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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23685600 No.23685600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

here is the deal.

There are quantum computers in development. Once they are sufficiently powerful, most of your coins are going to get rekt. Ethereum tokens, Bitcoin. Privacy coins will suffer the worst, as their addresses do not appear to be hashed.

Haircomb is a novel crypto currency on the bitcoin chain. It does not rely on ECDSA to make transactions, making it not susceptible to quantum attacks.

The reward is now 1.58 COMB per bitcoin block, but it is going to be only 1.562 COMB in a year.

Don't make a mistake, be the early adopter of this exciting new tech. It is clear that Haircomb can win in the future if we have the right investors on the project.

>> No.23685651

Haircombs are for all people. Did you know Natasha wanted to give everybody in the world a haircomb?

>> No.23685678

read this recent testimonal:

early comb claimer here. have over100 combs.
the modified bitcoin core client if you go to the info tab, it will show you the highest fee p2wsh output in the mempool. so you can just overbid it and ur chances of successfully claiming is 90% or higher then.
also claim to the same liquidity stack, this way if you want to move them you dont have to sign 21 txs to move each comb claim.
i have alot of early claims so all my combs are on their own stacks. so moving them would be 21 btc tx's each stack.
liquidity stacks can have unlimited addresses moved to. so 21 btc txs can scale to 1million comb addresses or any amount you want.
in that way it scales. but if your just moving 1 address to 1 address you still need to sign 21 txs on btc.
the day an exchange lists is the day that manually normal claiming will most likely be gone because they will add a claim tx to their output batches.
and most likely if it hits an exchange and has liquidity, then miner software will add it to their first output for 0 fee aswell.
all speculation but if it happens then even 1 comb claim right now can be worth more then 1 btc in the future. easily.
another thing to consider is as the block reward drops in btc, it gives more incentive for the miners to look for other profits from finding blocks. this can easily be scalable bitcoin.

alot of ppl consider btc needs to have inflation over the long term to succeed. now im not one of them, but comb inflation is very low and its sustainable for hundreds of years.

>> No.23685699

no although it can understand why someone would think that haircomb has made bitcoin obsolete it is not dead

haircomb is now the default value and exchange token of the bitcoin chain. bitcoin's value is now as utility - it is the 'gas' for haircomb transfers

>> No.23685715

ah, i understand now
thank you!

>> No.23685722

you're welcomb

>> No.23685754


combers looking out for one another

>> No.23686037

>There are quantum computers in development.
there will be flying cars in a century so sell your normal car NOW!!

>> No.23686055

I claimed like 8 combs early summer but what's the current development on this? Exchanges?

>> No.23686160

These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year
https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive
They want you to send btc to their address and they will send you some useless token back in advance that has a keylogging wallet push you to install.

early adopter to keylogger coin
this coin has a keylogger in the wallet
I'm going to counterspam you losers all day, dont underestimate a NEET
I don't give a fuck about your telegram group, I can already tell counterspamming your shit has many innocent bizitizens aware your shit is a virus
the github is already compiled nigger, thats not open source.

>> No.23686193

can you prove that in a kleros court sir?

>> No.23686224


>> No.23686242

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, sir? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Mumbai call center orientation and I've been involved in numerous shitcoin shill jobs, and I have over 300 confirmed /biz/ posts. I am trained in Vishnu blockchain studies and I'm the top street shitter in all of Mumbai. You are nothing to me but just another designated shitting street. I will poo on your face with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this side of the Ganges, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with putting that poo on my designated shitting street? Think again, sirs. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of tumeric-complete Haircomb scripts across the blockchain and your wallet is being traced right now so you better prepare for the shit storm, sir. The poo storm that flushes the pathetic little thing you call your life straight into the Indian ocean. You're fucking dead, sir. I can do the needful, anytime, in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare poo-wiping hand. Not only am I extensively trained in 8-armed Vishnu peaceful rebellion, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Blockchain Federation of India and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the Indian subcontinent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, good sirs. I will shit fury all over your designated streets and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, sir.

>> No.23686299

piss off hick

>> No.23686332

love how mad you pajeets get when you get called out for being a pajeet

>> No.23686623


you father is pa of neet

>> No.23687397

need shield mark, can we get the pink shield?

>> No.23687433

we're not a tampon company ma'am

>> No.23687457

why does this post stink of scam

>> No.23687479

no scam or tampon or pantyshields ma'am
only the combs and combposting

>> No.23688501

com b p o st in g

>> No.23689151
File: 34 KB, 677x331, haircomb virus scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs please download my haircomb virus sirs

>> No.23689287

baldy piss off

>> No.23689727

fuck off faggot spammer

>> No.23689866


no slurs in a haircomb thread
we're trying to help people claim

>> No.23689877

Nah, will nevar happen. Also, XBTC is my hedge against BTC so I'm good.

>> No.23689886
File: 175 KB, 1279x1279, AngryBitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23689897

then don't call me baldy, faggot.

>> No.23689927
File: 25 KB, 281x355, baldies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baldies go lump in a lake

>> No.23690346


>> No.23690367

be ashamed

>> No.23690395

just bought 1000 stake we all gonna make it.

>> No.23690488

no stake only free claim
please be honest so we can all make it

>> No.23690561

>There are quantum computers in development. Once they are sufficiently powerful, most of your coins are going to get rekt.
"rekt coins" will be our last worry if a quantum computer is fully developed