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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23688441 No.23688441 [Reply] [Original]

i bought at 18 and never selling. never even thought of selling. i dont have steel hands, i dont have iron hands, i dont even have titanium hands. I have motherfuckin adamantium mithril hands and im NEVER FUCKING SELLING

>> No.23688460


>> No.23688478

Based late fag

>> No.23688491

Why not buy more now and bring that avg buy price down?

>> No.23688494

check out this diamond dump

>> No.23688502

Where can i DUMP SENT for UNI ?

>> No.23688503

based and motherfuckin adamantium mithril hands pilled

>> No.23688507



>> No.23688519

code proficiency looks like that of a kid with down syndrome

>> No.23688520

18 decimal places. Gmi

>> No.23688662
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I'm never selling too but it's because i don't know how to.

>> No.23688738

you fucking liar, you didn’t. I, on the other hand, bought at $18 and I capitulated at $7.5 so fuck off

>> No.23689045

when sentinel will start charging for the service they will loose all customers

>> No.23689062

orchid is superior to sentinel in all possible ways

>> No.23689327
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Nevar selling XBTC.

>> No.23689530


>> No.23689689

main net will never be delivered

>> No.23689960

What’s the point of the token after mainnet? They’re going to accept any crypto as payment so why is their token needed? It isn’t. Buying sent is just funding the dvpn service build and after mainnet they’ll push the service and not give a shit about the token. And before you scream “muh staking” just think about it. Will staking really be necessary for the mainnet to work? It probably won’t. You all are just funding a project that’ll make money from charging people other coins to use the service.

>> No.23689971

This volume reminds me of when Rankesh filled the whole street

>> No.23690251

its not too late to buy SENT bros.

>> No.23690261

nobody is building on cosmos only looser projects like sentinel are

>> No.23690276

if you hold sent and you think you know, then you don’t know

>> No.23690290

No exchanges, no volume, forget it

>> No.23690305

1$ or bust

>> No.23690307

jeet’s extra spicy in here tonight huh

>> No.23690310

why did you buy all at once? why not DCA? you sound like a retard...

>> No.23690324

The token is the transfer and call 677 standard. It is also used for incentive so nodes do the right thing because trust to non-whites isn't a moral imperative.
Link is basically assurance of whiteness. We're bleaching blockchain rn

>> No.23690341


>> No.23690580

How do we profit from this?

>> No.23690750
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>adamantium mithril

>> No.23690752


>> No.23691841



>> No.23691882
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>> No.23692024

You'll be begging for mercy soon, stinkies.

>> No.23692149
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>> No.23692183

Just buy more, this is a good opportunity

>> No.23692209
File: 434 KB, 1242x2688, 1C007FEF-1C76-4FDF-B934-E55B439139CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this pattern called
>rising wedge
Or is it

>> No.23692313

enjoy holding to $2

>> No.23692344

so incredibly based

>> No.23692360

>not playing with shitcoins for the sole reason of upping your link stack
Gotta step your game up bro

>> No.23693209

shark fin soup

>> No.23693217

Based delusional bagholder

>> No.23693443

This sounds like fud.
I'm bullish but his is definitely unbased fud

>> No.23693492


based retard. how is me saying im never selling FUD, whatever, your reverse FUD is FUD you FUDDING reTARD AHHHHHHH

>> No.23694373

50/50 raise/drop chance for election.
not one reason for a retard who bought the top to make money. Even if trump wins it will be a few weeks before we see a significant change

>> No.23694382
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>> No.23694511
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>the sonofabitch is losing his mind innit

>> No.23694639

>op bought the top
>hurr durr this nigga countering fud is crazy

I'm a LINK bull bizbro, when a link bull is telling you something is fud, it doesn't mean link will go to a new monthly low, it means it won't blow up when you think it will.

Here’s some life advice:
If you have any money you haven't invested yet, buy 10% of your side-money link at 9.94.
if we go lower, place buy orders for 20% at 8.50

If it drops bellow 8 we are going to 5, buy 30% at that.

The last stop is 2 buy as much as you want at that, profit is inevitable
You're fucking welcome biz
If it goes b

>> No.23695417
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all I know is that sometime between now and 2030 we're all gonna be kicking ourselves for not buying more when it was sub $20

>> No.23695477

OP here, honestly am i delusional? maybe i should just sell a little bit.


>> No.23695802


>> No.23695820
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>> No.23696106

My dearest friend, it is with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, I have no doubt in my heart that you sincerely care about my financial well being, but indeed your attempts to convince me to modify my trading strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

>> No.23696133

>losing money is admirable
yeah ok

>> No.23696262
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based longposter

losses are only losses when you sell, so read it again you janny tranny dick sucking fishmonger faggot motherfucker. IM. NEVER. FUCKING. SELLING. AHHHHHHH

>> No.23696337


>> No.23696464

I'm not ever selling either. I have Fifty thousand of these things and in a few short years I'll be a very rich man and all the fudders will just be a fond memory of old. Or more likely they'll be sitting saying "$10k stablecoin Link can mathematically not breach $11k"

>> No.23696500
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I fud LINK every single day on this shitty board and I will continue to do so, because this board is now infested with Reddit scum, and if I trick just one of those faggots into not making it, all my efforts will have been worth it.

>> No.23696559

Would it not be better if actual individuals end up owning a lot of Link, rather than corporations or companies? I would sooner see the common person have ownership of the Link network, than it be seized upon by the greedy tentacles of Corps. The more you fud , the more you take away ownership from the man is the street, becasue soon the greedy corps will be reaching for Link. Why would you want to see this? Use your brain, anon.

>> No.23696586

This looks like a clear buying period for LINK.
Even if it drops 30% LINK isn't going to stay down and it'll be back in green before long. But this might also be the bottom for a while. I don't see it staying below that support level for long.

>> No.23697659

Its a gift from Kek I believe

>> No.23698608
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I will never sell!
I even threw away my private key.
$1000 EOY