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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2369392 No.2369392 [Reply] [Original]

<This was written on May 19th when ETH broke $100. I wonder if he's still alive.


>> No.2369413
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and this is why I bought $3k of ETH when it was $180 and will never ever ever ever ever sell unless Vitalik dies.

the thing is probably backed by the 2nd largest nuclear power in the world. Putin has a vested interest in the Flippening. It will happen.

>> No.2369442
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I bought ETH at $9-$11

and sold it all by like may last year.

and before that I could have bought BTC at ~$200.

I also bought WAVES ICO and sold it for immediate gains on exchange. it's like 10-30x now and quit crypto right before Stratis ICO started.

You people have no fucking idea what fucking up means. Fuck you all.

>> No.2369450

I'm fucking ready guys. Taking my eth to the grave.
Are you guy in op

>> No.2369464

>You people have no fucking idea what fucking up means. Fuck you all.

I bought $3,000 worth of ETH at the same price in February 2016 after it was shilled relentlessly on this board. I held, and held, and held, all the way until April 2017, when I put 75% of it into POSW like a fucking idiot. Still don't know what I was thinking, but I only have $25k now instead of $60k.

>> No.2369470

I just bought some eth.
Am i too late?
Am i gonna make it?
Didn't know about crypto until recently.

>> No.2369479

eth memory lane?

Why you should sell all your ETH before the BTC ETF Announcement Anonymous Tue Mar 7


>> No.2369480

I saw it at $.50 in 2015, thought it was some random bitcoin copy that would go nowhere. 2 years later I just bought 18 @ $250. Fucking hurts but atleast I'll make some money on it in the end. better to buy at $250 then $1k.

Hoping it dips on Aug 1 just enough for me to pick up some more, but it's doubtful. Congrats to all that invested, you are winners.

>> No.2369494

I had 9500 bit coins back when the literal only use for it was buying weed and used headphones off silkroad. Treated it like a joke and didn't even bother writing my wallet key down when I threw my computer away at the time.

/g/ was using the BTC mining application at the time as a fucking benchmarking tool for measuring overclocking skill dick size. Which is where I got most of mine.

>> No.2369495

I bought at 14 (CAD) I think, but sold it all when the DAO thing happened, which was maybe 28? I don't really remember. Made about 900, which was nice but I do regret not holding.

That DAO hack scared me off, but profits are profits.

>> No.2369501

Better now than never.

>> No.2369502

weak hands

>> No.2369505


And I had made 13k off of XBT, so I wasn't too worried.

>> No.2369511

no. Most oldfags have killed themselves or quit. faggot in OP isn't an oldfag, just a fag. nobody thought any of this shit would happen. we thought ETH at $10 was ridiculous and that BTC would never touch $1,000 ever again. you newfags have no fucking idea. This shit that's happening right now is retarded and if you told anyone one year ago that was in the game, you would have been called a shill and laughed off. nobody would believe it.
at least you got something at all. I bought into ETH the same exact period. it was getting shilled so much.
If I was you, I'd probably kill myself. I was fucking with pandacoin in 2014. I could have gotten the ICO. I want to kill myself. I want to fucking kill myself.
that's a newfag term. no idea what it even means.

>> No.2369534

I can't believe I didn't just throw 20 bucks into for the hell of it.

>> No.2369550
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Ty /biz/
Bought in Feb 1st
Too poor to afford any other coins and I'm not touching my ETH. It's my baby and always will be

>> No.2369569

>my family is scattered all over the map

>> No.2369580

What you're doing is smart, but in your position you can afford to take out 5-10 ETH and invest into a few other promising coins.

I recommend Waves, Ark, Nexus, Wings and Stratis.

>> No.2369592

I really really want to but I'm so afraid of fucking up desu. I've been following a few alts and they've always pumped like crazy and I kick myself for not buying in

>> No.2369665

weak hands means that you sold instead of keeping it in a wallet and waiting for the world to change.
No one thought bitcoin was going to be a real thing. Everyone thought it was dumb, now we're all idiots and those idiots who just socked their magical internet money away are now millionaires.

