerka, FauxPho, Adouble212, Johny Zcash, Rufys, Tyler Durden, vito, Braggo, Jonny Reid, Bread Bongo, Johnny etc., but there are more.

This is the kind message satsgang mods give to Constellation investors:
"Theyall loaded up at 27 cents and made a fortune off it... You guys are just salty faggots who always fail to get on the bottom of incoming pumps then come here to cry like the little inbred pussies you are."

This sounds absolutely insane... Any update on this?

>> No.23698837

Wow, another scam project. Are you honestly surprised? The developers didn't even show who they were, kek.

Get into projects where the developers arent afraid to show their names and faces with actual working products.


>> No.23698880
File: 88 KB, 1298x667, Screenshot 2020-11-03 143652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would pay these clowns for their insanely unprofessional tweets and amateur videos?

It would have been a better investment to pay them to stay the hell away, pic related.

They claim to have revolutionary tech, but price action and their circus from hell community/shillers debunks all their claims.

>> No.23698905

True, can't find their dev team

>> No.23699145

Hmmm, even plebbit says it's a scam

Any confirmation? Are satsganag pump and dump group really getting paid millions of USD as node operators as a big thank you for their insane and absurd tweets, awful amateur videos etc? Any DAG bagholder here?

>> No.23699375

Another thread, but no answer or confirmation from Constellation:

Some of my friends are very successful professionals in tech, marketing, law, finance, etc, and they invested in Constellation. After getting their ideas and comments shot down by the "community" constantly they wondered what was going on, and when they ALL got banned from Telegram for practically nothing, they all left the DAG community with a bitter taste in their month. When I read this thread some days ago, I was shocked:

Among much of the truly disgusting things that came to light in the thread, I checked one of the links https://t(d0t)me/SPECTRE_GRP and I suddenly found practically ALL of the DAG admins there! Checked them on twitter and they ALL belong to a small clique of grifters, scammers, and one of the wost and most nasty pump and dump groups in crypto, satsgang (now spectre). So professionals in the community that really knows how to build a community, having tech/legal/financial insight get overruled and banned by a small group of grifters and ignorant traders wanting to control the whole community, and live as parasites on Constellation? Worse, after I started to see who the satsgang members are, I realized that Constellation's telegram channels are practically dead. You will only have a handful of satsgang members talking to each other and maybe some random visitor.

ALSO is it really true that THESE people got paid for by their scamming and grifting by Constellation through being selected as node operators earning 1,6 MILLION DAG EACH MONTH?

Anyone asking about will be banned. The most "lucky" ones will be told to F* off and that we have no right to ask Constellation anything as we are nothing more than holders of a utility token and de facto only function for Constellation and their pump and dump grifter group as scammed and abused paypigs.

>> No.23700227
File: 75 KB, 1500x500, 1593765876041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this?

"Constellation: Data is the NEW OIL...BOOOOOM!!

Honest Data for a Connected Future

Data rights = human rights!


I already got so much fucking money from this project, but I am telling you guys so you can join the ROCKET TO THE MOON you too. This one is READY FOR TAKE OFF!!!!"


>> No.23701069 [DELETED] 

Satsgang are scammers

>> No.23702068

Hard to understand why Constellation will use a known scammer group to do their "marketing" operations.

>> No.23703033 [DELETED] 

Hmmm, no response or refutation from the satsgang scammers.

>> No.23703152

The constellation team is awful. Cowardly yet arrogant, what a combo.

>> No.23703743

It looks like Constellation was first pushed here on biz and did a 7-10x, only to be shut down and then satsgang took over with their twitter spamming. Is that correct?

And if so, why did biz stop shilling DAG? And why are Constellation paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to satsgang members that only trashed the DAG price due to their inept stupidity and marketing incompetence?

>> No.23703761

each satsang member. Hundred of thousands of dollars. It's insane. Why are DAG baholders tolerating this? Do they enjoy being paypigs?

>> No.23704172

The constellation team are complete assholes, they didn't push anything on biz, but also attacked the people trying to promote DAG on biz, so all that happened was the people attacking DAG had zero opposition. So constellation team? Idiots. Like you mentioned the whole satsgang are complete assholes, very nasty people, entitled and being paid for doing nothing (and in some cases worse than nothing since they attack people who knew how to promote DAG with good ideas, yet satsgang have none of their own). Waste of money, never respond to criticism. I sold when I saw their attitude to biz and to their investors.

>> No.23704809

Having to run away from criticism on biz as your open strategy is insane, unless scam huge problems. Was that the decision by the team or satsgang?

>> No.23704942

Its been a while since Iast heard about them.
Months ago every thread was satsgang

>> No.23705218

Yep, that was the strategy of satsgang. They are not only assholes, but morons too.
They are paid (paid big money) to do marketing, but run away from biz and do nothing, meanwhile the people who were pushing DAG on biz were not thanked or rewarded, are not node operators. I'm not surprised DAG has crashed and no one pushes it on biz anymore, why would they.