>> No.2369763
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Holy shit I found the exact moment that changed my life archived on the interwebs. I traded about a thousand LTC for ETH when ETH was $14 and LTC was like $5 or something.


The general mood seemed to be that it was that it was a pump and dump:

>> No.2369779
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what the fuck? long positions in crypto wasn't even a thing. everyone traded. long positions were considered wasting your time when you could have been earning on the exchanges. i don't know fucking anyone in my groups that actually went long on anything, maybe a couple BTC. these assholes that have a shitload just forgot about it or something. what a fucking joke, and now we're the assholes picking the bones when we were here before fucking 95% of this boards population.

>> No.2369805

While you all are lamenting over what opportunities you missed, another opportunity is sitting right in front of you. SWT will go to $100+. I guess you just want to be unhappy.

>> No.2369826
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>thinking ethereum was ever a pump and dump
wew I didn't know how retarded /biz/ truly was until now

>> No.2369831

Market moved on boyo, we swimming in cash now.
Back then doesn't exist anymore

>> No.2369951

Made the exact same mistake as him, but ultimately bought back in even by the time it had multiplied. At today's ETH price I've missed out on $60k usd of profit. I think about it every now and then.

>> No.2370071

what do you idiots need money for anyway, like how many microwave burritos can you even eat?

>> No.2370076

well, how else will i live after my parents are dead?

>> No.2370111
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I work in finance, and used to buy stock/currency options (typically bearish ones), but the market is at the hands of political decisions and therefore not economically predictable.

I got tired of this and wanted to put money into an opportunity that is independent of political decisions, independent of whether a regulator allows something or not, independent of whether a central decides to print a gazillion of money to "stimulate" the economy, independent of whether germanys politicans decides to bail-out another bankrupt european country.

I learned from ETH when the price was $20 early this year. The first time I thought about ETHs function as storage of value AND use cases, was when the price was $80.

Did some research, and just from a supply parity perspective to BTC the price should be around 0.15 ETH/BTC, which was around 0.05 back then.

So i was very confident and put in my first money, $2.5k, not more because I didnt trust coinbase (had only opened an acc for buying ETH). it worked but I forgot about it, ETH price was stable at $80. Then the price spiked to $190, and I panicked because while I assumed a price increase, I didnt anticipate it would happen so fast.

Well put another $15k in and now my total position is at $30k. However I am still very sure in holding ETH, just because

a) ETH has not even reached BTC market cap yet
b) I expect ETHs market cap to be much, much higher than BTC
c) if central banks continue/increase their money printing efforts, ETH is a safe storage
d) if there is a recession, money will flow to "safe havens", (which I strongly anticipate ETH to be in a few years)
e) there still isnt retail money involved in the game (the few cases where retail investory could invest in ETH (through jap proxy entities), they were willing to pay a massive premium)
f) the public still doesnt know shit about ETH. I asked a friend who is doing a PHD in IT about ETH, he said he didnt knew what it was.

>> No.2370146


So just from a market cap perspective the ETH price should be around $450 as of today.

The other factors are much harder to quantify, but I would not be surprised if an ETH costs $2k once the next regression/money printing round hits.

And once retail money gets involved, anything is possible. A retail hype in ETH would mean insanity, considering even motherfucking snapchat had a market cap of $20 bn.

>> No.2370172


>> No.2370222

The only reason ETH went up is because it's value is compared against BTC and when BTC went up, the holders of ETH didn't sell, and the market was then was able to see the value the holders were giving it, allowing them to see that value as well.

>> No.2370251

I hate myself so much, wanted to buy a week ago, but the Kraken verification is insane. Good luck in Lamboland, guys

>> No.2370254


Surely one factor, certainly not "the only reason ETH went up".

>> No.2370266

bought eth at 80 cents, sold at 4.50 and then watched it hit $30 and bounce around that for a year or so. in my mind i was going to buy back in at around $15 or $10 but lost track of it and one day see it's worth >$100.

I really should have had a lambo but I'm too stubborn to reevaluate after losing. Sad part is I was right that it'd go down to $10 again but I was too busy wage slaving to even check.

>> No.2370291

I learned about eth here in biz on Dec 2015. I researched it for a week and knew I hit gold. Once bitcoin started reaching the thousands I knew eth wouldn't be that far behind. I haven't sold a single eth and I don't know why anyone in this thread ever would.

This thread is depressing as fuck and I wish the best for all you anons.

>> No.2370370

I did this to myself too, It's okay. Opportunity still exists, there is a reason why you missed it. Time to grab onto the tow ropes trailing the moonboat.

Don't give up bizfams.

>> No.2370483

Should I buy now? I wanted to wait for a dip but every time I check the price it's at a new ATH.

How long should I hold for?

>> No.2370496
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>tfw bought and spent probably 20 total bitcoin on lsd and other random shit on the deepweb in 2012
>reformatted computer and forgot about bitcoin wallets being stored on my harddrive, lost 5 btc (only spent $5 each on them...)
>tfw had 2 btc and forgot about them for a few months and sold them when the price shot up from $10 to $70, made an easy $120 bucks I thought
>watched in agony as price jumped to $200, $500, $800, $1200 then crashed
>saw it stable at $200 to $300 and thought that was a fair price for one, didn't buy though
>then it doubled
>then it increased so much to $1400, etc
>then $2000, $2600, crash to $1900, and now $2800 ATH
I don't even know what to feel anymore. I was a fucking early adopter, 2011 era, but never held, I used it for its actual purpose, to be spent, not speculated upon! I just had no fucking idea about its potential. I remember telling all of my friends about bitcoin in high school six fucking years ago about it and they didn't believe me back then but now they know.

Fucking sucks, but it's no use worrying about it now . . .

>> No.2370663

>20 total bitcoin on lsd

hope it was worth it

>> No.2370680

Dip was at $250 a few days back. I got greedy and waited too.

>> No.2370727

>Vitalik brother
>You give Russia 51% of Ethereum or you get the lead boots

Putin is scum we shouldn't consider it good news that he's backing ETH

>> No.2371099

Why is he scum. Because the corrupt Hillary foundation doesn't like him? Yeah, okay.

>> No.2371116

>I die everytime I hear someone made 30k in crypto

Holy shit, I've only been in crypto for 2 weeks and already made 80k But feel like its not enough.

I wont be happy until i'm a millionaire

>> No.2371138


crypto is insane right now. i used to be proud of making like 10% after a year

>> No.2371156

Am I the only lucky one here?

I bought 600 ETH for 13.5
Then Dash, of which I had 1000, mooned.

So I bought 100 more ETH for 45
and sold the rest in USD

Then I was like "fuck it, viva Vitalik" and now I have
1000 ETH


>> No.2371168

i got into crypto's back in 2013. was mining LTC at $13. who knows what the fuck i would have done. i had a few in cryptsy and lost it all, then i quit all crypto shit cause i got mad.

i can only imagine what kind of gains i could have had, heh

>> No.2371176
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/biz/ shilled me into buying eth back in late feb

i remember there was this anon or bunch of anons that kept posting pic related everytime it hit a new ATH, and said something along the lines of

>25$, still haven't bought eth yet

too bad it stopped when eth hit 50$

whoever made those memes, thank you, you made me a very happy and somewhat wealthy anon for my age, desu

>> No.2371273

Because he's corrupt and kills people? Are you new to world politics?

>> No.2371392

Me too. Currently bagholding XEM since I really believe in the project's future. Too afraid to take some and invest in some other market. Is this greed?

>> No.2371506

>implying no politician except Putin killed anybody
>new to world politics
Off yourself

>> No.2371549
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>> No.2371581

umm HRC never killed anyone

>> No.2371600

No, Putin's a fucking shit, he's more crooked than Hillary. She only has a piddly 50 or 60 dead bodies behind her, a couple hundred if you count the innocent people on the planes. Putin has thousands. You just don't give a shit because they're mostly russians.

>> No.2371867

I'm a Slav as well, I do care about them, but it's the way things go. Either a small sacrifice or the extinction of the Russian people and the truly free world.